BabyBjörn Bouncer Mini: A Newborn Essential

BabyBjorn Bouncer Mini Review ~ Maman Loup's Den

I received this item free for review. All opinions remain my own. 

I didn’t really know what I needed when I was pregnant with Cub. I accepted any and all hand-me-down items, turning our 800-square-foot apartment into an obstacle course of baby accouterments that were mainly occupied by cats. While I was pregnant with Little Miss Cub, we moved across the country from Montreal to Calgary. To make the move easier, I decided to leave a whole lot of stuff behind, giving goodies away to a pregnant friend and to charity. Starting fresh meant keeping it simple: no unnecessary baby gear was to cross the threshold of our new home.

Let me tell you what a relief it was to arrive home from the hospital with Little Miss Cub to find our BabyBjörn Bouncer Mini waiting at the door. Before anything else, we had it out of the box and set up so we could snuggle our new bundle into it and give big brother some much-needed attention. Unless you are exhausted from giving birth and lack of sleep, the bouncer will be assembled in seconds. (I couldn’t have built a four-piece puzzle at that point, so Papa Wolf did the honors.) 

Baby Bjorn Bouncer Mini ~ 2

When Little Miss Cub isn’t in our arms or her crib, she’s in her Bouncer Mini. She loves it because it’s ergonomic, cozy, soft and safe. I love it because it doesn’t need batteries to play obnoxious music or vibrate and is nice and light so I can move it around the house as needed. If required, it can also be stored totally flat. Cub likes to gently rock his sister or stop by to give her a kiss on the head. The legs also, apparently, are excellent percussion instruments.

Cub plays the BabyBjorn Drums

Depending which way you insert the two legs, the seat can be used in an upright position or a recline position:

BabyBjorn Bouncer Mini Recline and UprightThe cotton cover is fully removable and washable (because you just know one of the three Ps is going to get on there some how… puke, pee or poop). The seat is designed for use up to six months old, or 20 lbs. A definite must for your baby registry if you are expecting!

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Where’s your favourite place to safely park your newborn when she’s not in someone’s arms?

39 responses to “BabyBjörn Bouncer Mini: A Newborn Essential”

  1. Maxine C. Latour

    I’d love to use it for my next baby – unnamed yet 😀

  2. Marianne

    I also would be using it for another baby. DH and I have 3 girls so far — the only way to guarantee a boy would be to purchase all pink items for said baby

  3. Shari Price

    We’re due at the end of October with another girl. This would be so helpful for spending some quality time with our oldest when the newest one is sleeping. 🙂

  4. Wendy T

    What a great bounder! I love that the cover can easily be thrown in the washer.

  5. Debbie S.

    My new grand baby would be rocking in this. I can’t wait to meet this baby, should be arriving in this world in just a couple of weeks.

  6. Shirley Yip

    I hope nobody I know is going to read this because it isn’t announced yet….but we’re going to have a newborn next spring!

    1. Camille W

      Congrats! My baby was born on the first day of Spring this year. It’s a great season for having babies!

  7. ivy pluchinsky

    my cousin just had a baby i would give this to her

  8. Camille W

    Baby girl is still within the age and weight restrictions for this but more than likely, it would be for our next little bub – whenever he or she comes along 🙂

  9. Noémi Lavoie-Lefaivre

    It would be perfect for my pregnant friend due in november!

  10. I always loved putting my newborn in both a swing and bouncer. I cook a lot so it’s handy not to have a baby strapped to my front. As a tiny newborn an african carry in a ring sling was great though. I will be bouncing baby girl #3 in this bouncer if I win! She arrives in October!

  11. Jolie

    My cousin is pregnant. Would be great for her.

  12. loriag

    I would be bouncing my new niece Ruby.

  13. Mireille

    I would be bouncing my newborn, expecting early spring!

  14. Darkempriss

    I’d be bouncing my little baby girl 🙂 She’s such a bouncy baby I’m sure she would love this!

  15. Shannon Bridge

    We will be bouncing our new bundle due March 7th 2016!

  16. Jenny Major

    I would be bouncing my newborn

  17. Christine Cee

    I would be bouncing my first newborn <3 Due end of October. Feel so much love already !!

  18. Steph S

    I’d be bouncing our first baby – only 4 weeks to go! PS. Congrats on the birth of Little Miss Cub 🙂

  19. Holly MacRitchie

    My nephew would be bouncing in this

  20. I would be bouncing Violet, due to arrive in about six weeks. 🙂

  21. Nicole Bonito

    My best friend is due soon so I would have her baby bouncing in this!

  22. Sahra Altaha

    My nephew, Ben, would be bouncing in this!!

  23. Jennifer P.

    My cousin’s baby would be bouncing in this bouncer – due on labour day, we are so excited!!

  24. Rachel Bryant

    I love the simplicity of this. We never really made our bouncer work with the first baby. I think we’ll try this with the second!

  25. L H

    I would be bouncing my beautiful newborn boy.

  26. Mel Borhi

    my friends new daughter.

  27. Sheri

    Looks like a great idea! My baby loves to bounce!

  28. Courtney

    My newborn son!

  29. Codie Campbell

    My very first daughter or son will be born in about 8 weeks ! Doing this for my partne who will be staying home with him or her. She would love this !! So simple and comfortable. Thanks. Good luck everyone.

  30. Kristi Blackley

    My baby #2 due Sept 22!

  31. Sarah P

    Baby #3!

  32. Kayla Bondy

    Baby number 3! Due to arrive soon! (Sept 5)

  33. Helen Huang

    Baby #1 with a scheduled C-section in 2 weeks!

  34. Cassandra Rae

    Were trying to have another baby now so this would be for our next baby 🙂 It looks like such an awesome product! Little Miss Cub looks so content 🙂

  35. Soozle

    This would be a gift to a close friendwho is a new mom 🙂

  36. Judy H

    I would be bouncing my baby girl Arya

  37. […] Bouncy seat (need) – You’re going to find it super handy to have a place to put the baby down so they can start to entertain themselves a bit. This will give you a chance to do things like eat, go to the bathroom, take a shower. You know, the basics. I have the Peg Perego Melodia chair and love it. Unfortunately, Peg Perego has since discontinued this chair. If you can find one on Kijiji/Craigslist, snap it up! It has quite a few incline settings, including flat for napping, came with a toy bar, played music, and you can plug a smart phone or ipod into it and play whatever music you want. It’s great. Another really popular chair that has a nice amount of bounce to it is the BABYBJORN Bouncer Balance. BabyBjorn also makes a mini bouncer just for newborns, and you can read a review of it over on Maman Loup’s Den. […]

  38. […] chairs for your twins, choose ones that recline flat so you can use them in the early days! The bouncer I had for Miss Cub would work […]

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My name is Lindsay and I am a 40-year-old mama of four trying to live an eco-friendly, budget-friendly life! I am a substitute teacher and Child Passenger Safety technician in Calgary, Alberta. Join me on my adventures!

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