You might speak Cloth Diaperese if…
1 – You know you can use a FF as an AI2 or an AIO.
2 – You figure an EUC BB cover FFS is a sweet deal.
3- You’d say FML if your DD always undid the H&L closure on her BG and got poop everywhere.
4- You love how the AWJ coordinates with the PUL on your OS EBB from the CMG!
5 – You’re sad the HTF AC LF is NFS.
6- You know if you prefer a SDR or FDR on your fitteds, and want a HOBF inner core for extra absorbency.
7- When you post something OT, you finish by telling us WOTB.
8- You’re keeping a HTF BG print BNIP for your retirement. When you’re ready, it’ll be a DTP.
9- You wish your LO was a NB again to wear all those V4 TFs!
10- You know that stocking and stalking go together on your favourite WAHM’s HC page.
So, how fluent are you?
You understand…
0 – You’re cloth diaper illiterate! Time to hit the stash and study hard.
1-3 You’re still a bit cloth-clueless.
4-6 You’re borderline bottom savvy.
7-9 Watch out, you’re well on your way to seeing colours in terms of Emerald City green and Countess pink.
10 – Time to join your local chapter of Cloth Diaper Addicts Anonymous!
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