Chronicles of a 3-month-old Little Miss Cub

Little Miss Cub is 3 months oldBeing three for three on “X months old” pictures is actually better than I did with Cub, so chapeau to me! On the other hand, the little agenda I keep in lieu of a baby book is a bit sparse. I do not know how I thought of so many things to write each day about Cub’s development, because when I sit down to jot a note for Little Miss Cub, I come up with “she acted like a baby today.” 

Month three of the wee girl’s life marks my personal “I’m in my SAHM/WAHM groove, thank you very much” milestone. October 2015 is the the three-year anniversary of when I started blogging (though those first feeble attempts no longer exist, at least, not here). It also marks the first month where, in terms of actual revenue, Papa Wolf is coming to understand what the heck I’ve been trying to accomplish sitting at my laptop at all hours of the day. I’m pretty excited! (Also excited about our Onya Baby!) At her first visit with the public health nurse, who was a delight, Little Miss weighed in at 11 lbs, 3.5 oz and 57.5 cm tall. All in all, she’s an average baby, which is actually quite nice, because her brother was a jumbo baby and outgrew his clothes far too quickly for my taste!

If I were to highlight a particular event for this month, it would be the day I had both an injured wrist and injured ankle, and sought treatment for the former when the actual severe injury was the latter. My wrist was in pain due to a highly un-ergonomic desk set up, and a lot of blog posts written with my thumbs. My ankle was in pain and the size of a softball because I fell down the stairs. I managed to keep Little Miss Cub totally unscathed, but I rolled my ankle big time. My brother had recommended I see a physio for my wrist, and coincidentally, the day of my appointment was also the day of my ankle injury. I had SO. MUCH. FUN. at physio. I’m not even exaggerating. I had no idea what a physio would do, which is kind of sad since it’s what my brother does for a living. He sent me to a former classmate who happens to be practicing here in Calgary, and she was a riot! Plus, one of her colleagues had no patients and total baby fever. She held Little Miss Cub for a full hour! (Cub played iPad, he was super stoked.) 

Maman Loup has fun at the physio

I got an epic wrist and forearm massage, and acupuncture. And while that was all going down, my physio thought she’d check my ankle, which I’d casually mentioned was sore. She undid my boot and to her horror, my ankle was a total mess. 

I got to recline, be massaged, and have adult conversation for an hour while someone else held my (very content) baby and my preschooler got to zone out on Endless Alphabet and Lego City. My wrist was basically cured, and I’ve now got a fancy ergonomic keyboard and mouse, and am opting to dictate blog posts on my phone if I can, rather than thumb-typing them. As for my ankle… honestly, it’s still a bit sore!

Speaking of my own health, another epic moment from this month was when, for about two hours, I thought I might be pregnant. I had been feeling so dizzy and just “off” all day, and my husband was like: “Oh my gosh. What if you’re pregnant?” This would be a perfect example of an immaculate conception, but still, I spent two hours envisioning the reality of Irish twins until a test proved otherwise. Turns out I’d just forgotten to take my antidepressant for three days and was starting to feel some withdrawal. Glad we got that sorted!

At the three-month mark, Little Miss Cub is super alert and very smiley. We can elicit a giggle or two if we say “achoo” or “boo” in a high-pitched enough voice, and she will coo back at us if we start babbling like idiots. It’s a pretty sweet phase! She has really good neck control, and has had a little turn in the Jolly Jumper and the Exersaucer to prove it. 

She nurses on average every four hours, and sleeps maybe a 5-hour stretch at night. I’m well rested, though, because I really don’t find rolling over to nurse her to be much of a disturbance. This week in particular, Cub has been waking up at 5 AM and coming into my bed… but then proceeding to sleep until TEN!!! And of course I’m getting up and being super productive while he’s sleeping in. Oh— right, I’m actually just sleeping, too.

Cub is working on the whole potty learning thing, as I’ve meticulously and humiliatingly detailed in my reviews of our cloth trainers. It’s frustrating at times, and then it’s just ridiculous, like when he fell asleep on the potty while dressed as Batman. He also insists on “huggling” me whenever I put him on the potty. That’s just a hug, but I guess to him it’s a combo of a hug and a snuggle! His new phrases (which are simply a reflection back on the way I talk) are: “I’m impressed!” / “Does that make sense?” / “Wow, that’s spooky!” and tacking “Huh?!” onto the end of all his statements to turn them into questions.
Also, this has been the month of Lego. Not Duplo, Lego. Thanks, Papa Wolf! We are well on our way to having the entire cast of Avengers in miniature… and so far we haven’t lost anyone, though it’s a daily crisis when one of them is temporarily M.I.A.  Also this month, we voted, attended our first Calgary dinner party with The Monarch Mommy, went to the Telus Spark Science Center, went on a nature walk almost every weekend and went to the park plenty thanks to the unseasonably mild fall weather!

So, that about sums up the third month of Little Miss Cub’s life here at the Den! 

  What’s been going on at your house?

2 responses to “Chronicles of a 3-month-old Little Miss Cub”

  1. Mariane L-L

    My little man turned 3 months old on October 18th. It’s been a crazy busy month, with me trying to clean up the whole house, which was an epic disaster since too long (honestly, I’d say June was the last time it was close to clean.) I can now walk around the house without fear of breaking my ankle or slipping on Rapunzel’s hairs and dropping the baby! With a sparkling house, we celebrated my oldest daughter 7th birthday. I’m still trying to recover from it. 6 little princesses were just to much for me! This 7yo lady has also been sick for the last 3 seeks. It was a simple cold, then an ear infection and to top it all, she has an awful rash since yesterday, coupled with sore throat, fever and headache. We made a pleasant visit to the walk-in clinic where we surprisingly only waited 1 hour to see the nurse! We’re now waiting on the lab test results, but the doctor highly suspect a mononucleosis, yeah! She’s mostly too sick to do Halloween, which is heartbreaking. I’ve been dreaming about candies and chocolate all week! We will have to share the 2yo bag…

  2. Monica Miller

    Sooo I just casually popped over to your site to see if you had a review of the Onya Outback as we just received one from my father-in-law and lo and behold you have the same colours we do! How are you liking it? Finn is still 3lbs too light for us to use it without the infant insert and we will probably just wait instead of buying that, but we are hoping it meets all of our adventurous needs on the trail and out in the world! We’ve just been using the Huggaloops for walks at the moment but it’s not the best for the outdoor adventures we like to go on, although it’s working well for his size and head control (or lack thereof) at the moment. Does Papa Wolf wear it? What are his thoughts?

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My name is Lindsay and I am a 40-year-old mama of four trying to live an eco-friendly, budget-friendly life! I am a substitute teacher and Child Passenger Safety technician in Calgary, Alberta. Join me on my adventures!

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