I received this item free for review. All opinions remain my own.
I didn’t really know what I needed when I was pregnant with Cub. I accepted any and all hand-me-down items, turning our 800-square-foot apartment into an obstacle course of baby accouterments that were mainly occupied by cats. While I was pregnant with Little Miss Cub, we moved across the country from Montreal to Calgary. To make the move easier, I decided to leave a whole lot of stuff behind, giving goodies away to a pregnant friend and to charity. Starting fresh meant keeping it simple: no unnecessary baby gear was to cross the threshold of our new home.
Let me tell you what a relief it was to arrive home from the hospital with Little Miss Cub to find our BabyBjörn Bouncer Mini waiting at the door. Before anything else, we had it out of the box and set up so we could snuggle our new bundle into it and give big brother some much-needed attention. Unless you are exhausted from giving birth and lack of sleep, the bouncer will be assembled in seconds. (I couldn’t have built a four-piece puzzle at that point, so Papa Wolf did the honors.)
When Little Miss Cub isn’t in our arms or her crib, she’s in her Bouncer Mini. She loves it because it’s ergonomic, cozy, soft and safe. I love it because it doesn’t need batteries to play obnoxious music or vibrate and is nice and light so I can move it around the house as needed. If required, it can also be stored totally flat. Cub likes to gently rock his sister or stop by to give her a kiss on the head. The legs also, apparently, are excellent percussion instruments.
Depending which way you insert the two legs, the seat can be used in an upright position or a recline position:
The cotton cover is fully removable and washable (because you just know one of the three Ps is going to get on there some how… puke, pee or poop). The seat is designed for use up to six months old, or 20 lbs. A definite must for your baby registry if you are expecting!
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Where’s your favourite place to safely park your newborn when she’s not in someone’s arms?

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