We just got back from a weigh-in, so with her exact weight in mind, I tried all her newborn cloth diapers on her! We have moved on to one-size for the most part, to be honest, because most of these options would need to be heavily boosted to absorb enough. My hands-down favourite newborn booster for extending the life of these newborn diapers is the Nuggles Newborn Booster.
If a brand is not hyperlinked yet, the review is coming soon!
Definitely still fits well, and the pocket makes it easy to boost. Hook & loop is already a bit less sticky though.
We are using our Size 1 stash regularly. I’m working on a post about how I stuff them. I use Bummis prefolds and Öko Créations trifolds mainly.
It fits around the waist but is super low slung in the back, so in my opinion, no longer wearable.
Definitely still fits and has room to grow. Pocket means I can customize absorption. Eagerly awaiting EBB newborn inserts to try!
5. Thirsties (hook & loop)
I can just barely attach the hook & loop.
Surprisingly, this tiny looking diaper still has wiggle room. It just would need a very hefty booster to last.
7. Thirsties with snaps
I was never crazy about the fit of this one. It’s a bit low now and gapes at the waist.
Most enormous Newborn diapers ever! We still have a rise level to go!
Definitely have to do the snaps up unevenly, but it fits. Would need a good booster.
Still fits but we are on the last snaps. Would need to be boosted! (Their new design has a pocket, which will make that easier.)
11. TotsBots
While probably still absorbent enough, we are just at the ends of the hook & loop band so it’s borderline too small.
This is the only one besides AppleCheeks size 1 that fit at birth and still fits and is still absorbent enough for daytime! (And it’s easy to boost it.)
Totally outgrown:
We’ve completely outgrown Lil Joeys and The Little Bee Co. and BumGenius.
Until what weight did you use your newborn stash?
Find all my newborn cloth diaper reviews here.

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