Öko Creations Hooded Organic Cotton Baby Bath Towel Review

Öko Créations Hooded Organic Cotton Baby Bath Towel Review ~ Maman Loup's Den

So, let’s not beat about the bush: I have a lot of love for Öko Créations. I write about them often, not just because I manage their social media… in fact, if we’re going to go all chicken/egg on this, the reason I came to manage their social media was because I loved their products. I didn’t have even the faintest doubt that I would adore their Organic Cotton Hooded Baby Towel.

Öko Créations Hooded Organic Cotton Baby Bath Towel Review ~ Maman Loup's Den

I could’ve written this review while Little Miss Cub was still in my belly because I already knew the towel was luxuriously soft and absorbent, thicker than your run-of-the-mill-made-in-China baby towel and the only towel I would need for baby bath time. I already knew that, like all their products, our Ukulele-print towel was made in a lovely atelier (Doesn’t that sound even nicer than workshop?!) in Ste-Rose, Laval, a workshop I once had the pleasure of visiting. I already knew that it was made from a carefully chosen, organic cotton terry, and sewn with the utmost care. And I already knew that I loved (and still love) using the larger Poncho version on Cub.

All I needed was a baby for the photos! Luckily for me, she turned out super adorable!

Öko Créations Hooded Organic Cotton Baby Bath Towel Review

I bathe Little Miss Cub at the most twice per week. (That’s part of my lazy parenting m.o.) She loves her bath, and has now started to coo and giggle and smile at me while I wash her. Sometimes we take our bath together, and in order for me to get into and out of the bath safely with her (assuming Papa Wolf isn’t around to help), I bring her bouncy chair into the bathroom. She sits in it while I get myself in and out of the bath.Öko Créations Hooded Organic Cotton Baby Bath Towel Review

The look on her face in the above photo is the look of “I’m about to poop, Mom, and it’s gonna be huge.” I’m confident that if she had just been swaddled in a regular, thin baby towel, the bouncer would’ve needed a spin in the washing machine. Thankfully, the thick Öko towel took the brunt of the mess, and I just had to lightly rinse the fabric of the bouncer.

Although she loves her bath, getting out of the bath and out into the cold air is the worst. Of course, she gets lots of cuddles, and must patiently wait while Mommy attempts to take selfies. (I need a longer arm. I’ve made fun of selfie-sticks too often to actually buy one myself.)

Öko Créations Hooded Organic Cotton Baby Bath Towel Review

To cheer her up once she’s out of the bath, we always have to nurse. And she is very content to remain wrapped up in her Öko towel while she has her post-bath milkies.

Öko Créations Hooded Organic Cotton Baby Bath Towel Review

An Öko Hooded Baby Bath Towel is what you should definitely be giving your best friend at her baby shower if you love her. Heck, even if her pregnancy mood swings are driving you up the wall, you should still buy her this towel because you’d be supporting an ethical, sustainable, Canadian company, and… karma, baby!

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2 responses to “Öko Creations Hooded Organic Cotton Baby Bath Towel Review”

  1. […] Öko Creations || My Hooded Bath Towel Review || My Poncho […]

  2. […] Poncho Review | Hooded Bath Towel Review […]

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My name is Lindsay and I am a 40-year-old mama of four trying to live an eco-friendly, budget-friendly life! I am a substitute teacher and Child Passenger Safety technician in Calgary, Alberta. Join me on my adventures!

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