ELARI Diaper Wallet Review

ELARI Diaper Wallet Review

I received this product free for review. All opinions remain my own.

I recently joined the ELARI team as their Social Media Manager, and, of course, I had to try out their flagship, made-in-Canada product: the ELARI diaper wallet.

But what, you may ask, is a diaper wallet? Well, it is the most stylish and functional way way to tote your diaper-changing necessities while still looking like the fabulous and fashionable woman that you are. Inside its Vogue-worthy exterior it hides a waterproof, removable case for wipes, a coordinating change pad and pockets for everything you need:

ELARI Diaper Wallet ReviewI’ve been packing my ELARI for our outings and carrying it in my big ol’ Mama purse (I’ve never used a diaper bag). My husband even noticed it this weekend and commented on how cool it was!

ELARI for the diaper bagIf you use disposable diapers, you can actually fit up to three of them in the side pocket, depending what size you need. Cub takes a Size 5, so I can squish in two.

ELARI for disposables

If you use your ELARI with cloth diapers, which I do, you will probably find it most useful for carrying all the diaper-changing necessities, while you carry your diapers in your bag. We all know cloth takes up more space in a bag than ‘sposies, and regardless, you’ve got to carry your dirties. I use my ELARI for my wipes, bum spray, bum cream and hand sanitizer. If you use an AI2 system, however, you can totally stash an extra insert in your ELARI!

ELARI for cloth diapers

So now, you know how much I love baby products that are fully functional and useful for Mama when baby grows up. There is nothing about the ELARI that limits it to purely mom-related purposes.

I love it as an overnight bag:

ELARI Diaper Wallet Review

And it’s perfect for travel:

ELARI Diaper Wallet Review

ELARI is made in Canada and comes in trendy colours to please any Mama. The uses are only limited by your creativity. Diaper changes are a breeze now that I’m not fishing my supplies out from my bag or backpack, and it doubles as a cosmetic bag or travel tote!

Shop & Connect:

Get to know ELARI on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.

Buy your diaper wallet on ELARI.ca.


One response to “ELARI Diaper Wallet Review”

  1. MarkandKeara Biller

    I so want one of these! Right now I carry a small wetbag in my purse with all my extra diaper accessories, but this is so much more compact. (And cuter!)

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My name is Lindsay and I am a 40-year-old mama of four trying to live an eco-friendly, budget-friendly life! I am a substitute teacher and Child Passenger Safety technician in Calgary, Alberta. Join me on my adventures!

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