My Favourite Products for Baby-Led Weaning

When it comes to products for baby-led weaning, I don’t stray from my K.I.S.S. motto.

That’s my parenting philosophy: Keep it simple, stupid!

The path of least resistance is often a very valid and scientifically proven method of parenting, and that includes baby-led weaning.

Not sure what it entails? Here’s a post all about baby-led weaning.

But in a nutshell, baby-led weaning means feeding baby more or less what the rest of the family is eating in portions and chunks that they can feed themselves.

I do not have time to sit and spoon-feed the twins: they feed themselves while I’m getting food ready for the rest of the family or doing the dishes. While this method means less mashing, blending and making of airplane noises, it does entail more mess.

One of the tools I wished I’d acquired earlier in my parenting journey is a wet/dry shop vac. I stopped stressing about the huge mess feeding the twins makes because I’d just suck it all up afterwards with the shop vac – both the wet and the dry messes!

Here are the products I use to help the twins feed themselves that aren’t available at Home Depot:

IKEA Antilop High Chair

They say the best things in life are free … or at least less than $30.

On sale, brand new, you can get this wicked high chair for $20. Check your local swap & shop and pay even less!

What makes this high chair my favourite for baby-led weaning? Simplicity. It has no nooks and crannies in which crumbs can hide. It is so easy to clean. It is the most-recommended high chair among parents of multiples. (That’s not an official stat, but based upon my own observations, parents of twins and triplets swear by certain items, and the Antilop high chair is one of them!)

Bibado Bib

The awesomeness of this bib is such that I wrote a post all about BIBaDO. To summarize, this is the only bib you need and the only bib you will ever want to use. It attaches to almost any high chair, covering the gap between the food and the baby and collecting everything that drops, so it doesn’t hit baby’s clothes, the high chair seat or the floor.

I have not had to change a single outfit since I started feeding the twins in their BIBaDOs. After mealtime, I simply wipe the bibs down (I don’t even remove them from the chair), wipe our Antilop tray, deposit all the uneaten food in our compost bucket, and everything is ready for the next meal.

BIBaDO’s new, improved design is available in North America: new prints, softer, machine-washable fabric, easier-to-use cuffs, more durable non-slip grip and Velcro to attach the bib to any high chair and more Velcro at the neck for increased adjustability. Also available in a larger size for big kids and crafters! A great product has become even greater!


Use coupon code MAMANLOUP for 20% off your order!

ChooMee Dip’n Starter Spoons

When feeding the boys yogurt, thick soups or fruit sauce, I like them to practice with a utensil. With a regular baby spoon, the food just slides off. The Choomee allows baby to dip the spoon and actually get some of said food into their mouths. They love these spoons and so do I.

Shop ChooMee at |

EzPz Mini Mats & Mini Bowls

I serve a lot of the boys’ food directly on their high chair tray, but when I want to serve yogurt, soups and other not-so-finger-food, I use our EzPz mats. (These mats also have their own blog post: Do EzPz Mats Really Work?)

Because these mats suction to the tray, they don’t get knocked over (intentionally or unintentionally) while the boys are eating. Now, every child will absolutely figure out how to unstick their mats and they will unstick them. Unless you’ve superglued the dish to their tray, there will be a phase when it’s going to wind up on the floor sometimes. But just breathe—this too shall pass.

EzPz mats will once again become useful as your child enters the “I can do it myself” phase. It’s how both of my older kids learned to properly use their utensils without their bowl or plate sliding around the table. Actually, they both still use them often!

Shop EzPz at | |

Haakaa Silicone Mesh Feeder

I tried a variety of mesh feeders with my first two little eaters, and the Haakaa feeders are by far the best ones. You only need one (unless you have twins), and they’re durable, easy to clean and super effective. I fill them with frozen fruit to help soothe sore gums, with fresh fruit or even cubes of frozen smoothie. The boys love them, and I love not having to cut grapes into eensy weensy pieces.

Shop the Haakaa Feeder at and

Zoli BOT Weighted Straw Cup

We are still learning to drink from these cups, but we’re getting there. Thanks to the little weight on the end of the straw, no matter how baby tips the cup, the straw will suck up liquid. I chose these cups over other, similar options, because you can easily buy replacement straws.

Shop Zoli at | |

Munchkin Miracle Cup

My older kids (ages 3 and 6) still use our Miracle Cups so they can drink things other than water on the cofa. (That’s what we call the couch … my son made an amalgamation of “couch” and “sofa,” and it has stuck.) I bought the smaller, handled versions for the twins and again, they’re still figuring them out. However they’re a great way to teach kids to drink out of a cup and skip the sippy spout entirely! Easy to clean, easy to use and unless you drop them, they don’t spill.

Shop Miracle Cups at | |

Squeasy Gear Reusable Baby Food Pouch

If you like to conveniently serve apple sauce, yogurt and smoothies (or your homemade purees, if that’s your thang), then the Squeasy Gear Reusable Baby Food Pouch is THE BEST REUSABLE POUCH ON THE MARKET. (I have tried quite a few.) This one is easy to wash, easy to fill, leakproof if you use the included valve and durable. I made a dorky video about it:

 Shop Squeasy Snacker at |

What are you favourite gizmos for successful baby-led weaning?

6 responses to “My Favourite Products for Baby-Led Weaning”

  1. […] Baby-led Weaning Products […]

  2. Annie

    With the bibabo bib , is there still room for the ezpz mat to stick properly to the ikea high chair table . I was thinking does the bib cover some of the plate ?

    1. Lindsay

      Hi Annie! I didn’t have a problem using our MiniMats with the bibado and our Ikea high chair!

  3. Tanya

    Do the ezpz mats work with the G+G high chair?

    1. Lindsay

      The G+G Perch or the G+G tiblit high chair? The mini mat fit on the Tiblit’s tray when I used it with my daughter!

  4. […] BiBADO bib is Lindsay’s number one baby-led weaning accessory. This long-sleeved smock-type bib secures to the high chair, preventing what baby drops from hitting […]

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My name is Lindsay and I am a 40-year-old mama of four trying to live an eco-friendly, budget-friendly life! I am a substitute teacher and Child Passenger Safety technician in Calgary, Alberta. Join me on my adventures!

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