Little Miss Cub is 7 months old… all that and a bag of chips!

Little Miss Cub and her chipsIt’s been just over seven months since I consumed a family-sized bag of Lays with Little Miss Cub by my side. Now, I’ve got to fight her for the bag! (Don’t worry, she’s not eating chips, but the bag is shiny and crunchy… two of her favourite things.)

This past month, we hit plenty of milestones. Little Miss started on solids, with some brown rice cereal as her first entrée, followed by a variety of finger foods at much-less-specific intervals than when I started Cub on food. 

Little Miss Cub starts eating solids

She’s more interested in playing with her food than eating it. She’s slowly started bringing her spoon or her hand to her mouth to get a few swallows of food. Despite the fact that I was sure she was consuming next to nothing, I got proof on the other end that this was not the case!

Little Miss is sitting unassisted, rolling around, and pushing herself backwards. She’s also starting to grab anything she can. This has led Cub to attempt to impart his motto upon her: “Kid toys are for kids. Baby toys are for babies.”

Little Miss Cub starts to play with toys

At her 6-month check up, Little Miss Cub weighed in at 16 lbs, 4 oz. Cub was over 20 lbs at this age, so she still seems so perfectly dainty to me. She’s full of laughter and smiles, and she is absolutely enamored with her thumb… sometimes both of them!

Little Miss Cub is 7 months old

Despite my sarcastic complaints about spending all day, every day with a preschooler and a baby, I’m having a good time. I feel like I was made for this, like motherhood is me in my element. (Ask me if I feel this way when I have a baby on my lap and a preschooler attached to my leg and I’m trying to poop, rather than when I’m sitting, alone, with two children successfully asleep for the night, and I might not say the same thing.)

Selfies with the Cubs

I took the kids for their first eye exams in February. Cub had never had his eyes checked, but at her most recent vaccine appointment, the public health nurse told me they recommended annual checks ups, and Alberta Health covers the cost until age ten. In a fun turn of events, we tracked down my first cousin once removed (so, my Mom’s cousin’s son), who happens to be a Calgary optometrist. He was awesome with the kids: he sang to Little Miss while he examined her eyes, and he made Cub’s entire exam into a fun game. 

Cub goes to the eye doctor

February was the month of #30Days30Carries, a babywearing challenging using a wrap. I was a very enthusiastic participant, and it was really fun to learn different ways to use my wrap. My interest petered out when we got to the back carries: so tricky! I am hoping to try the last half of the challenge again when Little Miss is a bit older.


So that basically sums up February at the Den… what happened in your neck of the woods?

4 responses to “Little Miss Cub is 7 months old… all that and a bag of chips!”

  1. Kim O

    Cute baby! love the pictures

  2. Linda Manns Linneman

    Your children are beautiful. That bag of chips is almost as big as the baby. They just grow up so fast. May God be with you and your family. Thank you for sharing

  3. Emily Turner-Davis

    She is so cute!

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My name is Lindsay and I am a 40-year-old mama of four trying to live an eco-friendly, budget-friendly life! I am a substitute teacher and Child Passenger Safety technician in Calgary, Alberta. Join me on my adventures!

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