
All About the Bummis Newborn Kit

All About the Bummis Newborn Kit

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The primary objection prospective cloth diapering parents raise when faced with the “prefold + cover” method of cloth diapering a newborn is: “It’s too complicated.”

Let me assure you that it is not complicated at all, even during those first foggy days when even making your own cup of coffee seems complicated. I speak from experience. Bummis prefolds and covers were the first diapers we ever used on Cub (we started when he was 4 days old), and my husband has been complaining about the complexity of our now insanely diversified stash ever since I went beyond just prefolds and covers. It’s still the only “system” he is confident about. 

Let’s assume that you are here because you don’t have a newborn on your hands yet. Hi! I hope your pregnancy is going well! Whether you already have a one-size diaper stash prepped in the nursery or you’re not even convinced you want to use cloth diapers yet, let me tell you about this inexpensive, Canadian way to just dip your toes into cloth diapering when your baby is squishy fresh.

At just under $50, one Bummis Newborn kit comes with two Super Whisper Wrap covers and twelve organic cotton prefolds. The weight range on this kit is 5-9 lbs. 

But wait! There are twelve prefolds but only two covers? How now, brown cow? You see, you use this system in a way that cloth diaper afficionados refer to as “all-in-two.” That’s just a fancy way of saying it’s a two-piece system. The cover can be reused over multiple changes, you just swap out the soiled prefold for a clean one! Bummis’ Super Whisper Wrap is perfect for this purpose:

Features of the Bummis Super Whisper Wrap

If a little bit of runny newborn poop gets onto the cover, you can just wipe or rinse it away. Hang that cover to dry and use the other cover. Repeat until the covers need to go in the wash. 

Not totally sure what a prefold is? It is simply a rectangular, absorbent cloth, which you fold prior to putting on the baby. Get it? Prefold?! And folding doesn’t have to be complicated, either. You can fold it just like you would fold a piece of paper, then lay it inside the cover. (Then, you put it on your baby… but you probably figured that out.)

Pad Fold Options with Bummis Newborn Prefolds

Depending on your baby’s build, you might just fold it in three along the vertical fold lines, as in the first picture. You can also fold it over a bit at the top before folding it in three, adding extra absorbency. (That extra fold could go in the front of the diaper for a little boy and at the back of the diaper for a girl.) You can also fold it horizontally, as in the bottom right picture. I like folding prefolds this way for girls, as the most absorbent part is right in the middle. 

Before baby comes, you’ll want to wash and dry your prefolds at least six times to make sure they’re super absorbent. When we used this system on Cub, I left all our prefolds folded in a stack on our change table, making it easy to grab a fresh one at change time.

If you want to get a bit fancier, you can also use a Snappi (it’s just the 21st-century equivalent of a diaper pin) to secure the prefold around your baby. With these tiny prefolds, this is only really going to work on the most mini of babies. Subbing in for such a tiny squish is our Steiff bear:

Newspaper fold with Bummis Newborn Prefolds

What are the advantages of the Bummis Newborn Kit?

1- An inexpensive newborn cloth option:

A full stash of newborn diapers would typically run you $500. (The average price of one newborn diaper is $20.) You will likely want to save that cash for your one-size cloth diaper stash, since those are the diapers you will be using until potty training. If you buy two Bummis Newborn Kits, you’ll have 24 diaper changes for less than $100. If you use your kit for longer than three weeks, or you use it on multiple babies, you’re saving money over disposables. (And if your primary motivation is waste reduction, you’re winning every time you keep a disposable out of the trash can.) I changed newborn Cub 14 times in one day (I tracked it. I was cool like that.) So 14 diapers per day over 21 days is 294 diapers. Newborn Huggies at Walmart are 34 cents each, so for three weeks, that’s $99.96. 

2- A super low-maintenance system which is easy to master:

Can you fold? Can you secure velcro? You can use prefolds and covers! There are no fiddly snaps and no pockets to stuff or unstuff. Cotton prefolds are very easy to launder, too.

3- Your prefolds and covers will continue to be useful, even if you decide not to cloth diaper:

If you do keep cloth diapering, which is what we hope, you’ll find that you can use your prefolds as boosters (I tuck a newborn prefold in my overnight diapers for added absorbency), and they also make great wipes for those really messy diaper changes. Save your Super Whisper Wraps for baby number two, or find them a new home! If you don’t wind up cloth diapering, prefolds are my favourite rags and burp cloths! Plus, if you want to avoid diaper blowouts, put a Super Whisper Wrap on top on your disposable diaper and you’ll save yourself a lot of laundry. 

4- A “compact” diapering system to bring to the hospital or birthing centre:

Compared to two-dozen regular newborn diapers, two Bummis Newborn Kits won’t take up an entire suitcase. Since I was testing a wide variety of newborn diapers when Little Miss Cub was born, I did, in fact, have an entire suitcase of diapers with me. (Much to my husband’s chagrin.)

5- An affordable way to bridge the gap until your one-size diapers fit (depending on the brand and your baby’s build, typically between 8-12 lbs):

Most one-size diaper systems don’t accommodate the umbilical cord, and are often too loose on skinny newborn legs, even when baby meets the minimum weight recommended for the diaper. If you are committed to cloth diapering right from birth, having a couple Bummis Newborn Kits on hand will guarantee you can do so.

What is the disadvantage of the Bummis Newborn Kit?

If your baby is big, and grows super fast, you may not get as much use out of the Newborn Kit as you would hope. Cub was a 95th percentile baby and had outgrown his Bummis newborn diapers in less than three weeks. Little Miss Cub, on the other hand,  would’ve gotten over a month out of this kit. Lower birth weight babies could likely be using this kit for two months or more. A dear friend of mine was due a month after me, so I passed our newborn supplies on to her. Find yourself some pregnant friends, whose due dates are conveniently staggered, and you could all chip in for a newborn stash! (Then use all the money you saved on disposables for a Girls’ Night Out!)

Cub displays a diapered doll


40 responses to “All About the Bummis Newborn Kit”

  1. My good friend is due soon and she has been talking about wanting to give cloth diapers a try. The Bummis Newborn Kit would make a great gift for her.

  2. Stacey Reid

    This would be so awesome to win, I’m due in july with my 3rd. I can’t wait to start cloth diapering again after 2 years.

  3. Amber Ludwig

    I love that its super low maintenance and easy to master!! How perfect!! Those first few days can be such a blur and ease of use is just amazingly important with anything!

  4. Candice Lannin

    I am due with #5, and have never cloth diapered from NB! I am really wanting to give it a go this time, so this is super helpful!

  5. Ashley H

    We used bummis and a mix of other prefolds with our last newborn! They worked great. We clothed right from the hospital and hope to with this baby as well. I love my applecheeks but I have missed a newborn squish in prefolds!

  6. Chelsea Cook

    Can’t wait to cloth our newborn! We are 5 days overdue!

  7. Amanda R

    Just starting getting my diapers ready for Baby #2 and was wishing I had a few more newborn covers. I love the convenience of them when you’re just starting!

  8. Hayley smith

    I loved our pre folds with our first Son and now due with number two in two days and would absolutely love to not only get some new profolds but also try the covers for the first time as they seem to have a great fit!

  9. I love your reviews! I would love to win this and try these out. About to have my first newborn and I’m gonna be a first time cloth diaper mommy. These seem like a good cloth diaper for a first timer =]]

  10. Beverly McCool

    I wish I had known about these with my babies… Hopefully I can share this info with some expectant friends of mine 🙂

  11. Angela

    These look great! I think we’d get a lot of use out of newborn size diapers, since our little one seems to be only the 8th percentile (due on the 22nd). I hadn’t anticipated that and so I only have one-size diapers and a few thirsties size 1 covers with prefolds. I don’t want to use sposies for more than a couple weeks at first so I’d love to win these!

  12. sarah

    ive never tried bummis but would love to give them a try 🙂

  13. Chelsea Janelle

    I only use pockets and was always afraid to try ai2 or preforms thanks for the helpful explanation

    1. Chelsea Janelle

      Prefolds ugh autocorrect

  14. Michelle Millunzi

    Used Thirsties cover with my first two, but love the patterns on the bummis.

  15. Kaitlin K.

    Oli had no clue this was such a cheap newborn kit! I would love to win it!

  16. Hanjia

    Didn’t know there are double gussets on the newborn size! Love my OS covers and prefolds, so this would be great for next baby!

  17. Danielle Petryshyn

    This would be great for our next baby! For my son, we used a diaper service at first before buying a OS stash. For our next baby, I would love to do it on my own, but I don’t want to invest in a full NB stash. This is a good alternative!

  18. Ellie

    Thanks for taking the time to really go through the pros and cons!

  19. Holly MacRitchie

    Thanks for the great review! I am expecting my first baby tomorrow, hoping she comes soon! I am planning to cloth diaper and would love to try this Bummis diaper!

  20. Maryann Royster

    I don’t want the diapers for a newborn. I have a yorkie 8lb that I rescued and haven’t been able to housebreak. I buy newborn disposeable diapers and cut a tail hole in it for her. Instead of making her live in a cage or bathroom I use diapers so she can be with me and my husband in the bedroom and living room and her accidents are contained.With a little luck I might be changing her diapers for the next 10 yrs at least. I think I might like to try cloth diapers, they look less irritating and much better for the earth.

  21. Laura

    I like that these are an inexpensive newborn cloth option! We could really use these! Thank you for sharing!

  22. Tanaira johnson

    I’ll admit that pre folds and covers scare me a bit, but your review makes them seem so doable. Maybe I’ll try them with our next one after all. She’s due in october.

  23. Sara

    I’m new to cloth diapering and Bummis is a name I hear a lot. I appreciate the review along with the different folding techniques and options, since I have no idea what I’m doing! I will absolutely commit to using cloth diapers over disposable though.

  24. Krystal Greene

    Very interested in cloth diapers

  25. Emma Ishmael

    Would love to win this as we plan on having more children in the future, but did not start CD at newborn stage with our first!

  26. My little one us due in 8 weeks. I didn’t cd my first so this is all new to me. I have a stash of several different things going but no Bummi’s yet. I’ve heard it a lot lately though so I may have to make sure I have a couple to try.

  27. Katie J

    I use cloth but always started out with disposables until baby was big enough for the one size- this makes newborn cloth seem so easy!

  28. Janice

    I have been thinking of giving prefolds a try and this would be a great opportunity to do so! I would love to see my baby girl in these.

  29. Amber Delorme

    I really like how easy it is to use this cloth diapers , especially when it comes to folding them pre-folds 🙂 cause I don’t know about you, but at 3 am I definitely don’t want to be messing around trying to figure out how to fold the pre-folds over and over again because I’m just Not getting it done properly..So this review of yours has me literally at ease and I feel like i can do this type of cloth-diapering (rather than just using the AIO’s that are already made up for you to use of your babe)..That and the prints of the outer cover are really adorable, rather than just plain looking 🙂

  30. Denise Beeman

    I love prefolds, especially in the newborn stage! This would be a great addition to my newborn stash that needs to grow before we have another baby

  31. Fallon

    Love the designs! Great work, looking forward to trying them out.

  32. I hope that by your AIO review you meant this post? I wasn’t able to start cloth with my first right away because she was too tiny for OS diapers, so this kit would make it possible in the future. Plus, I’d love to try BUMMIS!

  33. Amanda Lea

    Thank you for the great review! These look like they would be a great addition to our stash for future baby!

  34. Amanda N

    With our first little one due July 11, we are busy collecting all things cloth in preparation! This would make such an excellent addition to our newborn collection 🙂

  35. Nicole V.

    We’re expecting a little girl and I’ve been shopping around for the best newborn cloth diapering option….these look GREAT! I hope I win a set so I can try them out!!! 😀

  36. I love your review! I have been thinking about switching to cloth diapers but have been hesitant. These sound awesome! I love that they are a fraction of the price of normal diapers and how easy they are to use. Thanks so much for the review and giveaway!

  37. Melissa F

    I haven’t cloth diapered from birth but planning on doing it for our next baby! These sound like an excellent and affordable option. Have some bummis already and they are a great product!

  38. hannah

    Thanks for the thorough review. Trying to figure cloth diapers out is pretty overwhelming. You’ve r made sense of it, and I think prefolds are a good plan for the newborn stage. That way even hubby would be able to figure them out.

  39. Amy Hall

    I’m pretty staunchly AI2 but I think I’d like this for a smaller NB if he/she didn’t yet fit into my Best bottom, though I was surprised this last time my 8lbs baby (probably under 8lbs, he was 8lbs 2oz at birth) fit the Best Bottom from the beginning.

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