
Tineco Review: 6 Reasons I Love my Tineco Wet/Dry Mop

It is peak adulting to be so absolutely enamored with a home appliance that you tell all your friends about it. And then those friends—also in their peak adulting era—buy it and start texting you pictures and videos to express how much they, too, love the appliance.

This is my experience with my Tineco iFloor 2 Plus Lightweight Cordless Wet/Dry Vacuum & Hard Floor Washer.

I’d been considering a wet/dry mop for quite some time. I have a large kitchen with white linoleum, and it drives me absolutely batty how much it shows the dirt. Like, yes, I know that a darker coloured floor, or the mottled grey of the ceramic tile in my mom’s kitchen is still dirty even if you don’t see the dirt. But visibly dirty screams at me to be cleaned and it just itches at my brain and causes me great irritation.

In order to clean my very white floor, first I have to sweep or vacuum. Then I have to mop. And while I am mopping there’s always a line of dust and hair (human and feline) that just follows me around until I wipe it up by hand. The process takes too long. It’s hard to do when the kids are up and about. I do not enjoy it, and then the clean, white floors last …. half a day?

So, as I usually do when I am looking for product recommendations, I asked my Facebook followers:

So many people recommended a brand I had never heard of: Tineco. I was sold based on this feedback, but knew I’d have to wait to have more money for non-essentials before purchasing. The base model of the Tineco wet/dry mop is just under $300.

Lest we forget that Facebook knows EVERYTHING about me. Not too long after I posted my question and did some Tineco googling, I saw this ad on Marketplace and it was a listing mere minutes from my house!

So look, why this person had a new-in-box Tineco to sell for far below retail is not a question I wanted to spend too much time on. (Apparently it was a duplicate gift. And it is true that Canadian Tire is not the most return/exchange friendly so that’s quite possible.) But when I picked it up, the glee with which she told me I was going to love it told me she was very unlikely to be someone fencing household appliances out of her suburban home.

I am happy to report that my Tineco iFloor 2 Plus did not disappoint. In fact, it amazed. It brought joy. It made me a Tineco evangelist.

The Tineco I have, the iFloor 2 Plus, is only sold at Canadian Tire and retails for $279.99. Costco occassionally has fancier models, and Amazon has many versions, with the least expensive being the iFloor 3 Breeze Complete. All of the versions on Amazon have more features than mine and I do now aspire to a Tineco One S5 which one of my best friends purchased and texted me this about:

Another of my besties, who is a cleaning GURU, also bit the bullet and purchased an iFloor S2 at Costco:

And I was a bit nervous. Because this is a woman who is very passionate about cleaning products, I worried that she would somehow be dissatisfied.

The great news is that both Adrienne and Stef are gleefully texting me about their love of their Tinecos. I am the happy recipient of both “look how gross this water is” pictures and “look how clean my floors are!” messages.

I sent this delightful “look how gross the water is” image to my group chat:

One of my friends asked me if I had just mopped a barn floor. I had not. In fact, I had naturally taken a “before” shot of my floors. They weren’t awful, but the Tineco gets all the dust and the dirt and the food and the hair and the crumbs up like vacuuming then mopping just doesn’t do or at least doesn’t do quickly.

Here are the 6 reasons I love my Tineco wet/dry floor mop:

1. It is lightweight and cordless

I do not like dragging around a corded vacuum. Tineco wet/dry mops are lightweight and cordless, and the charge lasts plenty long enough for all the hard surfaces in my house. I have never run out of battery charge during my cleaning adventures. The Tineco also has a bit of a kick to it: you hold it upright but it motors along mostly by itself!

2. It is relatively quiet

I like to use my Tineco in the evening, once the dishes are done and half my kids are in bed. The Tineco is really not very loud at all, although it is just loud enough for my twins to object to me using it while they are watching TV. Luckily, it is so effective that I can get the entire kitchen floor cleaned before they become too enraged.

3. It is super easy to clean

Water + dirt + crumbs + dust + food particles + hair + milk products both liquid and dried = SO SO STINKY

Any wet/dry mop is going to smell awful if you cannot properly clean it once you’re done cleaning your floors. And if it is hard to clean it, then you lose all that time you saved not having to vacuum and then mop. And if it is hard to clean, you run the risk of never getting rid of the stink.

The Tineco is easy to quickly disassemble to clean. Mine came with one spare filter and one spare roller as well as a cleaning brush. Once you’ve emptied out the dirty water and the solids (which is both disgusting and impressive), you plug the Tineco back in and it runs a self-cleaning cycle to get out any debris that didn’t make it into the collection tank.

4. It makes floor-cleaning fast

Cleaning hard floors used to be a big endeavour.

Old me: First, deal with all the debris: the crumbs and the hair and the dust. Then, fill up my mop bucket and start mopping. Empty the gross water and replace with clean water, wait for it to dry. Deal with the little line of dust and hair that seems to just follow me around as I mop. Take a shower because now I am sweaty.

New me: It takes me 15-20 minutes at most to clean my entire kitchen floor and the foyer (some kind of laminate) and two upstairs bathroom floors (also lino!) and clean the Tineco.

5. It works so, so well

Look. I have four kids and they are messy eaters and, somewhat embarassingly, I am also a messy eater. We are all also very spilly. And when I cook, let’s just say that carrot peels and onion skins and rice grains seem very attracted to my kitchen floor. Then there’s the play-doh, the kitty litter, the cat kibble that someone steps on, the wet cat food that my cats cannot seem to keep in their bowls, the Rice Krispies that just fly out of the box, the grass that gets tracked in …. and perhaps the biggest issue of all, the HAIR.

I have long, dark hair. My daughter has long, dark hair. I have dark-furred cats. I will not blame this on my cats or my kid: I am sure that 99% of the hair that I empty out of the Tineco filter while gagging is MINE. (Why is my own hair not gross when it is on my head, but super gross when it is not on my head?)

I try to avoid using my regular vacuum on my bathroom floors after we’ve used the shower lest some liquid get into the machine and damage it. But after a shower my bathroom floor is a delightful carpet of hair and moisture … an environment in which the Tineco thrives!

My Tineco sucks up all the hair and the solid debris while thoroughly mopping, using just the right amount of water so that floors are dry very quickly.

The fancier Tineco models even have sensors and will increase cleaning power when they detect heavily soiled areas and let’s you know when they’re fully cleaned!

6. It uses just the right amount of water

Because it uses just the right amount of water, rather than creating a slip and slide like my mop and I do, the floors are dry very quickly. I am a sloppy mopper. My socks are soaked when I am done. Although I do enjoy using my Tineco while barefoot, my socks don’t get super saturated if I leave them on.

You squeeze the trigger to release cleaning solution (water + Tineco’s floor cleaning solution, which I would definitely recommend because it’s designed to be low-sudsing), the vacuum sucks up debris, the roller washes the floor. You can absolutely use the Tineco with just plain water if desired.

What I would improve about my Tineco:

Honestly, the things I would improve about my particular Tineco model are things that more expensive Tineco models already improve upon. For example, my Tineco cannot clean right up to the edges of the walls and the cupboards. The One S5 absolutely does:

I have cracked/chipped some of the plastic guard that is at the front of my iFloor 2 Plus from pushing it accidentally (and forcefully) into furntiure edges, but when I look at the fancier models, the guard doesn’t gome down as far and also looks like more robust plastic. I am hoping to eventually replace the cracked guard but also the cracks don’t impact cleaning at all.

How to save money on a Tineco

I want to replace my white, 2001 linoleum so, so badly! But that is both not a smart thing to do while my kids are still young, nor is it a financial possibility. So in a way, my Tineco is saving me the money I don’t have by making me able to tolerate my stupid white lino since I can so easily keep it clean.

I am not about to claim that this is an affordable tool. I bought mine at a deep discount that I was very lucky to find. What I would suggest to save a bit of money on a Tineco:

  • watch prices on Amazon.ca and Amazon.com, there often seem to be $100+ off coupons for certain models
  • be ready for Black Friday on Amazon as they’re likely to be more heavily discounted
  • watch for it at Costco; my friend Stef grabbed hers a few weeks ago (October 2023) but it is no longer showing in-stock
  • watch your local Facebook Marketplace (or wherever you do your second-hand shopping); I don’t tend to love buying cleaning appliances second-hand, but the Tineco can be so easily disassembled to clean that there’s a good chance you can get it to almost-new condition
  • take advantage of cash-back offers from sites like Rakuten (gives cash back for Canadian Tire and Walmart) or Swagbucks (gives cash back for Walmart and Best Buy)
  • the official Tineco website has one of those promotional spinners where you “spin” to win a discount; not sure how the prices with discount compare to other retailers, but worth a shot

The Tineco bottom line

Do you get excited about finding a really, truly effective cleaning tool that actually makes your space cleaner and saves you time? Are you the kind of person who likes to impress people by demonstrating the effectiveness of your new cleaning toy tool? Do you hate visibly dirty floors (or invisibly dirty floors that turn your white socks grey)? Do you dread lugging around a mop and bucket? Would you rather be sleeping than sweeping?

Then the Tineco wet/dry mop is for you!


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My name is Lindsay and I am a 40-year-old mama of four trying to live an eco-friendly, budget-friendly life! I am a substitute teacher and Child Passenger Safety technician in Calgary, Alberta. Join me on my adventures!

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