Baby-led weaning for breakfast was something new for me when the twins started solids.
You know what my first two kids never ate? Breakfast.
My boobs were breakfast. And lunch. And dinner.
In fact, I can still remember the first time my firstborn woke up and actually asked for food. He was a year and half old!
So here we are with my game-changing wonder twins who want all food, all the time, and just a wee bit of boob at night. I can barely keep up with how much they eat. I have spent six years parenting children who frequently skip meals and rarely ask for snacks … and BAM! Here I am with not one but two little gourmands who need me to cook them breakfast.
If you are curious about baby-led weaning, check out this post. When your child starts solids, you may worry about choking. My friend and colleague Holly offers a phenomenal Infant/Child CPR, Choking and Injury Prevention online course that I strongly recommend.

Once you have the safety aspect under control, if mess is an issue, my number one baby-led weaning accessory is definitely the BiBado bib (which you will see featured in many pictures.) You can read my full BiBado review and save 20% on any BiBado purchase with code MAMANLOUP.
Now onto my fancy baby-led weaning breakfast ideas!
Don’t get the wrong idea: I’m not making elaborate breakfasts every morning. Many, many days begin with multigrain toast or bagels with peanut butter or cream cheese.
But without further ado, here are the top five baby-led weaning breakfasts on the menu at Casa de los Lobos*:
1- French toast fingers

So easy for the developing pincer-grip to handle, so nice and soft for gummy mouths, so easy and delicious! I make ours using this French toast recipe but skip the sugar completely. I use whole grain bread, slice it into thin strips and serve. For myself, I like to pile on strawberries and maple syrup … sometimes some whip cream. For the twins, I usually give them some sliced fresh or tinned fruit too.
2 -Waffles waffles waffles

If you didn’t sing that sub-heading then you probably don’t have a Teen Titans Go! fan in the house. In our house we love both Teen Titans and waffles.
I follow this easy waffle recipe that doesn’t require separating and beating the eggs. (Who has time for that?) I use whole wheat flour and skip the sugar. Sometimes I serve the twins’ waffles with peanut butter, and there’s always some fresh or tinned fruit on the tray too.
My big kids usually grab a cold waffle later in the day for a snack, and sometimes I even send a waffle with maple syrup in my son’s thermos for his lunch.
3 – Breakfast quesadillas

Quesadillas are my go-to meal at all times of the day. The melted cheese helps stick any and all ingredients together so that when you slice the quesadilla into strips or small triangles, most of the good stuff actually gets into baby’s mouth.
I use whole grain or veggie-based wraps, toss in grated cheese and scrambled egg (sometimes cooked in the microwave for expediency), some cooked veggies if I have them handy, fold the wrap in half and grill in our cast-iron pan until the tortilla wrap is browned and the cheese is melted. The boys are happy eating them cold, so I usually make extra for a future meal. I love to bring cold quesadillas for the twins if they need lunch on the go with minimal mess. Plain old cheese quesadillas are especially good for this!

4 – Oatmeal

No need to waste money on baby cereal. Uncle Bob’s Steel Cut Oats from Costco (or whatever brand you like) will do just fine. I cook up the oats as per the package and add frozen fruits directly to help cool it down so I can serve it quickly. The boys eat it with their fingers or with their ChooMee FlexiDip Starter Spoons. I’ve discovered that my big kids will also eat oatmeal as long as I add a bit of brown sugar and … sprinkles. The BiBado Multi-stage baby spoon is great for oatmeal and yogurt too.
5- Pancakes

My husband is very passionate about making pancakes for the kids every weekend. Technically he makes crepes, and this is the recipe he has been using since childhood:
- 2 eggs
- 1 cup of milk
- 1 cup of flour
- 1 tsp baking powder
Yes, that’s all. You can also add a mashed banana. Sometimes we throw in hemp seeds or flax for good measure. I usually serve them plain or with peanut butter for the twins. Again, they like them cold too, so they’re perfect for snacks later in the day. (My son also takes pancakes with syrup to school in his thermos!)
On the side:

While I’m preparing their food, the twins usually get Cheerios on their trays and a serving of whole milk. I always offer some fresh, frozen or tinned fruit—such as bananas, strawberries, blueberries, grapes or peaches—cut into appropriate sizes. Most mornings they also feed themselves a bit of plain yogurt.
For baby-led weaning on the go, Summer Infant’s Pop n Sit chairs are a must!
What do you feed your baby-led weaners for breakfast?
*Casa de los Lobos = Spanish for “House of the Wolves,” because restaurant names sound way fancier in a different language.

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