May 2016 Blog Income Report

May 2016

May 2016 Blog Income Report

Page Views: 88,907 (down about 40,000 from April) 

Unique Visitors: 19,867 (down about 4000 from April) 

Four thousand! Four thousand! No, no I didn’t break all previous blog-income records and bank 4 Gs this month … I did something better, with the help of my pal Stef at The Monarch Mommy. Feeling powerless as we saw our fellow Albertans fleeing their homes due to the unprecedented wildfire in Fort McMurray, Stef suggested we hold a fundraising auction. I worked my connections, and our idea of maybe four or five sponsors ballooned over the course of a weekend to more than thirty individuals and companies donating amazing mom and baby gear with 100% of proceeds going to the Red Cross. The participation surpassed all expectations, and $4000 was raised!  

As hard as I work, I also see the privilege that having the kind of connections and social media sway my blog provides. Seeing how I can use this clout to raise money for a charity or awareness around a cause close to my heart? That might not pay the bills, but let me tell you it makes me feel AH-MAY-ZING. 

Given that I dedicated a large chunk of my time to the Fluffraiser that might otherwise have been spent doing paid work, I’m very satisfied with my May 2016 earnings. 


Affiliate Sales: 

I am not putting very much energy at all into making affiliate commissions. Typically, the amount of time spent publicizing an affiliate link isn’t worth the pay off. My commissions come in fairly regularly from Lagoon Baby, and I can only assume it’s from loyal readers clicking through the banner on my site! (Thank you!) 

Bumbini: $0 

Lagoon Baby: $11.06 $12.21 

Total: $23.27 

On-site Advertising: 

My ads are supplied by SheBlogs Canada and by I earn this income based on a fraction of a penny per page view. I also sell advertising at a monthly rate and currently have three businesses that advertise monthly. 

SheBlogs: $253.48 $18.28 USD/ $23.71 CAD  

Monthly ads: $130  

Total: $407.19 (There were some well-paid ad campaigns through SheBlogs this month, so I’m very happy with this advertising total!) 

Sponsored Posts: 

Last month was an epic month for paid-post income. I spent May soliciting sponsors for Made in Canada Baby and promoting the spontaneous but super-successful fundraiser for Fort McMurray. So, the month of May was not a big earner. I’m not worried though, since I know what’s coming for June! 

Total: $550 (Half of what I earned last month) 

Grand Total:$980.46 

This month’s blog reviews were for Sophie la Girafe books, Okabashi flip flops, the Loft Aluminum Gate, Educational Insight’s Brownie Match Game and DK Super Heroes books. I included the Okabashi footwear giveaway in a giveaway hop, and it was super successful! I always privilege giveaways for things like cloth diapers and baby carriers, but I am realizing that items that are for all women (not just those with young children) do stunningly well. I notice I personally get pretty excited to enter a giveaway for an item that’s just for me— particularly if it’s clothing, shoes or a purse—since those are things I just don’t buy for myself now that I’m a mama! Watch out for more “Just for YOU” giveaways in the future! 

Blog expenses: 

I’ve recently added some services and cancelled others, so those changes will be reflected in next month’s report. There were no unexpected expenses this month, so that’s always a good thing! 

Guest contributor: $50 

McAfee Anti-Virus software:  $2.91 

Vault Press Website Back Up Plug in: $6.23 

Web hosting by Green Geeks (3 year subscription): $8.33 

PicMonkey Image Editing: $3.91 

Freshbooks accounting software: $22 

InLinkz Linky service: $1.67 

Mad Mimi Newsletter Service: $38.69  

Drop Box subscription: $9.08 

Co-Schedule social media scheduler: $3.34

Total Expenses: $146.16 

Total income minus expenses: $834.30 

Final thoughts: 

Stef and I are hoping to hold another Fluffraiser in a year’s time, so mark your calendars! Make sure you check out the 2016 Made in Canada Baby giveaway, something Olivia at This West Coast Mommy and I have been working on since May! 

One response to “May 2016 Blog Income Report”

  1. sabina Edwards

    Wow , so much goes into your blog and I quite enjoy it and like that you explain and break this down for anyone to read … I hope you also have a great long weekend and have fun with your family this friday

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My name is Lindsay and I am a 40-year-old mama of four trying to live an eco-friendly, budget-friendly life! I am a substitute teacher and Child Passenger Safety technician in Calgary, Alberta. Join me on my adventures!

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