
Bummis Potty Pant Review

Bummis Potty Pant Review

Oh, potty training. All I can say about potty training Cub is that it has not gone according to plan. Okay, let me restate that: It has not gone according to my plan. Clearly, Cub has the best interests of his mother’s blog at heart. If he graduates into underwear, how can I review cloth trainers?

Every time I write a Bummis review, I have to emphasize my love of this Canadian company and cloth diaper trailblazer. Bummis recently merged with Mini Kiwi, creating a Montreal-based cloth diapering super équipe. The Bummis Potty Pant has been on my radar since it was released, when Cub was a long way away from toilet time. They look like real undies, are made in Canada, and I thought they looked particularly trim and comfortable when I picked up a pair for a friend.

Bummis Potty Pant Review ~ Maman Loup's Den ~ Side ViewCub received two XL pairs of Potty Pants to test out. The Potty Pant comes in four sizes, ranging from 18 lbs to 35 lbs +. Out of the box, I was concerned the XLs would be too big for him (he is exactly 35 lbs). I was pleasantly surprised that they fit perfectly.

Bummis Potty Pant Review ~ Maman Loup's Den ~ On Cub

Cub was very excited about the Circus and Vintage Robot prints. I was immediately in love with the stretchy, soft side panels that made them easy up and easy down. 

The inside of the Potty Pant is lined with a natural cotton-hemp fabric, and its absorbent core contains one layer of long loop cotton terry and one layer of « a special fabric that is a mix of fibres from cotton, polyester and rayon from bamboo. »

Bummis Potty Pant Review ~ Maman Loup's Den ~ Inner

When we first starting using the Potty Pant, Cub was not particularly reliable about telling me when he had to pee. The Potty Pant is not designed to contain a whole preschooler pee, and I didn’t expect it to. He certainly peed right through it, and into his pants. We put cloth trainers on hold over Christmas at my Mom’s place. 

Back home in Calgary, I don’t have to worry about my Mom’s upholstery, so we are back in the potty-training saddle, and Cub seems much more ready than even a month ago. 

Bummis Potty Pant Review ~ Maman Loup's Den ~ Front View on Cub

He knows he’s wearing « unders, » but he also does know that if a little pee escapes it won’t get onto his pants. His Potty Pants are perfect for catching the dribbles. He does have some accidents still, but he will tell me as soon as it happens, which gives us enough time to get him changed before he leaks onto the sofa or the floor. When he’s in an actual cloth diaper, he may or may not let me know that he’s peed, and if I don’t check in on the diaper situation, he will usually leak through to his pants because his day-time cloth diapers are no longer absorbent enough for his super pees.

Bummis Potty Pant Review ~ Maman Loup's Den ~ Back View on Cub

What we love about our Bummis Potty Pants:

  • Perfect fit: trim and adorable;
  • Made in Canada;
  • Stretchy side panels make them easy on and off;
  • Absorbent enough to catch small accidents;
  • Easy to launder thanks to a lack of microfibre;
  • Cub adores the Circus and Robots prints and wants to wear them when they’re clean. (« My Robots are still dry, Mom! »)

What we love less about our Bummis Potty Pants:

  • A bit longer to dry since the inner core is entirely sewn in (out of the dryer, I need to hang them overnight for them to be completely dry);
  • I would love to see a pocket opening in the Potty Pant which would speed up dry time, and mean I could add a booster for naps or potentially overnight.

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