
HumBird HumCloud Overnight Fitted & Wool Interlock Cover Review

HumCloud Overight Fitted Cloth Diaper Review: Cloth Diapering Solution for Heavy Wetters

If you’re a die-hard Wolf Packer, you’ll know that my least favourite cloth diaper style is the fitted diaper. I pretty much never use them if I can get away with it. I don’t see the point of using them during the day when there are simpler options that don’t spread wetness all over baby. And I much preferred using a combination of inserts and PUL covers on my son overnight: easy to rinse, easy to wash … no extra effort as with wool covers, which require special washing and lanolizing. Fitteds take longer to dry, they’re often quite expensive and they’re not exactly trim. Alas, just as I look ruefully back at the pre-child Lindsay who laughed mercilessly at her aunt trying to calm her son who was enraged that someone (not him) ate the last brownie, I must also acknowledge that I was terribly wrong to suggest that fitted diapers serve no special purpose in a cloth diapering stash. My daughter pees way more overnight than her big brother ever did, putting my 12-Hour Overnight Cloth Diaper Solution to shame. I had resorted to a complicated combination of a BumGenius Elemental, Flip Overnight Insert, hemp booster and wool longies. No longer well placed to argue that my method was easier than a fitted and wool, it was definitely time for HumBird’s HumCloud overnight fitted diaper and wool interlock cover to come live at our house.

HumCloud Overight Fitted Cloth Diaper Review: Cloth Diapering Solution for Heavy Wetters

Made by a delightful mama named Dawn who is based in Bavaria, Germany, the HumCloud is a one-size fitted diaper that fits babies approximately 10–35+ lbs. According to HumBird, the diaper “has been independently tested to hold 42 ounces. No other diaper has been tested to hold more.”

The diaper is made with CSPC-compliant premium organic bamboo cotton and comes with three inserts which you can fold and combine as required:

HumCloud Overight Fitted Cloth Diaper Review: Cloth Diapering Solution for Heavy Wetters

The flare soaker has snaps to attach it to the inside of the diaper and you can fold it exactly as needed for your child. It is composed of one layer of organic bamboo velour (offering a light stay-dry effect against baby’s bum) and three layers of organic bamboo-cotton fleece. The doubler is made of two layers of super-heavy cotton bamboo fleece. The booster is made of two layers of super-heavy cotton bamboo fleece.

HumCloud Overight Fitted Cloth Diaper Review: Cloth Diapering Solution for Heavy Wetters

Of course, if you’re using all three together it makes for one fluffy bum indeed. However, it’s a fluffy leak-free bum, and that’s what counts. Little Miss is currently wearing her HumCloud under her HumBird interlock wool soaker with just the flare soaker. That easily gets us fourteen hours, with at least two nursing sessions (but let’s face it, I’m lazy and will let her nurse even a third or fourth time in the night if it means she goes back to sleep). Many mornings, the diaper isn’t even soaked all the way through. This is one ABSORBENT diaper. The other overnight fitteds we have triedmade by big-name diaper companies—all require at least one extra insert to get us through the night. The HumCloud comes with enough absorbency for even the heaviest of overnight wetters.

HumCloud Overight Fitted Cloth Diaper Review: Cloth Diapering Solution for Heavy Wetters

Our HumBird interlock wool soaker is the most bulletproof wool cover I’ve ever tested. All the other ones we’ve tried feel a bit damp on the outside come morning time. Not this one. Even with a less effective overnight fitted underneath, we are leak free. The covers are made to order, so you can get the perfect size for your baby.

My favourite things about the HumCloud:

  • They are lovingly and ethically made in Germany with safety-tested fabrics.
  • The one-size design means you won’t need to size up as baby grows.
  • Three included inserts provide all the absorbency you will ever need.
  • HumBird offers quantity discounts: buy one HumCloud for US$45, or buy three for US$121.50 to have a full overnight rotation.
  • The high-quality construction is durable and shows no signs of curling or fraying after many washes.

What I like less about the HumCloud:

  • It takes a long time to dry, but of course it takes a long time to dry … it’s so many layers and it’s all natural fibres.

HumCloud Overight Fitted Cloth Diaper Review: Cloth Diapering Solution for Heavy Wetters

I would have balked at the price of this diaper way back in my early, cheapskate cloth diapering days. Don’t get me wrong—there’s nothing wrong with being a bargain hunter. But by being cheap, I ended up spending a lot more money because I kept buying things that didn’t last or didn’t work. By the time baby is ready for a true overnight cloth diaper (most newborns get changed at least once or twice overnight), the HumCloud will fit. You can use it on its shortest rise with one of the smaller inserts. You can put wool or a PUL cover on top. One-size PUL covers (I would recommend Rumparooz for optimal coverage) are more cost-effective than wool, but now that I’ve tried the HumBird wool interlock cover I can’t not recommend it. This diaper is big enough to fit most toddlers until they’re potty trained. As mentioned, the bigger-brand overnight fitteds we’ve tried have never worked for us without adding extra absorbency. Typically priced between US$30–35, by the time you factor in the added absorbency, the price works out to about the same. As for my aforementioned BumGenius Elemental combo, it costs about US$41 … so purchasing multiple HumClouds is not only easier but also the same price.

If whatever you use overnight right now is working great, stick to it. But if you’re tired of waking up to soaking wet pyjamas and sheets, the HumCloud and a HumBird wool interlock soaker will change your nights … for the drier!

Shop online at Humbird.eu using my affiliate link & Join Humbird’s Official Facebook Chat Group


9 responses to “HumBird HumCloud Overnight Fitted & Wool Interlock Cover Review”

  1. So do you really think it’ll fit to the 35+ pounds advertised? Gavin is only 1 and has outgrown the rise on his other OS fitteds (Imagine and Sweet Pea) which is just frustrating me to no end. I’m also putting together elaborate combinations of inserts and other fitteds and it’d really be nice to just have a diaper I could direct my husband towards at bedtime, rather than saying, “Oh wait, let me come in there, hmm, let’s see what we have . . . ” 😉

  2. Emily

    I’ve looked at these and been taken back by the price. I have also been playing fitted diaper roulette (lets see which combo works / doesn’t work tonight) for the past 4 months. My guy is 1 and we have yet to find something that we don’t have to boost for overnights. the closest I’ve come is a tot bots easy fit bamboo with a full hemp soaker stuffed behind the bamboo, and even that is a gamble. I think it’s time to bite the bullet and try these puppies.

  3. stephanie

    Which do you think is better – the HumBird or Lilly & Frank? I love that Lilly & Frank is local, but they’re always totally sold out. 🙁

  4. […] you recall my review of the HumCloud Overnight Fitted Diaper, you will remember I was on Cloud 9! I had found an overnight solution that actually worked for my […]

  5. Sammy Stuermann

    Great review!

  6. […] you recall my review of the HumCloud Overnight Fitted Diaper, you will remember I was on Cloud 9! I had found an overnight solution that actually worked for my […]

  7. […] I first tried HumBird cloth diapers and wool when Little Miss was peeing through most of our overnight cloth solutions. Guess what? She didn’t pee through her HumBird! […]

  8. […] these reviews: Mama Banana’s Adventures (2017) –  The Monarch Mommy (2017) – Maman Loups Den (2017) – This West Coast Mommy (2018) – The Inquisitive Mom (2017) […]

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My name is Lindsay and I am a 40-year-old mama of four trying to live an eco-friendly, budget-friendly life! I am a substitute teacher and Child Passenger Safety technician in Calgary, Alberta. Join me on my adventures!

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