
39 Weeks (still) Pregnant

39 Weeks Pregnancy Diary

I was really hoping to not have to write this post. In fact, when I scheduled my second follow-up ultrasound (due to low amniotic fluid at 37 weeks), I was sure this was an appointment I would be happily cancelling. Alas, it was not to be. We just got back from our ultrasound at 39 weeks, 1 day, and fluid levels are still good! Little Miss Cub weighs about 7 lbs, 3 oz., and for the first time, Cub got a glimpse of his little sister. I had told him all day that we would be going to the hospital to see pictures of his little sister in my belly, and he seemed relatively nonplussed. But once in the exam room, it was “Wow! Look-a that!” We saw her heart, her foot, and the whole rest of her was pretty indistinguishable since she’s totally squished in my uterus, and very low down. 

On Monday I had an unscheduled visit with my midwife because I was convinced I was leaking amniotic fluid. (This was how my labour started with Cub.) She concluded I was not, and told me to relax. I admit, I was very stressed and eager for Little Miss Cub to arrive because our babysitter was on her way out of town later in the week. On Tuesday, I got out of bed and decided to stop searching my body for every last inkling of a possible sign of labour and just enjoy my finite time as a mother of one. It was a very liberating sensation! 

By Tuesday evening I was experiencing my most painful contractions, which continued on Wednesday (which was also the day Cub and I almost got caught outdoors during our first Calgary Tornado Watch). On Thursday, I had my weekly midwife appointment: my belly’s measuring perfectly, baby’s heartbeat normal, just relax, Mama! I enjoyed an amazing prenatal massage (thanks to Chantal at The Centre Spa & Wellness*) and then came home to rest while Cub was still at his babysitter’s. Lots of contractions on Thursday evening and lots of exhaustion: thankfully I had a perfect sleep last night. What a difference it makes to wake up fully rested, no? (I realize this will be an even rarer experience once Little Miss Cub arrives.) 

My next ultrasound is scheduled for August 4, when I will be 6 days overdue. Let me tell you: I do not expect the keep that appointment!

How many weeks were you when you went into labour?


*I also want to give a shout out to Wendy, who gave me my weekend prenatal massage. In case you’re looking for a prenatal masseuse in Calgary, book with Chantal or Wendy at The Centre!

**If you love my comfy maternity shirt in my super-duper selfie, check out KicKee Pants at Gentle Nest!

5 responses to “39 Weeks (still) Pregnant”

  1. Megz G.

    I was induced at 41 weeks and he was born the next day at 8 days overdue! If you go that long and little Miss Cub comes August 7 she will share Spencer’s birthday!!

  2. Cassidy Luchyk

    Hang in there momma! Sunday seems like a great day for little cub to arrive.
    I didn’t go into labour naturally. I was 41+2 and at my now weekly ultrasounds I was showing low fetal movement and slightly low fluid. I drove over to my midwife’s house and we headed to the hospital. We induced and 10 hours later I was in the birth pool holding my precious baby!

  3. Marianne

    Almost there. Kid 1 was an induction at 39+5 (my BP was high). Kid 2 came at 38+3 and Kid 3 came at 39+2.

  4. Ray Ray Cartucci

    With my first I had him taken way too early….I had a hard time carrying him….so it was a c-section. This pregnancy I am having issues with diabetes and at my last appointment I was 29 weeks and baby was weighing close to 5 lbs!! Doctor tells me he will most likely take this big fella at 39 weeks but if he is 9lbs or over very early I will have him at 37 weeks. Sigh…I wish I could have a vaginal birth but it just is not in the stars for me.

  5. skynkatesmom

    I was induced at 41 weeks +6, I was miserable beginning of July!! Number 2 was an emergency c-section 6 days before her due date because she had a 283 heart rate. Number 3 was scheduled for 8 days before my due date.

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