Why We’re Still a Live Clean Family After 6 Years

One day when I’m an empty-nester, I’m sure the smell of Live Clean Gentle Moisture Tearless Shampoo & Wash will bring me right back to the joys (and trials) of my life as a mom of four young children. I first bought this multipurpose baby soap six years ago when my son was wee, and I was holding one of his baby buddies on my lap and sniffing his little head. (Because about the only time you can get away with sniffing another person’s head without being weird is if that person is a small child.) His hair smelled so good. I remember handing him over to my husband who commented the same thing. And that is the story of how we became a Live Clean Baby family.

Four children later, Live Clean bath products are still a mainstay in our bathroom. If we’re out of our own products, my husband and I have been known to steal some Live Clean from the kids!

Bath time is my favourite time of day, although we only do baths once or twice a week now that infant twins take up so much of our time.

Bath time with my two older kids is a time for us to connect for a moment, and those connections are made with the gentle scent and soothing effects of lavender, chamomile and aloe on their not-so-little anymore bodies.

My daughter is intent on doing everything herself, but bars of soap slip out of her hands and liquid soap falls through her fingers before she can bring her hands to her belly. She loves using Live Clean Gentle Moisture Tearless Foaming Wash because it stays on her hands so she can scrub like a big kid.

My son might be older but he has little interest in taking over the bath time duties. For him, bath time is all about imaginative play with Lego Batman, or listening to his voice echo as he lies on his back in the tub with his ears underwater.

I would be lying if I said that the twins get a bath more than once a week. Sometimes it’s even less frequent. Sadly, they smell more often like curdled milk from the spit up that rolls behind their ears and dries there than they do of my favourite Live Clean wash … but that just makes those after-bath snuggles even more precious!

I am super fussy about the bath and body products we use in our house, and Live Clean is always welcome thanks to its paraben and phthalate-free formulas and plant-based ingredients. Considering my daughter’s penchant for chugging even the soapiest of bathwater, I really appreciate that all Live Clean Baby’s products are petrochemical-free.

When it comes to diapers, let’s just take a moment to acknowledge that I am six years into what will likely be a total of nine years changing my children’s diapers. I love Live Clean’s Gentle Moisture Non-Petroleum Jelly because it’s all the awesome of traditional petroleum jelly without the petro-chemicals.

With winter soon upon us, the season of chapped everything is no match for Live Clean! (You can bet there’ll be some on hand to soothe red noses this cold season, not to mention the traditional diaper uses!)

One of the twins recently had his first diaper rash. Once I determined it wasn’t caused by yeast and was most likely just a reaction to moisture, I used Live Clean’s Gentle Moisture Diaper Ointment in disposable diapers or in cloth with a fleece liner to protect his skin as it healed. And heal it did: in just a couple days! Containing only plant-based oils (castor oil and sunflower seed oil), I’m not worried about using Live Clean’s zinc-based ointment with my cloth diapers, but I do recommend protecting them with a reusable or disposable liner because the zinc can stain and because how well even natural oils wash out will depend a lot on your individual wash routine.

Have you tried Live Clean Baby yet?

Live Clean products are affordable, accessible and effective, and I’m sure we’ll be a Live Clean family for many years to come.

Find Out More about Live Clean Baby

4 responses to “Why We’re Still a Live Clean Family After 6 Years”

  1. Janna Richer

    We love Live Clean at our house too! We’ve used it for our toddler since day one and I’ve been stocking up to get ready for baby number 2! I also really like their shampoo/conditioner- I’ve been using it for 4 years or so! 🙂

    1. Lindsay

      Yes! I use solid shampoo and no conditioner for me, but my daughter’s long hair needs a conditioner so we also have Live Clean for that!

  2. Sara

    We are also a Live Clean family. I’m so glad to hear my daughter isn’t the only one who chugs bath water. Ugh!!! I know it smells good and everything, but not so good to consume! Ah well. It’s good to know it’s safe.

    1. Lindsay

      She drinks it and looks me in the eye to say “MMMM gooood!” Because I keep saying, “No! That’s yucky!” lol

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My name is Lindsay and I am a 40-year-old mama of four trying to live an eco-friendly, budget-friendly life! I am a substitute teacher and Child Passenger Safety technician in Calgary, Alberta. Join me on my adventures!

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