Made in Canada Holiday Gift Guide for Moms

Made in Canada Holiday Gift Guide for Moms

I am someone who adores giving and receiving gifts. I am married to someone who not only dislikes gift-giving but he doesn’t even really like getting gifts! As my mother-in-law would say: “Opposites attract!” Opposites also have major miscommunications and disappoint each other from time to time, but it keeps things interesting! This year on my birthday, I helped Cub pick out my birthday cake. I chose the socks I wanted and gave them to Papa Wolf so he could help Cub wrap them. They wrote the card together and then Cub slept with it under his pillow so he could give it to me first thing in the morning, and he couldn’t wait for me to unwrap my “surprise” socks. He had my birthday cake out on the kitchen table before I’d even gotten downstairs. At least I have one boy in my house who likes to give presents! 

This list contains some of my absolute favourite made-in-Canada goodies that I think are suitable for almost any mom, whether she be your wife, your best friend, your sister or even your own mother.

Lip Balm from Crazy Fox Organics … $5–$6.50

Unicorn Farts! Unicorn Farts! That’s all you need to know. Well okay, there’s also Razzle Berry, Simple Mint, Rootbeer and Cocoa Vanilla … but really, every mama needs to polish her pucker with Unicorn Farts! A great stocking stuffer or a nice little treat to include with a Christmas card, Grand Prairie’s Crazy Fox Organics has a lip balm for every mouth on your mind. Shipping is just $2 for these tubular tubes!

Shop Crazy Fox Organics

Bath Products from Natur’Rêve … $5+

Made in Canada Holiday Gift Guide for Moms: Savonnerie Natur'Rêve

Pretty things to help you feel pretty? That’s what I see when I look at Savonnerie Natur’Rêve’s cupcake-shaped soaps. At just $5 each, these artisanal soaps are a perfect, affordable gift for any lovely lady on your list. Pair one with a coupon for two hours of babysitting so she can actually have a bath all by herself, and you’ll really make her dreams come true! Savonnerie Natur’Rêve also makes bath salts, solid shampoos and bath bombs, all presented like delightful, delectable treats! You can even customize your soap, shampoo, salt or bath bomb by choosing your favourite ingredients.

Shop Savonnerie Natur’Rêve

Waterproof Go Bags from Colibri Canada … $12.50–$49.99

Made in Canada Holiday Gift Guide for Moms: Colibri Go Bags

Why is this wet?! How many times have I asked myself this question since becoming a mother? Ideally, if you give a mom a Colibri Go Bag or two, the wet things won’t be her most important things. The largest in the collection, the Go Everywhere Tote is perfect to take to the office or to play group. Waterproof pockets mean your sweaty water bottle or leaky sippy cup won’t damage your phone or your kid’s Pokémon cards. The mid-sized Grab and Go Clutch is a nice solution to the diaper bag dilemma: if you keep your phone, keys and wallet in the diaper bag, what do you grab when you get to leave the house without anyone in diapers? Easy—you keep all that stuff in your clutch! The smaller, Go Light Pouch is perfect for reusable menstrual pads or even as a little wallet.

Shop Colibri

Reusable Makeup Pads from Öko Creations … $13

Holiday Gift Guide for Moms: Öko CreationsI gave every lady in my family a set of Öko Creations reusable makeup pads for Christmas a couple of years back. If you give a woman a set of Öko-Pads, you save her a lifetime of buying bags of disposable cotton pads! Use them for removing makeup, for cleansing, for applying toner … pretty much anything you’d use the disposable kind for, these ones can do better and without making any trash! They’re soft, absorbent and don’t rip into shreds when wet. Easy to wash and easy to love: a perfect stocking stuffer!

Shop Öko Creations

Wine Glasses & Coffee Mugs from Glitter and Grace  … $15–$25

Holiday Gift Guide for Moms: Glitter and GraceEvery morning, I look forward to my cup of coffee. I’ve perfected the art of drinking it hot, too! It involves plunking one child in front of a screen and strapping the other to my back. Mmmmm. Sweet elixir of life! Glitter and Grace will make mama’s morning bevvy just a touch more special, with lots of sparkles and sayings like “Make today ridiculously amazing” or “Coffee, because adulting is hard.” And while I start my day with espresso, I like to end it with some grape. “Yes, Mommy Deserves This #ItsBeenALongDay” is the sparkly wine tumbler on my wish list!

Exclusive coupon code: Use code MamanLoup to save 10%! Orders for Christmas are accepted until December 1st. (code expires December 31st)

Shop Glitter & Grace

Reusable Produce Bags from MaiseyMade … $16

Holiday Gift Guide for Moms: Reusable Produce Bags

Full disclosure: MaiseyMade is my mommy. This is an example of nepotism at its best. Almost every time I go grocery shopping I get asked where I got my adorable mesh produce bags! I use these drawstring bags instead of those flimsy plastic ones that just end up in the garbage. Since you’re probably already bringing your own grocery bags, this is the logical next step! With the cute packaging, these would make great teacher gifts or stocking stuffers for the eco-conscious earth mamas on your list.  Ordering for Christmas closes November 30.

Shop MaiseyMade

Headbands and Skirts from Halo … $17.95–$64.95

Made in Canada Holiday Gift Guide for Moms: HaloI don’t often go on to buy more of things I review. This is not because I don’t like the items, it’s just that I tend to be budget-conscious. That said, I most definitely DID buy a second Halo All-in-One skirt! You might be skeptical about buying a skirt for a mama on your list, since sizing can be tricky. The Halo All-in-One isn’t just a skirt: it’s also a strapless dress, shawl or even a nursing cover. It’s easy to give as a gift because each of the three sizes fits a range of dress sizes. My Halo All-in-One is as comfy as my favourite yoga pants, but it’s got a lot more style. If you’re looking for a smaller gift, Halo’s headbands would make excellent stocking stuffers. You can style them in a variety of ways, and they work with pretty much any haircut!

Shop Halo || Read my Halo Review

Custom Knits from Knitsy Bitsy Spiders … $30 +

Made in Canada Holiday Gift Guide for Moms: KnitsyBitsySpidersKayla of Calgary’s Knitsy Bity Spider and I have been stalking each other on Instagram for months now without yet meeting in person. I love her slouchy toques and chunky, oversized cowls. Most of her knitting is made-to-order, so you can be sure to choose the perfect colour and style for the mama on your list. Warm someone’s heart by keeping them warm—now that’s the holiday spirit!

Shop Knitsy Bitsy Spiders

Postpartum Care Kit from MoonLily Wellness … $34.99

Made in Canada Holiday Gift Guide for Moms: MoonlilyNothing says “I love you” better than a gift that shouts: “I’m thinking of your perineum!” If you’ve given birth, you know that birth is a beautiful gift and it deserves to be honoured … with a soothing spray, relaxing soak, protective balm and caffeine-free tea. Designed by a birth doula, MoonLily Wellness’s Postpartum Care Kit is on every pregnant mama’s wish list, even if she can’t yet know how much relief a spray bottle between her legs will bring!

Shop MoonLily || Read my MoonLily Review

Throw Pillow Covers from MaiseyMade … $35

Holiday Gift Guide for Moms: Cushion Covers

I love my mom so much I gave her TWO spots in my gift guide! But for real, people, my mom is one talented seamstress. My grad gown? She made it. Drapes in my first apartment? All her. Ridiculously 80s (and early 90s) outfits for me and my brother? Guilty as charged. Stylish and adorable get-ups for her grandchildren? You betcha. A lot of her creations are family-member exclusives, but one of the items she sells are her decorative throw pillow covers! I did not inherit her eye for interior design, but even I know that bright and bold covers on your boring old throw pillows can totally change the look of your living room. (Fun fact: my mom changes the covers on her cushions seasonally.) MaiseyMade’s square toss cushion covers are 18″ x 18″ and fit perfectly over IKEA feather inserts. All seams are serged prior to construction and pressed open. There is a zipper on the bottom, and because she is picky about details, the corners are tapered so you don’t get dog ears!  I recently gave The Monarch Mommy a MaiseyMade cushion cover to replace one that had to (literally) be tossed due to a poop incident for which my child was responsible.

Exclusive offer: Mention Maman Loup’s gift guide to save $5 on each in-stock pillow cover you order! (Expires 12/31)

Shop MaiseyMade

Slippers from Huddy Buddies … $50

Made in Canada Holiday Gift Guide for Moms: Huddy BuddiesI lived in my Huddy Buddies last fall and winter. Let’s face it: I’m all about comfort. I work at home, so my work shoes are slippers. On particularly chilly nights, I’ve been known to sleep in my Huddy Buddies. Until she outgrew them, Little Miss even had a matching pair! These booties have a soft, faux-suede sole that’s easy to wash and are crocheted with a 20% wool blend. You can choose the perfect colour combination for all the feet on your list! 

Shop Huddy Buddies || Read my Huddy Buddies Review

Mama Metal from Silver Seedling … $50 +

Made in Canada Holiday Gift Guide for Moms: Silver Seedling Mama MetalWhat’s mama metal? Well, it’s stunning metal jewellery that is sturdy enough to resist tugging by curious fingers, made with intriguing shapes to occupy hands while being fed in your arms or carried in a wrap. And while baby will love it, mama will ADORE it. My Silver Seedling piece looks fabulous whether or not I’m in mama mode. There are designs to suit any taste, and even without a babe in arms, any mother would feel fierce and beautiful in a Silver Seedling creation.

Shop Silver Seedling || Read My Silver Seedling Review

Keepsake Jewellery from North Faun … $60+

Made in Canada Holiday Gift Guide for Moms: North FaunMorgan at North Faun is fully booked for December, so no, you can’t order a piece of keepsake jewellery to have under the tree for the 25th. That’s the bad news. The good news is, she’s back after a summer hiatus and you can offer a gift certificate! I had people messaging me, wondering when she’d be taking orders again: her work is just that fabulous. I have a shimmery breastmilk pearl from North Faun, but you don’t have to steal frozen milk from the freezer to offer a North Faun piece. How about a ring that preserves petals from your wife’s wedding bouquet? A pendant that encapsulates crumbled brick from your childhood home for your sister? Scraps from her childhood blankie for your now-grown daughter? So many possibilities! 

Shop North Faun || Read my North Faun Review

Apparel from Au Fait Mama … $68 +

Made in Canada Holiday Gift Guide for Moms: Au Fait MamaI have slowly converted my entire t-shirt collection to Au Fait Mama. It might seem weird to want a wardrobe of nursing tops when I will obviously not be nursing for the rest of my life. Of course, Au Fait Mama tops are also perfect for pregnancy. But wait—do I have something to tell you?! Am I expecting? Yes! I’m expecting to wear my Au Fait Mama tops when I’m neither pregnant nor nursing. There’s absolutely nothing about these tops that hints at their functionality as nursing tops: you pull down to nurse, but the collar never loses shape. That same stretch at the collar also allows your belly to grow. I rocked my Au Fait Mama tops during my pregnancy with Little Miss, and I am still wearing them now that she’s 16 months. The fit is so flattering and comfortable, and even my oldest tops don’t look worn even after three years of regular use!

Shop Au Fait Mama || Read my Au Fait Mama Reviews

MakeMyBellyFit Belly Fit Coat Extender … $68 +

Made in Canada Holiday Gift Guide for Moms: Make My Belly FitFor the pregnant or new mama on your list, the BellyFit Jacket Extender turns a regular coat into both a maternity coat AND a babywearing coat! Now with a Universal Zipper Adapter, you don’t even need to sneakily determine a the mother’s zipper type to keep this gift a surprise. Depending on the climate, you can offer just the extender or add the Extra Warmth Layer or Carrier-Cover too. This is a product that even dad can use on his coat, either post-Christmas feast or for wearing baby on a winter stroll.

Shop MMBF || Read my MMBF Review

Multiway Sweater from Huggaloops … $79.99

Made in Canada Holiday Gift Guide for Moms: Multiway SweaterOne sweater. One bazillion ways to wear it. Yes, one bazillion. Over a baby bump, over a baby, or just over you, babe! A bamboo-cotton blend with just a hint of spandex, this sweater does it all: wear it bolero or tunic length, wrap it dozens of different ways (they have a video with plenty of ideas). This is a versatile piece that never ceases to impress me. It’s as beautiful dressed up under a tailored jacket as it is over leggings. I often wear it on top of my Au Fait Mama tanks now that the weather’s turned colder. 

Shop Huggaloops || Read my Multiway Sweater Review


One last idea… why not give the mama you love tickets to MommyCon!

Check out my post and get a $5 coupon code!

Disclosure: The products included in this guide were carefully selected by yours truly. Companies were charged a nominal fee to appear in this post. (Except for my mom!)

Which items do you want to unwrap this holiday season?

4 responses to “Made in Canada Holiday Gift Guide for Moms”

  1. Rebecca

    I would love a piece of keepsake jewelry! I will be dropping hints like crazy to my husband for Mother’s Day… or might gift myself before then!

  2. […] Made in Canada Holiday Gift Guide for Moms (2016 edition) […]

  3. […] in Canada Holiday Gift Guide for Moms (2016 edition) […]

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My name is Lindsay and I am a 40-year-old mama of four trying to live an eco-friendly, budget-friendly life! I am a substitute teacher and Child Passenger Safety technician in Calgary, Alberta. Join me on my adventures!

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