Caddle Call: Earn Money with Surveys and Save On Every Day Purchases

I love saving money. I love getting money in the mail. I love using coupons. I love answering surveys. I know I am not alone.

Have you heard of Caddle? It’s a digital couponing app with a twist: you don’t just save when you shop. You can also earn money for answering surveys, watching ads and completing social media tasks!

Coupons in Caddle don’t work quite like your traditional coupons you clip out of a flyer and forget on your kitchen table with your shopping list. When you open your Caddle app, you’ll see a list of coupon offers in your area. When you purchase an item that is eligible for a coupon, you upload your receipt to your Caddle account and you will be credited the coupon amount. Once your account reaches $20, you can cash out and receive your cheque in the mail!

Within two minutes of opening the Caddle app for the first time and without leaving the house … or my bathroom … I’d already earned $2! (And I hadn’t spent a dime!) I did a survey and completed a couple social media follows, and I got some mooooo-ney!

There’s a great Caddle promotion on right now that Quebec residents can take advantage of at their local Pharmaprix (Shoppers Drug Mart):

  • Save $0.75 when you buy any ROYALE® bathroom tissue or Tiger Towel® Paper Towel product.


  • Save $2.00 when you buy any 2 ROYALE® bathroom tissue or Tiger Towel® Paper Towel products.


With a limit of three redemptions per person, you could earn up to $6 towards your first Caddle cheque on stuff every household needs!

Find out more about Caddle here!


4 responses to “Caddle Call: Earn Money with Surveys and Save On Every Day Purchases”

  1. I like the idea of this app because I am one of those people who would forget my coupons at home. I am going to tell my husband about this app too because he love survey type apps where he can make a little extra money.

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. I’ve been meaning to try Caddle for some time now. I had no idea that there was a way to earn through surveys in that app, that’s really neat to know! Thanks for the heads up, I’ll go download the app now. 🙂

  3. I think Caddle is a great way for families to save money on certain items, as well as to make money while looking for savings. It is also great that it does not take a long time to set up your account.

  4. ah! I love how easy and simple this app is. I’ll have to give it a try.

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My name is Lindsay and I am a 40-year-old mama of four trying to live an eco-friendly, budget-friendly life! I am a substitute teacher and Child Passenger Safety technician in Calgary, Alberta. Join me on my adventures!

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