
Grab a (Joovy) Boob for Baby!

I feel like such a noob.

Despite using Joovy’s TwinRoo stroller and Room2 playard for almost a year now—and seeing their Scooter, Caboose and Balloon strollers pop up on my social media—I’m only just realizing that Joovy’s entire product line is named with a double “o”. Too groovy and soo cool, right?

Joovy’s line of bottles is therefore very appropriately named … Boob.

I had hoped that by now the twins would be taking their milk directly from my boobs, and perhaps this would’ve been achievable with more effort and more help caring for my older two. Alas, I’m still pumping and bottle-feeding, and I wanted to give glass bottles a whirl as I fight an uphill battle of parenting with less plastic.

The Joovy Boob Glass Gift Set, currently a steal at just $53.99 directly from Elfe Juvenile Products, contains pretty much everything* you need to get started bottle-feeding a singleton:

  • 3 x 5-oz glass bottles
  • 3 x 8-oz glass bottles
  • 2 x Stage 0 nipples
  • 3 x Stage 1 nipples
  • 3 x Stage 2 nipples
  • 2 x Silicone sleeves
  • 2 x Breast-pump adapters
  • 2 x Sealing caps
  • Formula dispenser
  • Nipple Brush
  • Bottle Brush

*You’d likely just want extra nipples so that you have six bottles to work with for each stage.

In the NICU, babies are fed from single-use plastic bottles. You can imagine my horror! Another feed, another bottle and nipple pair were removed from their plastic packaging and tossed a few minutes later. The least I could do was try out some glass bottles at home.

I know that even the “safest” plastic has got to be leaching something into the liquids we feed our kids, especially since baby bottles are often sterilized with steam or boiling water. In an ideal world I’d only be using glass, stainless steel and ceramic containers.

You might be afraid of using glass bottles for fear of them breaking, and I will admit that I did break one when I sent it flying off the kitchen counter onto our tile floor. It was not in its silicone sleeve, which would have probably prevented this unfortunate accident, and I don’t typically feed my twins from a great height above a tile floor.

Until baby starts holding their own bottle, you’re in charge of the glass bottle and you’re not likely to launch it across the room or drop it much farther than onto a couch cushion. When I give the twins their Boob bottles to feed themselves (a joyous milestone that every parent of multiples surely celebrates), they are in their rocking chairs and close enough to the floor that a drop would be inconsequential.

Joovy Boob bottles use wider nipples that mimic the shape of the breast. This design prevents nipple collapse and helps ensure a proper latch, which is especially important for babies who feed both at the boob and from the Boob.

Cub Twin A has a very shallow latch, which means he is not as successful at the breast and also less successful with this style of nipple. Cub Twin B, who has consistently been my better nurser, has no trouble with this type of nipple.

I love the way it feels to hold a Boob in my hand. (Who knew I’d ever get to write a sentence like that?!) The contoured design is ergonomic and comfortable to hold, both for me and for the babies’ chubby little hands.

Boob bottles are super easy to clean: the opening is nice and wide, the clean-flow vent is simple and has no nooks and crannies to clean, and the bottle and nipple brushes included in this set make washing a breeze.

If glass is not your thing, the Joovy Boob is also available in plastic. Or if you want plastic for on-the-go and glass at home, you can just mix and match!


Shop Boob Bottles at Elfe Juvenile Products

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My name is Lindsay and I am a 40-year-old mama of four trying to live an eco-friendly, budget-friendly life! I am a substitute teacher and Child Passenger Safety technician in Calgary, Alberta. Join me on my adventures!

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