
Thirsties Newborn Cloth Diapers Review

Thirsties Newborn Cloth Diapers Review

I received these items at no cost to facilitate my review. All opinions remain my own.

Surprisingly, I didn’t have much experience with Thirsties products prior to receiving our Thirsties newborn cloth diapers for review shortly after Little Miss Cub was born. I recall, in my postpartum daze, putting a size XS Thirsties cover that I had from a second-hand lot on Little Miss and thinking “daaaaaang I love the fit of this!” 

Thirsties Newborn Cloth Diapers Review

The contoured waist hugged her little tummy so nicely, and the double leg gusset gave a super snug fit, even while her legs were still scrawny. 

Thirsties sent me a size XS cover in snaps, a size NB cover in hook and loop, and one of each closure in their All-in-Ones. I must say that Thirsties’ newborn options are on point! 

Thirsties Covers

Thirsties Newborn Cloth Diapers Review ~ Maman Loup's Den

Here’s a comparison of the newborn size and the size XS:We were using the XS when she was at her tiniest, but on top of fairly puffy fitted diapers. Had I needed to use trimmer inserts (newborn prefolds, for example) at that point, the newborn size would’ve been the only option. That said, the newborn size also fit perfectly over our newborn fitteds.

Thirsties Newborn Cloth Diapers Review

We really used our NB and XS covers at the same time, obviously just securing the XS tighter at the waist. Between the snap closure and the hook & loop, I definitely preferred the latter for ease of adjustment. 

Thirsties Newborn Cloth Diapers Review

I can honestly say (since I am a notoriously awful liar) that our Thirsties covers were our favourite fit during the newborn stage.

Thirsties Newborn Cloth Diapers Review

Are they the ones that lasted longest? Obviously not: they are precisely sized and don’t have rise snaps. However, when our newborn covers with rise snaps were still fitting, we were also already able to use our one-size covers.

Thirsties Newborn Cloth Diapers Review

I think that most babies would do well with just the XS cover to bridge the gap until one-size models fit. 

Thirsties NB AIOs

Thirsties Newborn Cloth Diapers Review ~ Maman Loup's Den

Overall, I prefer to use hook & loop closure diapers on newborns, so I was happy to have both versions to test. The advantage of Thirsties’ snap version is that it has the umbilical snap down. Our Thirsties shipment arrived when Little Miss was about a week and a half old, so for us, this didn’t matter. 

As I’ve surely mentioned in my previous newborn reviews, I definitely prefer AIOs where the insert isn’t entirely sewn in, so that’s a win for Thirsties:

Thirsties Newborn Cloth Diapers Review ~ Maman Loup's Den

Our Thirsties were pretty thirsty, even without boosting, which definitely surprised me! I’m rethinking my stance on entirely synthetic interior newborn diapers, since I found it more absorbent than our GroVia, which is hemp/cotton and no microfiber! 

Thirsties Newborn Cloth Diapers Review ~ Maman Loup's Den

I definitely preferred the fit at the waist on the hook & loop closure AIO.

Thirsties Newborn Cloth Diapers Review ~ Maman Loup's Den

In the picture above, she’s just shy of 11 lbs. I am not confident these will still fit at 14 lbs, and regardless, they would definitely need to be boosted by that weight. 

My favourite things about the Thirsties newborn line up:

  • Did I mention their covers are just simply my faves of all the ones we tried?

Things I like less about the Thirsties newborn line up:

  • I’m not crazy about the way the waist fit Little Miss Cub on the AIO with snaps (love the hook & loop, though);

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Find a Thirsties retailer, or purchase via my affiliate links to Lagoon Baby, Nicki’s Diapers, Amazon.ca or Amazon.ca.

Shopping for newborn diapers? See all my reviews here!

107 responses to “Thirsties Newborn Cloth Diapers Review”

  1. laura bernard

    These are really cute and at a great price! I’ve never tried a Thirsties and after reading this.

  2. Melissa P M

    Haven’t tried many different types of diapers before and excited to try a few more brands with baby #4 who is due in a few weeks!

  3. Joni Kelso

    Thanks for the review! I will definitely be trying Thirsties. Can you go into a little more night time diapering detail? Maybe it’s own seperate blog post?

  4. Kaelyn

    I love thirsties covers they work so great at containing poop and they never leak! They are cute and fit great on both my girls. The price is amazing too!

  5. Lily

    Left a comment under Lily Woo

  6. Lily

    Haven’t tried these yet, thanks for the review

  7. Bea Thomas

    thanks for the review! I’ve been dabbling in covers and prefolds (normally do AI2s) and I’ve been eyeing the thirsties covers online.

  8. Kayli Butler

    You have changed my mind about being sceptical of trying other diaper covers. I am a best bottom lover myself and I can never seem to get a good fit with anything else. But now I might have to give thirsties a shot!

  9. Rebecca F

    I love our current Thirsties and they are a great price! Thank you for the chance to win!

  10. Heather walborn

    We have 2 Thisties AIO in our newborn stash & love them! They are the most absorbant ones we have.

  11. Emily Roth

    I loved hearing how these work for newborns. I love my thirsties size 2 cover for my 5 month old and I’m already thinking about NB cloth for the next baby (hopefully a ways away but who doesn’t get caught up in the cloth love?). I’m glad to hear Thirsties is a great option for NB!

  12. Amanda Muskego

    They look really great for newborns. I have used the large sized prefolds for nighttime diapers that I love!

  13. Sabrina Throm

    This is a great review. So excited to try out my thirsties cover on my little who is due any day now! Love the huge hook and loop tabs, although wished they had bolder colors and prints.

  14. Dianna Annette

    I love cloth diapers, I don’t care who made them or what brand. I just wish everyone knew how easy it is to cloth diaper then we would have more people helping the environment and saving money in their pockets…

  15. Stephanie

    I picked up a few pre-loved Thirsties before our LO was born. They are the only AIOs in our stash. We’ve got 1 H&L and 2 snaps, I definitely love the fit we get with the H&L, it’s hubbys favorite diaper! Great review!!

  16. Candice Balser

    I would love to try a Thirsties AIO diaper. I have 1 Thirsties and it is a pocket diaper. I really like it. Trying a different style of Thirsties would be something I’d like to do also though.

  17. Madeleine LeClerc

    I wish Thirsties had a natural fiber option! My baby doesn’t do well with microfiber ?

  18. Holly P

    I used Thirsties x-small with my son. I loved them. The hook and loop made diaper changes so easy.

  19. Priscilla Wong

    This was very helpful, I have some of the covers, but I’m realizing I need some of the infant ones for my next one!

  20. Christa Young

    I have my first Thirsties on the way. I can’t wait to try it. I have so many great things about the amazing fit you get with their covers.

  21. Melissa Decroteau

    i was so sad these came out after I had bought my whole newborn stash for my youngest! They look so cute! I feel like the sizing on all newborn diapers fit weird. Every newborn is shaped so differently! We had either a great waist fit or a great leg fit …usually not both with the newborn brands we tried.

  22. Thanks for the visual aids. I especially like the newborn with the xs laid on top of each other. Gives such an exact comparison. And we love our thirsties covers too!!

  23. I’m glad to see this review. I have a few more covers to buy so I may get some thirsties! I have a friend who swears by them so this only confirms that.

  24. Marie Dup

    I like the tongue style AIOs a lot. However, I’m not of fan of MF. I wish there were more tongue style stay-dry, natural fiber AIOs out there…

  25. Ashley Kay

    These look great! I haven’t tried thirsties yet but I’m definitely going to keep them in mind for someday baby #2. Wish I had done newborn cloth with this one.

  26. Crystal bennett

    I’m new to CD and have heard of thirsties but have never seen one. I feel a lot more comfortable after your review and am inspired to try them out for my boy. Thank you :)))

  27. Sara Califf

    I agree, Thirsties XS covers are great for newborns to transition to OS dipes. Our XS duo wraps still fit our 11 week old and he’s been in OS for about a month.

  28. Cari Lingwood

    Hmmmm…. I was thinking about the newborn size, but this has me second guessing since little lady came out not so little at over 9 lbs!

  29. Tessa Daniels

    I never tried Thirsties with our last babe, but really considering trying them out this time! I was gifted a few xs covers and can’t wait until baby girl arrives in January to try them out!!

  30. Jamie S

    Thirsties are great, love the review! I’ve tried newborn covers (love!), aio’s (not my favorite) and OS AIO/pocket (so far, better than the newborn!)… but all came as gifts or I bought used, so now I’d love to win one where I got to choose the print – hopefully something from the ocean collection! 🙂

  31. Kara

    I have 3 Thirsties covers and love them! I would like to try other Thirsties diapers because they look like they would he comfortable for my daughter!

  32. Eva

    I’ve always followed your blog! Love the reviews! And I did enter the giveaway under Eva Quackamole. Ive a US address too, hope that’s ok 🙂

  33. Dawne Forrester

    I never tried the nb Thirsties AIO, but my nb pocket was OTB every time it was clean! I have 2 OS pockets and 2 OS covers that I absolutely love. I do prefer the snaps over the H&L though, since my “little miss” has learned to remove H&L already.

  34. Vanessa V.

    I’ve tried their covers on my newborn and didn’t love the fit of them too much. Maybe because my daughter had chubby legs and a lean waist so it always fit either too big at the waist or too tight at the legs especially because of the double gussets. I did however LOVE their newborn AIO. Its been my favorite newborn diaper so far and does hold more than the grovia nb like you said.

  35. Dandi D

    I have been using a Thirsties size one on my newborn and it works really well.

  36. Alisha Emmett

    I found this review very helpful in making a decision as to which sizes(s) I would need. Thank you!

  37. Joni

    These are really cute and more affordable than some brands. Would love to try these!

  38. Kristin Parkin

    I borrowed some Thirsties covers and feel in love with them! I’ve gotten a few of my own in size 1 but need to start looking soon for size 2! I’d love to get a OS AIO to try out!

  39. Denise Beeman

    You know you are cloth diaper obsessed when posts like this have you planning how you will upgrade your stash when a new baby comes… When your other baby is only 9 months old! I see your point on hook and loop in newborn diapers. I am starting to hate my h&l in covers with crawling and starting to curl. I think I will get h&l covers in newborn and stick with snap in OS

  40. Rose McDonald

    Thirsties are my favourite covers too. We use their Duo Wraps and I absolutely love how great the rise is on the size 2. I wasn’t confident about the fit of the Duo on a 7lb newborn in the beginning, but I had never used cloth before. We will probably be more comfortable using them from the start for #2 since we understand proper fit now.

  41. I have a two week old at home and he is a peanut! We’ve been using fitteds with Thirsties size 1 covers and they’re really bulky on him because he’s under 7lbs still, but they work REALLY well. I think I may pick up a newborn AIO to just try out on him!

  42. Sara Owen

    It’s surprising you like the H&L over the snaps but I’m not a fan of the fit the snaps give around the belly either.

  43. I wish I had started my twins in cloth from the beginning, they were premature and so small for a long time that we could have really benefited from new born sized cloth. however now that we are using cloth most of the time I really enjoy cloth that look super cute! and I love the colours! expecially the coral/orange one.

  44. Shannon Muchnikoff

    I am new to cloth diapering and appreciate all reviews as I feel it has taught me so much! Thanks!!!

  45. Kim

    I’m surprised about the price point for the thirstiest being so reasonable; especially for the AIO.
    I love the size ranges with the newborn vs. XS overlap. I tend to have bigger babies so the XS would mean more time in the thirstiest cover for us!

  46. Brooke Warren

    I used the thirsties AIO when my son was a newborn and it was my favorite. It was the only AIO we had that wouldn’t leak. We used prefolds and covers too, but I wish I had bought some thirsties covers, because the ones we had were not my favorite.

  47. Amanda Austin

    We’ve never tried Thirsties, but these look similar to the Bummis that we used for a long time, which I liked. I also preferred the hook and loop closures when baby was tiny. The fact that the small covers don’t have a snap down rise doesn’t bother me.

  48. Holly Hollister

    thank you for all of the great information. I have heard good things about Thirsties but it’s great to know specifics about the fit, especially being a first time cloth mama!

  49. Mollie

    I love thirsties! We have a handful of the newborn and XS covers that were perfect for when my twins were newborns! Those were the best fitting diapers we had at the time!

  50. janie vezina

    i dont have any thirsties yet, but now its on my list of covers i want to get

  51. Amber Jackson

    My midwife and family kept saying that we were going to have a big baby.,. Soooo I was like hmmm maybe I should skip nb diapers since my baby won’t be in them long out even not at all… I did have size 1 in thirsties. My son was 7.14 but had dropped all the way to 7.3 I had him in sposies for the first month since he was so scrawny… I should’ve gotten newborn sized diapers!! When he finally had a lil meat on his bones we started his size 1 diapers and we loved them with a prefold in jellyroll fold:)

  52. Tabitha Luczak

    Thirsties covers were one of our favorites when my daughter was a newbie. We also use the XS and loved them with both our prefolds and fitteds. If you haven’t tried Rumparooz, I recommend them too!

  53. Alex Hoeft

    I’m excited to try Thirsties for baby #2 due in January. I will be starting cloth from day 1 with this baby. With my son I didn’t start until 3 months because I wasn’t sold on the idea of cloth. I quickly changed my mind once I started cloth and I am excited to start with the newborn stage!

  54. Andrea Schnitkey

    Thanks for the review and especially pictures! I like to see what they will look like before I buy them. I have never tried this brand before. I only have 3 brands total for my whole watch.

  55. Sarah Sobocinski

    I love my thirsties cover and really want to try the aio.

  56. Emily green

    We love thirsties! My sister lives in Colorado and introduced them to me. There hemp liners are a life saver and the covers are amazing for night time!

  57. Amy Perkins

    I’ve always wanted to try a THirsties cover or AIO. It seems like everyone that uses them really likes them and I LOVE the colors and prints.

  58. Rosie klein

    We love hook and loop for the newborn and smaller size stage as well. Makes for much easier middle of the night changes. We have a few thirsties in our Arsenal (covers) as they were favorites with our biggers. I didn’t even know they offered an AIO option. Thanks for the honest review! ?

  59. I’m new to cloth diapering and can’t wait to start! This post helped out alot thank you

  60. We aren’t at the point of trying for a third baby yet but I like to do my research early. I didn’t cloth diaper for my other two as newborns and am completely lost when it comes to the best fit for nb diapers. I really liked how you described it and I think that so far thirsties are my first choice for baby #3.

  61. Silvia Rodriguez

    we only have one Thirsties in our stash but we love how fast it dries! I wish we would have started when my son was a newborn, those newborn covers look teeny tiny!

  62. Jennifer Muir

    Love this review! I only have one thirsties cover for NB and can’t wait to try it now that DS cord has fallen off. Will have to try the AIO at some point (probably in OS).
    Always love your reviews as it really lets me see how the fit is (and you’ve tried a lot of different brands so I trust when you say it’s good!).

  63. Nanci Rizzo

    I loved hearing that the aio was more absorbent than a grovia hybrid insert hemp/cotton, which is what we use. I loved the thirsties covers when my lo was a nb. They really fit better than anything else. I would love to try their Aio. This was a very helpful review! Thank you

  64. Dannie Mills

    This is a great review of thirsties. I haven’t got to try the aio yet, but this really encourages me to.

  65. Christine c

    Thank you for the visuals and thorough review! I have been looking for some covers and AI0s for my new journey into CD wit h my first one due any day ! I have been keeping up with reviews and comments and Thirsties seem great. THanks again <3

  66. Erin

    Thanks for the thorough review! My little one is out of newborn sizes (just), but good to know for the next! 🙂

  67. Amy Hall

    I appreciated the AIO review, espcially hearing your opinion on hook and loop versus snap.

  68. Viv Sluys

    My babies start at about 9 pounds so I can’t decide whether to do a newborn stash or just use my one size. We used cloth for a couple months with my second baby when she was around a year old but I only had 6 diapers and when i got pregnant with my 3rd I couldn’t handle washing the cloth. We started up again with cloth when my 3rd was 3 or 4 months old so I only have one size and size 2 diapers (more than 6 now!…I think I have 22). I love my Thirsties AIO diaper and I’m planning to get some more.

  69. Brin Cobb

    I have yet to try a Thirsties diaper, but after reading your review, it looks like I may need to get one! Thank you so much for the information.

  70. Anna Ratterree varakuta

    Great review! I really love thirsties! I use their covers, and I love that they hold everything in so well. I also have one of their aio’s, and wish I had more!

  71. Elishia

    I hadn’t paid much attention to the brand before, but I really like the idea of these Newborn AIO’s.

  72. Elizabeth Matthiesen

    I adored this post, mainly for the wonderful photos of such a gorgeous baby, adorable 🙂

  73. Ammy

    This was VERY helpful. Thank youuuu!!!!

  74. We’ve been in love with thirsties since our first son! Mainly because of being made in the USA. Back then I was all about the prefolds. Now, with baby number two I’m all about the AIO’s and pockets! I was proud of myself for buying 5 when my first son was tiny (i used them as over night diapers) because I use those first and then move on to the prefolds. I have the fishy print in prefold tiny size and its my favorite right now. My second son has almost outgrown it though 🙁

  75. Claudia Marcil

    I love your review and blog 🙂 Thanks for those tips.

  76. Carrie Barron

    Thanks for sharing your opinion that an XS cover would work to bridge the gap until a OS cover would fit. That’s good to know your experience with that.

  77. Mara Kunkel

    The thirsties duo wrap size 1 was the first cover to fit my skinny baby since we did disposables when he was a newborn. He is 21 months and the size 1 still fits him. I also have their size 2 AIOs which are my favorite for on the go. We have 1 of their fitteds I use at night. I definitely love thirsties and wish I had more!

  78. Leela R

    Great review. Liked the comparison of the newborn to the XS. Good to know which ones are good to have and which ones to skip!

  79. Aliya

    I had no clue Thirsties had XS sizes! I may have to try some!

  80. Angelina M

    I love the fit of Thirsties covers and would love to try an AIO.

  81. Suzanne Kristy

    Very cute selection! I had never heard of the brand before – but very decently priced as well!

  82. Monica Miller

    Most people I’ve talked to and reviews I’ve read prefer snap closure so I haven’t put much thought into hook and loop but it makes sense that without much other way to adjust a NB diaper that hook and loop would be the better option! Do you find it’s hard to keep the hook and loop closures clean and “sticky”?

  83. Kristin D

    I have a Thirsties size one cover and it is my favorite. Cute prints and they really contain everything. I’ll have to look into their AIO.

  84. Amélie L.

    They look really cute! I agree that the fit seems better with hook and loop for smaller babies 🙂

  85. Rachel

    Thirsties has so many choices! Thanks for discussing so many of them!

  86. Thirsties have been so amazing to my baby girl and have made it possible for me being a single momma of an 8 year old boy (who I refer to as MY CUB lol I noticed what you called your daughter and thought it was a pretty neat coincidence! ??) and my now 4 month old baby girl for me to afford to build a decent stash and with CUTE PRINTS AND COLORS! I love a few other brands but nothing beats the price, dependability, and cuteness ai1 like Thirsties can. They are trim fitting, we have never had a leak in them, and awesomely enough they don’t take 583837482 washes to PREP so that they are at their best for use! I try to get a couple a month to add to my little growing stash but still doing laundry every day is hard and expensive with the water usage, I’m getting there though and the fact she’s NEVER had rash or irritation etc. AND that I’m satisfying my “inner flower child” by helping the Eco one less sposie at a time makes it all that much more worth it. I could seriously go on about this diaper BUT I won’t lol I will say I am SO grateful I was told about these diapers and I am always that mom who swears by our Thirsties any time my other cloth mommas or my potentially “cloth using momma friends” ask me about the dipes we use and why…
    Thank you for the opportunity to add one more of these beauties to our growing little stash!

  87. Wanda Abenth/Garr

    Thirsties is one of the favorite go to diapers. I love them! My moms love them.

  88. Miriam Matheny

    I only have one thirsties cover, but it is by far my favorite! I never thought I’d liked sized diapers, but that seems to be what fits my string bean best. Plus you can’t beat double gussets!

  89. Holly B

    Thanks so much for the review. I have been reading about Thirsties and wanting to try so this is helpful.

  90. Mylène Bélanger

    I’ve never use Thirsties too, so it would be a good opportunity since I think it’s my last one in diapers and is already 2yo

  91. Katie F.

    Cloth diapering has had a huge impact on our family’s lifestyle. I was so nervous that despite my wanting to cloth diaper our first daughter that I would fail because it can be quite overwhelming at first. However, thanks to all the resources available such as your blog I have not only been successful in using cloth, but have created interest in others who would have never otherwise have considered cloth!

  92. Sarah Nutter

    Newborn on the way. This should work great for us.

  93. I LOVE my Thirsties. I have the old school Size 1 and 2 and love those even better. We are still going strong 10 months in and the fit has been perfect from the get go. Had bought a lot of a very popular brand and sold them to fund more Thirsties!!!

  94. Kayla Little

    I LOVE these. They are super cute & affordable. We have just started cloth diapering and I would love to try one of your diapers!

  95. I haven’t tried cloth diapers yet. I have been researching on the different kinds, and your review was very thorough. It explained the fit well and the pictures are adorable 🙂 thanks for taking the time to review these products for us new to cloth diapers 🙂

  96. Thirsties is an affordable and great way to get into cloth diapering. Our suprise baby this time around due in April is causing us to get stocked up on cloth diapers. It would be nice to have this AIO!

  97. Lindsay Bessey

    i really like this review. Very thorough and I especially liked seeing the inside of the AIO.

  98. Kassie Valentine

    I’m so glad I found this blog post.
    I recently discovered AIO, I am new to cloth diapers, and I was so nervous on how they work with newborn and stuff since they poop alot. Your post has made it easier for me to start picking the right brands for my little, she’s due November 19th ?

  99. Anya Cybolsky

    Thanks for the review. Personally love one-size AI0

  100. Anya Cybolsky

    I have actually never tried thirsties but I would love to as I have a pretty extensive AI0 collection started!

  101. Tara Seiler Kerfoot

    I actually learned from this, I didn’t know we needed more than just aio. Thank you for the information.

  102. I was given several thirsties covers and am going to order a few XS with the tape closure thanks to this review.

  103. Kirstin Kennedy

    I really enjoy your reviews. They are super helpful and I love thirsties!

  104. Ann Dodson

    I have one Thirsties diaper, a fitted, and I really enjoy it. I use it for night since it bulletproof with a cover ? I have yet to try the AIOs, I’m sure they are amazing, so I’d be more than happy to win!

  105. […] Thirsties covers were my favourite newborn cover on Little Miss Cub, so I was very excited to try their one-size […]

  106. Marie Cole

    I’ve been doing a lot of newborn diaper research for the next little one based on what worked for my previous Littles and I think the thirsties aio is going on the list of diapers to buy.

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