Greenify Your Teen’s Routine, And Yours!

Green Your Teen's Routine

I received the products featured in review free of charge. This post contains affiliate links.

Things just got real, folks. I’ve been planning this post for a couple of months, and its relevance has become even more pronounced now that I know I will be having a daughter of my own.

Leafing through a women’s magazine a few months ago, I stumbled upon this ad showing Moms of preteens and teens how to teach their daughters about personal hygiene during puberty:

magazine ad

The first thing that struck me was: “Wow. I don’t use any of these products… but I sure spent a lot of money on them when I was a teenager.” Then it was the packaging and the marketing: hello sparkles! (I recall being a HUGE sucker for new, improved packaging on my favourite products…)

There are basically three reasons why I want to propose an alternative to these mainstream care products to my future adolescent and to mothers and daughters everywhere:

1- Economy. In the long term, the replacement products I’m suggesting will work out costing less money. Additionally, I want young girls to learn not to fall for marketing gimmicks!

2- Ecology. Without a doubt, the replacement products I’m suggesting create less waste.

3- Health. Many of the products contained in the advertisement are known to be toxic, especially the feminine hygiene products. I am proposing healthier alternatives.

Hair Removal

Hair removal has been the bane to my female existence since other girls starting teasing me in gym class about my hairy arms and legs. I believe I was in Grade 6 when it started to really bother me that I was hairy. My Mom was very empathetic to my suffering, and agreed to let me start shaving, but only if she did it for me in the bath. By Grade 7 I think I was shaving on my own. Sometimes the bath tub would look like a scene from Dexter by the time I was done. I even shaved my arms. 

I can still remember buying my first canister of Gillette shaving cream. I chose it because I thought it was beautiful: purple and turquoise. I thought it smelled grown up. My Mom had just been letting me shave with soap. This was the big leagues. 

My Mom introduced me to waxing to remove my mustache. Definitely by Grade 7 I was fully aware of having hair on my upper lip, and my Mom helped me keep it in check. I also dabbled throughout high school with hair removal creams, with which I would often burn myself. I turned to waxing my arms until I finally grew to accept that they would always be fuzzy. 

So what’s my beef with shaving foam in a can and disposable razors?

1- There is no way to dispose of a shaving foam can in an environmentally responsible way. The components of plastic and metal cannot be easily separated so they wind up in the landfill. Disposable razors are a huge source of plastic waste.

2- Razors are expensive! The fancy (read: bright purple and pink) razors marketed to teen girls cost around $5 a pop. A can of shaving cream, which if your teen shaves like I did, will be used up in less than a month, sets you back another $5.

3- Fragrance. The most nefarious, untested and unregulated ingredient in most body care products is “fragrance.” The word can refer to literally hundreds of chemicals that blend together to smell like “Passionista Fruit,” “Sugarberry” or “Alluring Avocado.” The particular can featured in the ad receives a “5” from the EWG.

Proposed replacement:

First of all we all need to be a bit less stressed about body hair. I hate how embarrassed I was about my arm hair, and I hate that the only solution my mother and I could come up with was to shave it off. I don’t know quite how to achieve greater comfort with body hair, and I’m not about to suggest we all sport mustaches and unibrows, either. I think the most important thing is to accept body hair as natural, not gross. That said, I am not prepared, myself, to give up tending to my eyebrows, upper lip, underarms, legs and bikini area, so I don’t expect my daughter to be either. 

The most ecological way to remove unwanted body hair, in my opinion, is with wax and reusable strips. I’ve been using wax at home for 20 years now, and some of the cotton strips I still use are probably just as old. There are great brands of wax that can be used cold, and are water soluble, so no stress about burns or sticky messes. The cotton strips can be washed in the washing machine (it helps to put them in a mesh lingerie bag) and reused almost infinitely. Waxing also lasts longer than shaving.

If waxing is not up you our your daughter’s alley, then let’s green that shave! You know what my favourite “shaving cream” is? Straight coconut oil! It lubricates the skin, leaves it soft, smells lovely and can be purchased by the tub-full at Costco. Otherwise, opt for a brand that comes in a more readily-recyclable container, and definitely get a razor which can be sharpened or with replaceable heads. The brand Preserve makes a razor that is made out of recyclable plastic and fully recyclable after use. 

Oral Hygiene

Brushing and flossing are non-negotiables! But they can be done with a lot less waste. No, I am not suggesting reusable dental floss, just dental floss manufactured in an environmentally respectful way. And as for toothbrushes, if we follow recommendations, we throw out four toothbrushes a year for all of our tooth-brushing lives! That’s just so much plastic that will be sitting around for centuries in our landfills…

Proposed replacement:

Radius toothbrushes have a REPLACEABLE HEAD!!! That’s right: you just buy one handle, then for the rest of your life all you are replacing is the brush part. That’s a huge amount of waste reduction and the cost is the same. I reviewed the system already, here.

Radius also makes floss with a lower environmental impact. The floss picks shown in the advertisement are yet another form of non-biodegradable plastic waste that can wind up in the stomachs of marine animals. Radius’s floss sachets are just as portable, 100% vegan and come in 100% biodegradable packaging. The floss in Radius’s regular floss packages is silk floss that is completely compostable.

Eco-Friendly Dental Care

You might also consider compostable wooden toothbrushes or recyclable ones

Hair Care

The ad that served for inspiration for this post doesn’t propose shampoo or conditioner or other hair-styling products. However, I’m a huge fan of going the homemade route, and you can read all about that here

The ad does feature a comb and hairbrush that are heavy on the plastic. It got me wondering what non-plastic alternatives were on the market and to what benefit.

Proposed replacement:

Non-plastic combs and brushes are tricky to find at the drugstore, but I found them at Life Without Plastic. The brush “is plastic-free and durable, with seven rows of maple wood bristles on a beeswax-finished beechwood body, all sourced from sustainably harvested wood. It will gently brush your hair and remove tangles.” I’ve been through many, many cheap plastic hairbrushes in my life that have broken and torn my hair and wound up in the trash. 

Life Without Plastic Brushes

The comb is also made of “sustainably harvested German beechwood.” It is anti-static thanks to its beeswax coating.  

The brush works beautifully on my hair and if I treat it right, I’ll be using it for many, many years to come. (Hopefully I still have hair enough to benefit from it!)

Menstrual Products

You know what? I totally get that reusable menstrual products are a tough sell for women of any age. However, the more I’ve thought about the immense quantity of waste each woman will generate over her lifetime, and the more I’ve learned about the unregulated toxins found in tampons and pads, the more committed I am to using reusable products and encouraging my daughter to do the same. The scary thing about the pads and tampons on the market is that companies are not required to list the ingredients contained in their products, products we place in and around the most sensitive parts of our bodies. 

Why reusable?

I was absolutely opposed to the concept until I had a baby in cloth diapers. Heck, now I don’t even use toilet paper! I wrote extensively and descriptively about my first period using washable pads, and I discovered that many of the annoying things about using pads in high school were eliminated by using resuables:

  • They don’t make a swoosh-swoosh noise when you walk (even though only you can hear it, you know you thought the whole class could);
  • There’s no cacophonous ripping noise as you open a package and take off the backing in an otherwise awkwardly silent bathroom;
  • There’s no fear of having to dispose of a pad in, say, your boyfriend’s bathroom (I remember the horror at discovering the only option was an unlined trash can with NO OTHER GARBAGE IN IT);
  • There’s no sticky feeling or itch that seems to come from having plastic pressed against your most sensitive area all day.

However, to accept cloth pads, you do have to be willing to see more blood than you would using disposables. You have to wash them. Washing them isn’t complicated but I can imagine that, particularly for girls newly on their periods, this might seem utterly embarrassing. I actually think it’s an awesome opportunity to take all of the embarrassment out of menstruation. A full 50% of the world’s population experience it: it’s natural and by no means shameful or disgusting. By the time I got my period (age 13), I was already doing my own laundry. Either way, pads can be rinsed in the sink and stored in a discreet wet bag. Come laundry time, no one has to touch anything: just dump the bag and its contents into the wash. (I personally wash my menstrual cloth with my regular laundry, some prefer to do it with just towels or with cloth diapers.)

There’s something extremely powerful about the marketing behind disposable menstrual products for girls. I’ve noticed they’re coming in flashier boxes and even the pads themselves come with designs. Sorry, but nothing tops the amazing designs you can get on reusable pads!

Cotton Candy Eco Cloth: Green Your Period

Jenna at Cotton Candy Eco Cloth makes pads to accommodate light to heavy (even overnight or post partum) flows that can be adjusted to fit comfortably thanks to the set of two closure snaps that go around your underwear. Something else I love about Jenna and her homemade brand is her commitment to promoting women’s health and women’s bodies as utterly un-embarrassing subjects. Her exclusive Cuterus design by Scrawny Girl is a must have for EVERY woman: our bodies are amazing, beautiful and sometimes they can cause us a lot of grief, but we have to embrace them.


The three pad designs shown above are:

 7″ LIGHT liner *narrower closure* in ‘cuterus’ – closures at 2.25 & 2.5″ rather than the usual 2.5 & 2.75″ closure (perfect for more petite young ladies), backed in microfleece and absorbency indicated by WHITE coloured snap stud (1 layer heavy organic bamboo fleece);

10.5″ HEAVY cloth pad in ‘foxy forest’ – closures at 2.5 &2.75″ – backed in Windpro, absorbency indicated by BLACK coloured snap stud (3 layers heavy organic bamboo fleece);

13″ POSTPARTUM/OVERNIGHT cloth pad in ‘anchors away’ – closures at 2.5 &2.75″ – backed in Windpro, absorbency indicated by GOLD coloured snap stud (4 layers heavy organic bamboo fleece)

Also available are “grey” studded pads in moderate absorbency. 

You can check my own full review of a CCEC pad here

If cloth pads are just a complete non-starter for you or for your daughter, let me recommend selecting a more environmentally-friendly and safer option. Have a look at Naty and Natracare for examples of non-toxic brands.

Embracing the Cup:

Intimina: Green Your Period

I’d say that the majority of girls are not super keen on tampons when they first start their periods. It’s a pretty intimidating concept and it takes practice and getting used to. Therefore, I realize full well that a menstrual cup is probably just as if not more intimidating. Grown women aren’t always eager to try menstrual cups. I documented my own experience with my first cup here. I think it’s important to let girls know that the option exists, and to suggest a cup that’s as user-friendly as possible. I selected the Lily Cup by Intimina for a “first cup” because it is the only one on the market that rolls as small as a tampon for insertion. 



Using a cup really forces women and girls to get to know their bodies and understand their anatomy. It’s something that I didn’t really do until pregnancy, and that’s just sad. The more a young girl knows and understands her body, the more likely she is to value it, respect it and take care of it. 


I can still remember when I started sweating. It was in Grade 7, and it was like the Hoover Dam broke. Suddenly I was coming home from school with giant pit stains, planning my outfits around the best way to camouflage the wetness and desperately searching for a solution. I tried a lot of heavy-duty antiperspirants and often had very irritated underarms. I didn’t have a huge problem with odour because I showered and changed often (in a perfect world I would’ve loved to own two of every shirt so I could change halfway through the day). The main issue was wetness, and it still is. I have found that extra-strength antiperspirants are fairly effective. Understand that there is not really a natural alternative to antiperspirant, because perspiring is, well natural. There have been media scares linking antiperspirants to breast cancer, but it does seem like those claims are unfounded. Many women and teens may not be able forego antiperspirant if they’re heavy sweaters like me. However I have found that since I completely went antiperspirant-free in favour of natural deodorant, my body seems to have adjusted and I am sweating less than in the past. Primal Pit Paste’s article about a Pit Detox is fascinating!

Proposed Replacement

Primal Pit Paste deodorant is the best! I’ve tried making my own deodorant using a similar formulation, but the folks at Primal seem to have gotten to mix JUST RIGHT so that it goes on smooth, not greasy. In terms of odour fighting, it works. My husband is a stinky guy, and he doesn’t stink after a stressful day of work wearing Primal Pit Paste! 

Primal Pit PastePrimal Pit Paste sticks come in a huge variety of teen and Mom-pleasing scents that are completely natural (ie: not just “fragrance”). I’d recommend the stick format for easy application, and because it’s most similar to what most women are used to!

Swabs & Makeup Removal Pads

Don’t worry: those aren’t reusable cotton swabs. I’m a big proponent of minimizing our use of single use disposable items, but I’m not suggesting you start re-using your Q-Tips either. Sometimes, you just need a cotton swab to get a job done. But when you get by with a wash cloth, go for the wash cloth! The cotton swabs I’m proposing are by Swisspers, and are made with 100% organic cotton.

Swisspers Organic Cotton Swabs

Öko Creation‘s reusable makeup removal pads are divine. They don’t rip when wet, they have a gentle exfoliating effect and they are perfect for 99% of what you’d use their disposable equivalents for. Super dark nail polish might be better tackled with disposable ones, but other than that, a set of reusable Öko pads has you covered for removing eye makeup, applying facial creams or scrubs and cleaning wounds. To wash them easily, place in a lingerie bag.

Öko Creations Reusable Makeup Removal Pads


If you’re interested in greening your teen’s routine, or in starting her off on the greenest foot possible, the most important thing is YOUR EXAMPLE. Model a healthy, open attitude towards menstruation, body hair and body odour, and talk about why you choose the products you’ve chosen. Maybe you’ve never tried any of the products mentioned above: you can make the switch together!

Even if you’re not ready to go for menstrual cups and all-natural deodorant, part of what I’m hoping to accomplish with this post is to encourage women and girls to be critical of the marketing of our body care products: what’s behind that flashy label and those sparkles? Many of the “non-green” options presented in the ad that led to this post are sold as ways to camouflage things we’re uncomfortable with and to distance ourselves from our bodies, which is kind of an alluring concept for a teenage girl whose changing body is a bit intimidating or for adult women who grew up being ashamed to talk about their bodies with their own mothers. 


191 responses to “Greenify Your Teen’s Routine, And Yours!”

  1. […] many cases, are totally reusable. To find out more about how to green your routine, check out her full post! […]

  2. kim

    Would love to go the more natural way and teach my daughter to do so as well I’m slowly changing my life style but this would help

  3. Nicky aka squirrm

    Sadly the only thing I do in this post so far is use razors with replaceable heads. But I have been looking at the natural deodorants trying to decide which one to try. Love the toothbrushes you mentioned with the replacement heads and the idea to use coconut oil for shaving.. those 2 will definitely be my next steps.

    1. Lindsay Gallimore

      So simple, eh? When I saw the replaceable head toothbrushes a few years back, I was like…. “duh?!”

  4. Guest

    Cloth diapers, wipes, paper towels, compost, line drying…m

  5. Lacey

    Cloth diapers, wipes, paper towels. Lots of DIY and recycling. Line drying, conserving water….

  6. Sarah Morey

    I already cloth diaper, and I’ve been looking for years for a good wax. I’m interested (but grossed out) by the menstrual cup and pads and am looking into Oko’s shipping policies for the reusable make up pads. I’ve purchased unpaper towels, but haven’t tried them yet (I have just five) but the seem to be somewhat, idk. None of us are reaching for them…Thanks for the article!

    1. Lindsay Gallimore

      If you’re in the States, Öko is JUST working on getting US shipping set up, otherwise, for now you can email directly. You may also check their retailer list, although all Canadian, many have easier shipping to the States!
      My favourite wax is either Moom or Bibicure (which I’ve only seen in Quebec actually)

  7. Megz G.

    I already cloth diaper, wax and use cloth wipes. I also use mama cloth and just started to buy my soap from a local apothecary and they are 100% natural and the packaging is 100% recyclable 🙂

  8. Amélie Lord

    I use cloth diapers and wipes. I use only ecofriendly detergent and all purpose cleaner

  9. Rebecca Enright

    We compost and use cloth in the kitchen. In the bathroom, we cloth diaper, cloth wipe, reusable shaving heads, have wood hairbrushes, don’t buy shaving cream and don’t buy disposable make up pads. I’m interested in checking out the cup and pads once I’m finished breastfeeding and my period returns.

  10. Samantha Seymour

    I have been more green with my 2 year old than with myself but have slowly been changing it 🙂 I would love to do the reusable pad! If I can do cloth diapers I can use pads for me right 🙂 Also changing out my toothpaste is next.

    1. Lindsay Gallimore

      My favourite “green” brand for toothpaste is definitely Green Beaver!

  11. Amanda Bent

    I’m very interested in some of these products. I’ve been thinking about deodorant options for a while now and I’ve heard of the Lilycup and cloth pads just not taken the plunge to try them.

  12. […]   Welcome to Maman Loup’s #GreenYourRoutine Giveaway! Lindsay at Maman Loup’s Den wants to help girls and women “green” their routines with reusable menstrual solutions. Inspired by a magazine ad encouraging Moms to present their daughters with various disposable beauty products, Maman Loup found alternatives that contain safer ingredients and, in many cases, are totally reusable. To find out more about how to green your routine, check out her full post! […]

  13. Annie Mercier

    I can say I’m using already half of these products or equivalent of another brand). But I wonder where you by the deodorant and toothbrush?

    1. Lindsay Gallimore

      So the Radius toothbrush is available through my Affiliate Link to if you want: and the retailer list for Primal Pit Paste is on their site!

  14. Lindsey

    I would love to try more green products, I am already using cloth diapers on my baby and I use cloth pads. We also use natural toothpaste. I will definitely try shaving with coconut oil, never thought of that.

    1. Lindsay Gallimore

      It moisturizes at the same time!!

  15. […] many cases, are totally reusable. To find out more about how to green your routine, check out her full post! […]

  16. Stephanie McDowell

    I have cloth pads and cups. Thats all ive tried for feminine products. I cloth diaper and use cloth wipes too 😉

  17. Aimee Place

    I already use cloth pads and a menstrual cup. I also use cloth diapers. I would like to find a different option for the floss I am currently using. I have never actually thought about it but would now like to find something more ‘green’.

  18. kayla mussar

    I use cloth pads, diapers and the reusable toothbrush handle that you recommended (it’s amazing!). Thanks for another great giveaway!!!

  19. Melanie

    I fully intend on cloth diapering and wiping my son when he arrives know just 6 short weeks! I’ve been trying to take the steps to a greener lifestyle and I think this will help get me started 🙂

  20. Sarah Denk

    I am slowly converting! I have started cloth diapering and using cloth wipes. As for myself, I don’t use a lot of beauty products to begin with, so not much to work on there. Next up is making some reusable paper towels for kitchen use.

  21. Kristina Davis

    I love this giveaway!! A couple years ago I decided to implement things little by little to have a “greener routine” I’ve been “no-poo” for about a year and a half now, I switched to a menstrual cup, and several other small things. My current mission is dry-brushing. Cloth diapers start next, when baby arrives in about 5 weeks!

  22. Blythe Church

    Amazing giveaway! I have slowly started replacing all my household cleaners with baking soda and vinegar. I use a diva cup right now but want to start using mama cloth as a back up.

  23. Christine DaSilva

    I use cloth diapers as much as I can, reusable breast pads, recycled litter, and always look for eco green products.

  24. Kate Niven

    I am becoming greener with each purchase. I use mama cloth, cloth diapers, natural shampoo and soaps.

  25. Jacqueline Wicks

    I cloth diaper, I would love to try the menstrual cup and am definitely going to start using cloth make-up removal pads.

  26. M Gibb

    Cloth wipes, hope to use more eco green products for bathroom as well as cleaning supplies

  27. Kristi

    I’ve tried to reuse containers as much as possible. getting bulk shampoo and finding companies like Lush who recycle all their containers.

  28. amanda jordan

    We use cloth diapers and trainers on our son. I use cloth pads. We all use unpaper towels.

  29. Jenatello

    I never thought to ditch my plastic hairbrush and comb. My best friend and I attempted to make cloth pads. They aren’t the best but they do the job. I cloth diaper, use ACV to clean/disinfect and make my own laundry soap. We’ve also started turning the shower off while shampooing and soaping up.

  30. Tanya

    I just bought some Treehugger cloth pads to greenify my routine 🙂

  31. muse2323

    We use cloth diapers & wipes, and I use a Diva Cup.

  32. Amber Ludwig

    I purchased my first organic deodorant 🙂 so far that is all I’ve done but I’d love to try a menstrual cup and further greening my routine!

  33. jw8680

    My daughter and I have started using cloth menstrual products. Interested in some of the other green options for her.

  34. Jan

    we were going through a lot of facial tissue so a couple of years back I bought the great handkerchiefs from Okos – love them.

  35. Marie L

    I use reusable menstrual products, and will soon be starting to use family cloth.

  36. Sabrina D’Arcy

    I use a menstrual cup, family cloth and handkerchiefs. I also make my own bathroom products (toothpaste, deodorant, cleaners, etc) and I wash my hair with water only.

  37. Kari Frank Barone

    We use natural fluoride free toothpaste and crystal for deodorant. I also make my own liquid soap that we use for hand soap, shampoo, and body wash.We also use the no poo method with baking soda and vinegar.

  38. J James

    I’ve switched to mama cloth and a menstrual cup, and it’s saved a TON of $ as well as NO garbage!

  39. Steph MacDonald

    I’ve been using a cup for ten years (I can’t even remember how I heard about them!) and started using cloth pads after my youngest was born a year ago. No regrets!

  40. Carrie Barron

    I just started using a menstrual cup and hope to get some reusable pantyliners for just in case of leaks.

  41. brenna

    Cloth diapers, pads, wipes, etc, natural deoderant/personal care.. 🙂

  42. Alisha Duncan

    I use a cup and mama cloth each month/ Have since my children were bone.

  43. Lisa M

    This is fantastic

  44. Rosina Jane Fortier

    This is fabulous!

  45. Brandy

    I use cloth pads, just bought a diva cup, unpapertowels, compost, natural deo, make my own soap & shampoo bars with all natural stuff

  46. Jenn McClearn

    I use cloth diapers for my baby, I really want to try the lily cup

  47. Emily Casselman

    Just started using cups!! Liking it so far 🙂

  48. Angie Marie Stevens

    I use a diva cup.

  49. Jessica Kuzma

    once baby #3 is born and everything goes back to normal with my body I plan on using cloth pads and a menstrual cup. So far the steps we have taken to be more green are: cloth diapering my 10 month old and using cloth wipes, using all natural products like deodorant (but haven’t found one I’m in love with yet) and toothpaste, taking our own bags to the grocery store and buying whatever I can from the bulk bins and bringing my own containers to avoid packaging, starting composting, and only having lights on in my house between 7:00PM and 10:00PM. There’s more but I don’t want to write a novel haha

  50. Maegan K

    I’m already prepared to use cloth pads once baby number two arrives! I’m interested in trying the pit paste as I’ve been unsuccessful in finding a product that I like so I tend to avoid it altogether… Most of the time it is not an issue but I’d love to have a product I can use when it’s necessary:)

  51. HuttMama

    Started using a cup, natural deodorant, and have cloth pads on the way!!

  52. KaylaB

    Thanks for hosting this giveaway! Lots of great information!

  53. Kristina Leezer

    I use rags to clean things instead of paper towels.

  54. Debbie S.

    I have always used deodorant that is unscented, hypoallergenic etc. due to major irritation but I think this is a safer alternative with the Primal Pit Paste. The other items look like really great items and are great items for being green.

  55. Steel Springs

    This has given me a lot to think about! I don’t use all of those products, but there are some that I didn’t really think about. The idea of using wax as a green alternative is something new to me. I’m definitely going to look into it!

  56. billiondollarprincesss

    I still use razors but i don’t buy the one time use only

  57. Amy Baker

    This post has inspired me to look harder at what I haven’t greened up yet! I’ve been using a Diva Cup for a few years now, I use a toothbrush with replaceable heads, a wooden comb (and no hairbrush), natural deodorant, soap, shampoo, and conditioner, I don’t use shaving cream, hair products, or artificially scented products. There’s more, but my comment is getting awfully long! 😉

  58. Ashley Anne McCapes

    I have started using reusable menstrual products to green my routine and love them so much. I’m also looking into more eco-friendly alternatives.

  59. Noah

    This is like a shopping cart of things I could never afford to buy all at once, how exciting! I need a wooden comb, cloth pads, and a cup anyway (at least) my own quest to green my routine. Thanks for the chance!

  60. What a FANTASTIC post with so many AMAZING resources! Thank you for sharing! My most recent thing was getting an electric toothbrush with a replaceable head!

  61. Amanda

    I have been slowly turning all of my own personal product to more Green products 🙂 I have currently started to switch to momma cloth.

  62. Stacey Blain-Ruiz

    I am really interested in the reusable cups. I have soft cup and like them. Just the initial expense and what brand to choose.

  63. Mylène Bélanger

    I don’t use deodorant or make up(so no need to remove it 😉 ) and wear a «stérilet»(don’t know what it’s call in english), already have a wooden comb and brush so I think I’ll have to green up my tooth brush…

  64. SueSueper

    I recycle and buy things with the least packaging whenever I can.

  65. Emily Tohana

    I have switched from using tampons to using the Lunnette and absolutely LOVE it! Also, in terms of face care, I use essential oils, (specifically chamomile and tamanu,) for both a cleanser and moisturizer. I use make-up by Sappho Cosmetics, but I’m interested in exploring makeup from and more care products from I’ve also recently been checking out what natural hair salons exist near me, and found this one: YAAAAY FOR GREEENING UP OUR ACT!

  66. Heather

    I use a menstrual cup and cloth pads, and I make my own shampoo, deodorant, hand soap, and lotion. I buy bar soap from a local artisan who uses only natural ingredients. (PS Sorry if this posts twice! I’m experiencing technical difficulties…)

  67. Jenny

    This is awesome! I have a pre-teen daughter whom I would love to introduce to these things!

  68. charlie

    I have been using the Diva cup for over 10 years. The Lily cup looks far more comfortable though. We use sweet almond and coconut oil on our skin instead of soap( and instead of shampoo on the baby), and I carefully select makeup. Sea salt and oil is a wonderful exfoliant, waxing/body sugaring instead of shaving. Toothbrushes are bothersome for me, there is a company in Australia that makes bamboo toothbrushes. I am trying to get them without paying a fortune in shipping. Thank you for this list, it has some great options.

  69. Rachel Word

    After reading Bea Johnson’s Zero Waste book, I have been obsessed with finding new ways to cut back on waste! This post is so helpful because the bathroom is definitely where I’m struggling. Reusable makeup remover pads will probably be my first purchase!

  70. april proveaux

    my husband and i love radius toothbrushes! i’ve really been wanting to try the primal pit paste. i’ve tried several natural ones and none of them seem to work 🙁

  71. Anna W

    I choose to use my reusable mama cloth over disposable pads and hopefully will get a cup soon.

  72. Barb

    I’m more and more intrigued by cloth pads… And I’ve stopped using antiperspirant a few years back!

  73. Amanda

    I much prefer cloth and cups over tampons and disposable pads. Won’t ever go back to those. I also use coconut oil instead of deodorant and haven’t had any issues with that. As far as shaving, well, I don’t do it anymore. I know that not all women are comfortable being hairy, that’s OK…and my hair is pretty light, so I don’t really care….of course, there are other areas where I could make improvements. I use a lot of t.p., facial tissues and floss and go through toothbrushes quickly.

  74. Aileen Murphy

    I have just started to get into reusable produits and I am always looking for ways to improve my comfort and the environment. I have been telling people about reusable menstrual products lately but the only way to convince someone is for them to try themself.

  75. sara

    I always try to use the best green products I can find

  76. Camille W

    I’ve tried a menstrual cup in the past but unfortunately, I didn’t stick with it. I recently had my first baby and I’m considering giving it another go. From your list above, I’m most interested to try the Primal Pit Paste as I’ve been on the hunt for a (more) natural deodourant that works for me. The toothbrushes also seem like they would be an easy switch. Thanks for a great post.

  77. Rocio Amalia Jerez

    It’s been over 2 years since I’ve stopped using mainstream harmful deodorants, and have begun making my own. I can feel a major difference in my skin and the way my body regulates my temp seems more natural now. I’ve also make my own lotion, shampoo and conditioner. I have naturally curly hair and find I don’t need to use hair products to combat frizz and it definitely feels fuller. I’ve wanted to look into reusable menstrual products for a while now, thank you for giving a direction to go with that!

  78. Jamie Spray

    I’ve had a DIVA cup for many years now, found it a very important step to minimalize monthy women’s waste as well as avoid nasty bleaches. I would like to add the Radius toothbrush with replaceable head to my stock. Also, I usually wax most body hair, except for occasionally shaving. I have a gigantic tub of coconut oil, so now I’m going to try that!

  79. Jess Milakovic

    I’ve started using cloth pads. I like them, & my little girl thinks they’re beautiful. I’ve told her when it’s her time that she can pick some out for herself.

  80. Gabrielle Dennison

    I use cloth pads and a cup. I’m buying less mainstream and healthier options for personal care for my son and I.

  81. chasity barger

    I just switched to cloth diapers little man and want to try a cup:) hope i win

  82. Amanda Ferguson

    I’ve been using a Diva cup for almost ten years and I LOVE it! I used a mixture of cloth and disposable diapers with both my kids and have used cloth pads for myself in the past. I’m trying to move to more natural products as I run out of what I’ve got. This article has given me some great ideas!

  83. Katie M

    I’m using cloth diapers and cloth wipes to keep green but I would love to start using cloth paper towels too.

  84. Stacey Grace

    I used cloth diapers with both my children. Have decided to purchase some cloth pads wants I decide which ones to buy. I

  85. Jenna Barraclough

    I started with cloth diapers then went to cloth pads and then to the cup. After that came family cloth and cloth hankies and unpaper towels. It’s still going from there one thing at a time.

  86. Amy Lovell

    I switched from chemicals to go green cleaners. I recycle items that are recyclable, I use re- usable bags for shopping.

  87. All Natural Katie

    Several years ago, we switched to organic food and natural body and household products.

  88. Sam Camerer

    We cloth diaper and use cloth wipes. We are slowly switching everything in our household to eco-friendly and all-natural!

  89. Jen H

    we’re pretty green about stuff but id love to find a natural shampoo that works well for my hair!

  90. Crystal Brown

    We cloth diaper our daughter. And i dont wear deodersnt at all, but im syper excited to try the primal paste deoderant. Thanks forbthis awesome giveaway

  91. Dawn Valcourt

    Great that you are bringing awareness that there are better products out there than what the mainstream is offering.

  92. Nicole Pyle

    In an effort to Green my Routine I have started using cloth wipes instead of toilet paper, menstrual cups instead of tampons, cloth pads instead of disposables, as well as using a lot of non-toxic hygiene products.

  93. L.M.S

    This is very very interesting. I have a wooden comb and also a wooden brush with natural bristles but I’d love to take it a step further and try out some of these products.

  94. Tricia Kastelitz

    what an awesome assortment of green products!

  95. vinci77

    In an effort to Green my Routine I useable bags for shopping. Also, use natural cleaning products like vinegar and water for windows and mirrors.

  96. jodi armstrong

    I use a cup, haven’t used deodorant for a long time but have started trying these new greener options. .. im still trying to find a shampoo that works for my dry curly hair

  97. Rachael Seibert- VanDyke

    Eco safe soaps and cleaning products. Make my own deodorant

  98. Lindsey Patry

    This giveaway rocks and covers so many bases! I’d love to win and greenify my life more!!!

  99. Megan Scruggs

    I use limited water while getting ready, baking soda for toothpaste, and homemade shampoo and conditioner. I would love to add more green ways to my routine!

  100. Stefanie Skinner

    I used to use a Diva Cup (I really should go back to it after this pregnancy!). And of course we use cloth diapers on the babies here!

  101. […] Welcome to Maman Loup’s #GreenYourRoutine Giveaway! Lindsay at Maman Loup’s Den wants to help girls and women “green” their routines. Inspired by a magazine ad encouraging Moms to present their daughters with various disposable beauty products, Maman Loup found alternatives that contain safer ingredients and, in many cases, are totally reusable. To find out more about how to green your routine, check out her full post! […]

  102. Emilie

    Regarding hair removal, I just discovered sugar waxing (I get it done at a salon) which is done with a kind of caramel made of sugar, water and lemon. There are no strips of fabric involved and you need very little of the caramel to get a large area done. Plus it’s completely natural! It’s an egyptian waxing technique.

  103. Alyssandra Church

    I make my own shampoo baby girl is in cloth diapers I need to get a new divacup and I use a diaphragm want to be completely green

  104. Melanie Lapierre

    J’utilise déjà les serviettes sanitaires lavables que j’adore ainsi que les tampons démaquillants. 🙂

  105. Bethany

    I just bought a menstural cup a few months ago. I’ve been using a homemade deoderant for about 3 years. We use preserve toothbrushes.

  106. Alison Wiberg

    I cloth diaper my son, and want to use cloth pads/ menstrual cup when I get my period back

  107. Marya Mann

    I cloth diaper, use mama cloth, use essential oils, recycle, reuse, and I’m trying to use less chemicals everyday and use glass rather than plastic as well. When grocery shopping, we bring our own tote bags so we aren’t wasting plastic or paper bags.

  108. alicia

    Would love to get on the mama cloth band wagon. We already cloth diaper and love that.

  109. Danielle Lovejoy

    I already cloth diaper so I want mama cloth to be my next step!

  110. Claudia Joyal

    I use a menstrual cup and i plan on doing mama cloth and family cloth soon. Diapers are already cloth obviously 😉

  111. Leah McManus

    I use RUMPS now, and I am looking into greener toothpaste and deodorant. But I am always open to ideas.

  112. KD

    So far I`ve stopped using disposable sponges/cotton pads and I use a menstrual cup and mama cloth.

  113. Stéphanie Paradis

    I use a menstrual cup since 10 years, I cloth diaper my 7 months old baby, I also use mama cloth, essential oils and eco cleaning products!

  114. Marian F.

    So far we have switch a lot of our stuff for more eco friendly ones. I use a menstrual cup, cloth pads and cloth diaper my son. I’m currently on the look out for a green deodorant that works and a good brand of mineral makeup.

  115. Marla King

    I switched from disposable razors to the other type a few months ago.

  116. Jennifer Sines

    I quit shaving! I make my own tooth powder and deodorant, and use a Radius toothbrush. I’m letting my hair form dreadlocks, and use no-poo on those. I use a menstrual cup, and/or cloth pads, depending on my mood.

  117. Kate

    I haven’t used shaving cream in years, I usually just use my body wash and I’m slowly switching to more green beauty products.

  118. Stephanie Veliz

    I want to try using a menstrual cup after baby is born. I have stopped using tampons.

  119. Julia

    A step I’ve taken is to make my own dry shampoo, using corn starch and natural oils…much better for the environment that areosol cans of dry shampoo.

  120. Becky C.

    Cloth diapering my daughter, used a menstrual cup for the first time last cycle and use a rechargeable razor.

    1. Becky C.

      Oh and using vinegar + water for over 90% of my cleaning needs.

  121. Alicia Nicole McDonald

    Cloth diapering my son is the 1st steps I have take. This stuff is awsome I have never heard of them before. I would so love them and go green 4ever.

  122. Fallon Cesarini

    Planning to cloth diaper my diaper and I’m very interested in trying the lily cup

  123. Robin

    Cloth Diapers for my baby and cloth panty liner for me

  124. Lisel Shoffner Powell

    Thinking really hard about switching to mama cloth and menstrual cup

  125. Erin

    Cloth diapers for my little one and trying out mama cloth for me!

  126. SharOren Thismakesfive

    Cloth diapers!!!

  127. Victoria MacIsaac

    I have started using reusable mama cloth and homemade pit paste instead of commercial antiperspirant

  128. I recycle and compost everything, I use cloth diapers the majority of the time, and I try to shop local wherever possible..and avoid processed foods. I’ve just made the choice to switch to mama cloth as well, I’m excited to order some fun patterns!

    1. Christina Donahey

      This is so cool !

  129. Heather Howard

    I haven’t but my mom and I were talking about it the other day! I was asking her how she managed with just cloth, because I could not even fathom it. I’d like to give it a try though.

  130. Alayne Langford

    My 4 daughters and I are now taking a closer look at the products we buy because we understand that products such as deoderant and toothpaste go into your blood system! Makeup is included as well and we are all going for clean mineral based makeup with no additives 🙂 ty

  131. Christina Donahey

    Ive been looking for a healthier option for my hygiene!

  132. Trena

    I’ve tried “greener” options in the past, and I’ll just say it didn’t always work out for me. But I still would like to try some new things. I’m really interested in the reusable feminine pads because now after using cloth diapers, I realized it really wasn’t that bad, and I feel that maybe the pads would be the same way. Thank you for sharing, and for the opportunity of the giveaway! Visiting from Saturday Spotlight Linkup.

  133. Steps I’ve taken thus far are switching to reusable menstrual products. I most likely won’t be able to switch to shampoos/body washes/conditioners, because I’m allergic to too many organic ones/have too many allergies, etc., and messing with that is kind of tricky, all things considered. I’m looking forward to using more natural and green products, though.

  134. Amanda Alvarado

    I have switched to using a menstrual cup and reusable mama cloth. We also reuse when possible and recycle. We will attempt again to plant a garden this year!

  135. ericabrunt

    I use a menstrual cup. I started about 4 years ago and would never go back. You save so much money over pads/tampons and it’s way better for the environment.

  136. Kim Allaway

    I use cloth with my little, I also use reusable pads as well as a menstrual cup!

  137. Kristen

    I’ve very excited to try and make a menstrual cup work for me when I get the chance (currently breastfeeding a new baby).

  138. wangus07

    We CD, eat as local/organic as possible, and support companies like those in their giveaway.

  139. Stacy

    As a vegan since 2001, I use only natural beauty products. I am currently using Primal Pit Paste as my deodorant. I buy a lot of products online from etsy and from vegan marketplaces. I was using cloth pads until my hysterectomy in December.

  140. Rebecca

    I try to use as many organic or reusable products as possible.

  141. Hannah Avery

    I have a smallish stash of cloth pads that I partially use. Am pregnant right now though, so don’t need them! I love my Primal Pit Paste, and also use another natural one from Puritan’s Pride. I use a natural facial moisturizer too.

    -Hannah Avery or

  142. Cassandra Rae

    I use a diva cup and love it! And cloth pads as well. Much bettter than disposable pads é tampons!

  143. Miriam Matheny

    I’ve switched to natural bath products and hope to switch to all natural makeup soon thanks to a new subscription I heard about called petit vour.

  144. Jenna Ogle

    I am excited to green my routine!

  145. Ashleigh Swerdfeger

    instagram ashleigh330,..

  146. Ashleigh Swerdfeger

    I use cloth pads,

  147. Mallory M

    I would love to win. Been wanting to switch to green for a while now. I have a menstrual cup and I love it… but it doesn’t always do the trick for me… would love to switch everything up. Been having irritations lately and I think going all green would help! 🙂

    1. Mallory M

      ps… that was a painfully long list of stuff to fallow! LOL

  148. Alanna B

    I started with cloth pads, and have moved on to using menstrual cups. Almost everything I use now is toxin-free.

  149. Debbie Petch

    I will be taking public transit more and to walk more.

  150. I use cloth diapers on my daughter and I am getting a menstrual cup to try 😀

  151. Soozle

    I haven’t ventured into too many green items for personal hygiene YET – I have cloth pads, but beyond that I am still a newbie! In other areas of my life, I am very green using reusable snack bags and containers for lunches, recycling, composting, etc!

  152. Izzi

    Trying out the sea sponge

  153. Rachel

    I’ve tried no poo before, we use cloth diapers, we use natural deodorant, I’ve used a menstral cup/pads, pretty much try to green wherever we can!

  154. I have used natural deodorants and shampoo but I would like to get into the other personal hygiene products as well.

  155. gina

    I have bought some mama cloth to use when I get aunt flo back! I also have reusable nursing pads!

  156. Amy Perez

    I cloth diaper and use cloth nursing pads. I have a few momma cloth I plan on using soon.

  157. Penni

    Years ago I converted to only all-natural, non-toxic, and organic household cleaners, detergents, and health/beauty products – and I have never looked back! I’m all-natural and green, all the way!

  158. brenna

    I use cloth and natural skincare products

  159. cassie

    We’re about to start cloth diapering but would love to be even more green!

  160. Bonnie Caselman

    I’ve quit using commercial hair conditioner & use organic argan oil.

  161. jess

    This stuff is seriously cool. I switched to a cup 8 years ago and will NEVER GO BACK!! I’ve become such a vocal advocate for menstraul cups. More and more i’ve wanted to try using mama pads, but don’t have the funds!!
    I also every so often stop using shampoo and just use baking soda and vinegar.

  162. Jessica Harwell Long

    This is my favorite blog post I have ever read, I have started useing No poo on my hair (baking soda and acv) acv helped us when we were TTC baby #2 (it took us 4 years of trying and three moths after my drinking 1oz of braggs a day) I started with the ACV and that lead to cloth and like you CDing lead me to a host of other natural ways. I still use TP but other than that I am pretty on about the natural stuff, I have lunettes and would love to try a diff brand of cup *(I love my Lunette but variety is awesome) I have Hippie Locks/dreadlocks but the kids use bamboo brushes and those combs look awesome! ALso I loove me some PITS! THanks I cant wait to share this post!

  163. Alicia Nicole McDonald

    Well where do i start. All my kids have been organically grown. We use cloth diapers and cloth diaper wipes. Most of our body wash shampoo soaps lotions are organic. We grow a gargen and flowers and use the rain water we catch in our 55 gallon drum to water the gardens. We us very little lights as possible. And we all go on the weekend and pick up trash along the roads and parks. We love to help keep the earth green.

  164. tkosing

    We cd , i use reuseable menstrual products, we don’t use chemicals to clean, avoid disposable products as much as possible and recycle more than we throw away . Some day I long to have an off grid farm but in the meantime we do the best we can.

  165. steph

    We CD and I wear cloth pads, I try and use green products where I can afford. I am more strict when it comes to my daughter than with myself I want to keep unnecessary chemicals away from her little body as much as possible 🙂

  166. Danielle Gephart

    I ordered my first menstrual cup last night! And we cloth diaper our baby boy. I’d love to try these other products!

  167. Kaitlin

    I try and clean as much as I can using vinegar/water, no nasty chemical based cleaners!

  168. Marnie G (Derrick Todd)

    What a great package! My daughter would love this.We have taken several steps to improve our carbon footprint but personal care products is where we could use some help. This would be great!

  169. Cheryl Grandy

    I’ve used washable menstrual pads for many years.

  170. Janyse

    I’ve started cloth wipes and diapers and figured id keep the green going and try out menstrual pads

  171. Jennifer Herman

    I need to start trying to change over to these ideas!

  172. LaurenS

    I’m washing my hair less. As my hair adjusts, my hair doesn’t produce as much grease and doesn’t look or smell bad. I am using a lot less water and shampoo as a result. I am also washing my kids hair much less for the same reasons.

  173. Britt Adams

    I started using mama cloth and I plan on trying menstrual cups sometime, been nervous about that lol. I love going green, alot of things in my life are green.

  174. Kitra Dunsmore Garrett

    I am a bit of a menstrual alternatives crusader. I’ve been using cloth pads for about 15 years, and have also tried menstrual cups and sea sponges. I’ve recently begun using coconut oil in place of lotion/moisturizer.

  175. Cassi

    I have been using cloth pads for about 4 years now. My daughters have been using cloth pads for over a year now. I just this year purchased my first 2 menstrual cups.

  176. Angel Picard

    I use cloth diapers and wipes for my baby and I have recently purchased sea sponges for myself. My tween daughter is interested in cloth pads for herself when starts her period.

  177. Gladys Aguilar

    I cloth diaper and usr coconutoil but I also want to use mama cloth

  178. lilyk

    I recycle and reuse whenever possible.

  179. […] Worried about your impact on the environment?  Do you want to #GreenYourRoutine ?  It’s not as difficult as you may think.  Lindsay at Maman Loup’s Den wants to help girls and women to #GreenYourRoutine .  To find out how easily you can green your routine, check out  Maman Loup’s Den full post! […]

  180. […] I waited until my 20s to try tampons. I waited until 35 to try a reusable menstrual cup. I don’t want my daughter to do the same out of fear or discomfort. She might not choose a menstrual cup in the beginning, but I don’t want her to be intimidated by it as an option. Maman Loup’s Den does a wonderful job of talking about how to introduce girls to greening their period and the menstrual cup here. […]

  181. […] Month, typically associated with the Pink Ribbon Campaign. As you know, I’m all about Greening Your Routine: overhauling women’s beauty regimens so that our arsenal of toiletries doesn’t […]

  182. Kim Tanti

    It takes time to gather up all the ingrediants to make natural products but it is so worth it. My daughter is 14 and is getting right into natural products. We make our own face and body creams and deodorant. Next is soaps.

  183. janie vezina

    i’m down to my toothbrush.. otherwise my bathroom looks like yours.

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My name is Lindsay and I am a 40-year-old mama of four trying to live an eco-friendly, budget-friendly life! I am a substitute teacher and Child Passenger Safety technician in Calgary, Alberta. Join me on my adventures!

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