Get Squeaky Green with Souris Verte

Get Squeaky Green with Souris Verte

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How’s your French? If it’s pas très bon, my punny title for this post might not make sense. You see, Souris Verte means Green Mouse! And mice go “squeak,” and Souris Verte makes products to clean your family and your house … get it?!

As you may have guessed from the name, Souris Verte is based in Quebec. It’s not a brand I tried when I lived in La Belle Province, but it’s one I heard a lot of good things about. My BA in French, apparently, serves not only for communicating with my in-laws, but also as a bridge to introducing some amazing made-in-Quebec brands to the rest of Canada and beyond!

Souris Verte makes products for in the bath and after, for sore bums and stuffy noses, and they even have a line of laundry products. They carefully select organic ingredients, and their products contain no artificial dyes, synthetic fragrance or petroleum derivatives. As I often confess when I review body care products, I am much more of a snob about what I put ON my body and my babies’ bodies than what I put IN them. (She says as she wipes brownie crumbs off her keyboard.) If I’m going to bathe in it, massage with it, or coat little bum cheeks in it, I want to know what it is, where it came from and, ideally, who made it!

The first Souris Verte product we tried was their Aloe & Lavendar Bubble Bath. That’s not the royal “we” either. I totally got in the tub, too. There are two qualities a good bubble bath must possess: good bubbles and a nice smell.

Little Miss's Bubble Bath

Bubbles adequate for making bubble hats and bubble beards? Check. A relaxing scent of lavender to soothe the soul at the end of a long day? Check.

Cub's bubble bath with Souris Verte

I also used it as a body wash, upon realizing there was no bar soap left in the shower the other morning. The lavender scent is much more obvious (in a good way) when slathering it on my body with my exfoliating gloves. In the tub, the scent is very mild, which is nice because I’ve tried some lavender-scented products that are simply too perfumey. Side note: what’s the deal with using lavender in baked goods? I tried some lavender sugar cookies over Christmas, and they just reminded me of soap! Thanks to the aloe, this bubble bath doesn’t leave your skin (or baby’s) feeling tight or dry. 


After bath time, it was time to try Souris Verte’s Shea Body Butter. Chamomile and calendula extract, lavender, mandarin and roman chamomile essential oil, plus rosemary extract, all blended into organic shea and coco butter … yes, it smells delightful!Cub sniffs his Souris Verte creamThis dry Calgary air leaves all of us a little chapped, especially on our elbows and knees. Cub loves to apply his body butter himself, before we put on his pajamas. Since we finally gave him a haircut, we discovered his scalp was very dry at the crown. A couple of nights in a row I slathered his scalp with the Shea Body Butter, and the dry patch is now gone! I’ve also used the body butter as lip balm and on Little Miss Cub’s diaper area (100% cloth diaper safe), where she sometimes gets a dry patch of skin. In the winter time, I would definitely use this balm for chapped cheeks! (Oh, and nipples, if applicable.)

Little Miss Cub and her Souris Verte

Possibly my favourite of our trio of Souris Verte test products is their Boo Boo Cream. In French, it’s called Crème Bobos, because a “boo boo” is a “bobo” en français. In our house, no matter if we’re speaking French or English, it’s always a bobo. (Don’t say I never taught ya anything!) IMG_4894

Containing plantain leaf, lavender hybrid flower, marshmallow root, calendula flower, propolis wax, tea tree, goldenseal root and gotu kola leaf, this green ointment is infused with all sorts of nature’s healing ingredients. Health Canada approved, the Boo Boo Cream has antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal properties. Cub says he doesn’t like the way it smells. It’s definitely a strong smell, but I actually quite like it. It has worked wonders on the irritated skin behind Cub’s ears, and calmed a nasty diaper rash on Little Miss Cub. Although mice don’t typically defeat cats, Souris Verte’s Boo Boo Cream is healing kitten scratches on all family members. 

Cub and his kitten

As someone who is ravaged by mosquitoes every summer, I am eager to test out how this ointment relieves the itch from bug bites. Depending on the day, it’s shorts-season already in Calgary, so Souris Verte’s Boo Boo Cream will be my second-most-powerful remedy (after the magic kiss) for skinned knees. 

I’m really looking forward to seeing Souris Verte’s line of body care and household products invade English-speaking Canada. Who knew a mouse migration could be a good thing?

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You can shop for Souris Verte products online using my affiliate link. You can also find a retailer in Quebec!


51 responses to “Get Squeaky Green with Souris Verte”

  1. April

    Are these products available in the US? They sound great!

    1. They are though Souris Verte’s website or Amazon!

  2. Jamie Daniel

    Hair & Body Baby Shampoo

  3. william gossage

    I like to try the hair and body baby shampoo

  4. Lara

    The boo boo cream. Or the body butter.. Frankly, I’d like to try everything, not only on my kids, but on myself as well!

  5. Carole Dube

    I would like to try the Hair & Body Baby Shampoo

  6. jan

    the Teething liquid

  7. Danielle Petryshyn

    I would love to try the baby shampoo.

  8. Amber Ludwig

    Im super interested in the Bubbles for Bath!! My son always wants bubble bath but he has such sensitive skin that I have to be careful of what I use for him!!

  9. Hanjia

    I’d love to try their Boo Boo Cream. Looks like it would be great for a lot of things! Interested to see how it does with mosquito bites since they love me too :p

  10. Elaine R

    I would like to try their Laundry Soap. I’m always looking for gentle laundry soap for sensitive skin.

  11. Meighan

    The boo boo cream sounds great to have on hand!

  12. Debbie Sherrer

    I would really like to try the Boo Boo Cream!

  13. eric

    I would try the Soothing Powder

  14. Victoria Ess

    I’d love to try the Boo Boo Cream!

  15. Angela SM

    I’d like to try their Shea butter. My hands have been so dry and I need something for them that is okay if it happens to get in baby’s mouth because she’s been using my finger as a soother!

  16. Laura Royal

    I would love to try the hair and body baby shampoo!

  17. Elishia

    I would love to try the boo boo cream. it’s great that it’s approved by Health Canada!

  18. Laura

    I would like to try the Hair & Body Baby Shampoo on their website. They have a lot of great products! 🙂

  19. Daniela Plume

    I’d like to try the Shea Body Butter

  20. I would most like to try the Boo-boo creme. We get a lot of mosquito bites and bumps and scrapes every year.

  21. I would really like to try the Boo-Boo cream or the hair & body wash!

  22. kristen visser

    i would love to try the Boo-Boo Cream

  23. Luminous Angel

    I’d like to try the Eucalyptus Mist!

  24. stephaniepb

    The calmherb looks great!

  25. Theresa N

    I’d love to try the shea body butter.

  26. Debbie Bray

    I would like to try the Ecological Humidifier

  27. Amanda Austin

    I like the hair and body baby shampoo. I like that it’s natural, organic and has essential oils.

  28. Anne-Marie B.

    We already use the Hair & Body Baby Shampoo and we love it!

  29. nicky

    Shea Body Butter – looks great!

  30. Linda

    I like the Hair & Body Baby Shampoo for my son.

  31. Robin Abrams

    I would love to try the Eucalyptus Massage Oil

  32. Cathy Jarolin

    I would just Love to try the Souris Verte’s Shea Body Butter! I absolutely love Shea Butter! It is so good for My skin so I know it would be Great for Baby too! Hope I get a chance to try it! Have a Great Day!! 🙂

  33. I am most interested in trying the Ecological Humidifier.

  34. Suzy Q

    The Soothing Powder looks interesting. People should remember that “Approved by Health Canada” as meantioned on the green mouse’s website does not mean recommended or endorsed by Health Canada. Natural Products have little regulation in Canada. It is not the same as pharmaceuaticals which have to undergo rigorous testing and evaluation to be approved (and even then there are problems). Soothing powder contains zinc oxide and clay, so it would appear to be a pretty benign natural health product unlike some (by other companies that have green tea extract which has been documented to have caused liver failure in a couple of hundred unsuspecting users). Remember natural does not always equal safe. Uranium is natural, would you ingest it?

  35. Soozle

    Id like to try the Herbal Syrup for colds

  36. kathy downey

    I want to try the Hair & Body Baby Shampoo

  37. gloria patterson

    they sound like something I would like to try BUT I think Soothing Powder would be my first choice

  38. Alea Elliott

    I would like to try their bubble bath. My kids love bubble bath but I find most products irritating or they leave their skin really dry.

  39. NickyJ

    I’d like to try the Eucalyptus Mist

  40. Wanda Bergman

    I’m most interested in the Eucalyptus Mist.

  41. Susan Hartman

    I would like to try the eucalypyus mist. I could have used it last week!

  42. Laurie P

    I love a good Calendula Soap!

  43. Bernice

    i would love the teddy bear bath mitt & the hair ,body baby shampoo

  44. LeAnn Harbert

    I want to try the bubbles for bath.

  45. Jasmine Cervantes

    Souris Verte’s Boo Boo Cream and Aloe and lavender bubble bath

  46. Bubble for Bath! My kids have been asking for “the bubble bath that Nanna gave us” and I don’t know how to recreate it. Please help!

    Besos, Sarah
    Journeys of The Zoo

  47. Cheryll Shubert

    I would love to try the Boo Boo Cream! I also would love the baby shampoo. I am always looking for new baby products…I have never heard of them until this giveaway! I am going to buy the shampoo…it looks amazing! I am so grateful for this amazing giveaway…thanks for sharing!!xoxox

  48. […] They are offering Bubble Bath and Hair & Body Baby Shampoo. See Maman Loup’s review here! Retail value […]

  49. […] Shop Souris Verte || Shop Souris Verte […]

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