Cub Goes to Cowtown: Maman Loup is moving to Calgary!

I am a terrible liar. I am also not particularly good at omission. This is why it’s been five weeks since my last pregnancy journal. My pregnancy isn’t taking place in a vacuum: it includes all the other stuff going on in our lives. And some pretty important stuff that I haven’t been able to talk about until now has been going on!

Yes, we’re having a girl, but that’s not the biggest news!

2015-03-19 10.52.01

Drumroll, please…… In less than one month, we are moving across the country! We currently live in Montreal, but will be relocating to Calgary, Alberta so my husband can pursue a new job opportunity.

moving to Calgary

This is huge! The past few weeks of silence have been ones of waiting with baited breath: would he get the job or not? Did I want him to get the job or was I secretly hoping he wouldn’t and we could stay? Certainly moving isn’t on my list of favourite endeavors to undertake while pregnancy, but the excitement I felt when we finally got 100% confirmation that he’d been hired assured me that this was the right move to make.

Now don’t get me wrong: moving isn’t all rainbows and unicorns. In terms of my pregnancy, it means sacrificing the care of a midwife and the chance to give birth in a utopian birthing centre which we visited mere days before finding out a move might be imminent. Were we to stay in Montreal, Cub 2.0 would’ve been born here:

Birthing Centre Room

Can you believe it? Isn’t it GORGEOUS? [This is the Maison de naissance du Boisé in Blainville.] Although I’m confident they will fast track me, a pregnant lady, to adequate healthcare once I arrive in Calgary, I don’t have a lot of hope that I’ll be able to get a midwife.

The roughest part of moving is leaving friends and family-in-law behind. When I moved to Montreal from Vancouver, it was heart wrenching to leave my family. But I can’t say that I left behind a close group of friends: I didn’t really have one. My best friend, yes, but regardless we live very different lives so even in the same city we speak on the phone more than we see each other. When I moved to Montreal I made my closest adult friends and when I had Cub I met three amazing women who have become my dearest confidantes. I’ve always imagined Cub growing up with his three “Wolf Pack” buds, and now I know this is not meant to be. Adrienne, one of the Mommy Wolf Pack, was also supposed to be my doula.

Cub is at a good age to move. He’s not in school yet and I doubt he’ll be too overwhelmed by the change. But I am heartbroken for him to leave his daycare! It’s not easy to find someone to care for your children whom you trust just as much as yourself to ensure his wellbeing. I’m sure there are wonderful caregivers in Calgary, but it will never be the same as what we have with Nathalie. Cub is surrounded by his gang of five other children of different ages, and they have a blast all day. He doesn’t even want to see me when I go pick him up. Her devastation at learning we were leaving was enough to show me how much my son is loved.

Despite those sad things, I know that regardless of where and with what type of care provider I give birth, my husband will help me have the best birth experience possible. I know that the marvels of technology and possibility of return visits will help ease the pain of leaving loved ones behind and that Cub will find new friends and perhaps a new adventure in the form of preschool awaits us in Cowtown.

Now you might think I skipped one pretty awful part of moving in my list of “cons,” you know, the whole MOVING thing. Well, I don’t know that I would’ve agreed to the move at all while pregnant if it weren’t for the fact that, as part of the hiring package, our move will be 99% taken care of. So I cannot and will not complain about this amazing perk!

My excitement about moving to Calgary overshadows my reluctance and fear because this move brings me so much closer to my family in Vancouver. For my parents to be only a 75-minute plane ride away versus what seems like a day-long 5-hour journey feels almost miraculous. People can even road trip to come see us, if they want to tackle a 12-hour trek through the Rockies! (My brother apparently does!) It is no longer ridiculous to plan a visit home for a long weekend, no longer impossible to say to my parents: “Let’s meet half way!” (We already are talking about a “meet halfway” holiday in the Okanagan.)

I don’t know a ton about Calgary, but I have made myself a couple friends in advance of arriving, thanks to the network of Moms across Canada who follow my blog! I am so excited for my first “Mommy date” with a Mama whose son is the same age as Cub, is also due with her second in July and shares my “born in BC” love of White Spot.

We currently live in an 800 square-foot condo, and we’ve always known that we would have to eventually make the move to something bigger. I guess this is the kick in the pants we needed! Once we arrive in Calgary, we have three months of temporary housing, and the house hunt has already begun online.

So, if you live in or around Calgary, tell me:

  • Where would you recommend living? My husband wants to commute dowtown via transit so he can leave me with the car. I want to still be in a neighbourhood where it’s possible to walk to most necessities such as groceries, coffee shops, the library and parks. We would like Cub to go to school in a Francosud school if possible.
  • What are the best activities in Calgary for a kid Cub’s age (2.5 years)?
  • Which are your favourite Calgary-based baby brands or shops? I really want to run a “Maman Loup Moves to Calgary” promotion!

17 responses to “Cub Goes to Cowtown: Maman Loup is moving to Calgary!”

  1. Karine Boivin Forcier

    Well, I’m not living in Calgary and I’m not moving, but I so much understand your point about daycare. I learned last week my caregiver is moving away and I just cried. I trust her as much as myself to take care of my daughter and my daughter also loves her and her kids. I’m very sad and anxious about finding another place for her and baby #2 coming in July. Luckily, I will be on maternity leave when the daycare will close so I actually have a year and a half to find.
    Good luck with your moving!

  2. Jenna D

    ooooh! BIG news indeed 🙂 Congrats on your newest adventure! I’m no use for helpful advice as it relates to Calgary, but I’m sure you’ll have lots of help with that from your readers.
    Wishing you lots of luck in the hectic chaos of packing, moving and getting settled <3

  3. Raegan Graham

    We live in Edmonton.. BUT, with that said, we have made a TON of trips to Calgary! The Calgary Zoo, is AMAZING! I would also recommend a trip to Babes in Arms, such an AMAZING store. And of course a trip to Edmonton, and hit up Two Mothers, Where I work partime and the store owner who is ABSOLUTELY amazing! We have a wonderful baby wearing community in Edmonton, but I have also heard amazing things about the babywearing community in Calgary. But yes, the first thing on your list of MUST’s is the Zoo! 🙂 I should also mention that Banff is only about an hour drive from Calgary, and is a MUST go to place, both in the summer and the winter. It’s beautiful.. I would try and go though, in the middle of the week, when there are less tourists.. So many beautiful hikes and cute little shops in the middle of Banff Town.. 🙂

  4. Mary Chaisson

    Maman Loup! Crazy news!!! I lived in Calgary for almost 8 years, but we left in 2008. I know some things have changed with transit (C-train expanded, etc.). My favorite neighbourhoods were always Kensington, Bridgeland, and Marda Loop! I think you belong in the latter. The amenities in Marda Loop were always great, and it’s a quick bus trip to 17th ave. (uptown) and not long to downtown either. The Calgary Farmer’s Market was always a great place to head on the weekends. If you are looking for childcare (full time daycare) ever, get yourself on the wait list at the YMCA in Eau Clair. My now 12 year old went there for a good while before we moved “home”. Very professional, safe, well staffed, and the children get pool time every week!!! Get yourself a family membership to the Calgary Zoo, and be sure to check out the Science Center. Glenbow museum offers some children’s programs I am sure as well. In the spring/summer, be sure to check out different festivals around the city. Lilac Festival was always one of my faves, on 4th St. S.W. . Prince’s Island Park is a nice place to hang out in the summer too, and again, there are always festivals and things going on. I know that a lot has changed since I was there last/lived there, but it is easy to find things to do. Check out
    My theory, knowing what I know about Calgary now, and that the C-train track has expanded a lot, would be to stick close to a station. That gives you the fastest access to anywhere you want to get, and should mean limited transfers. Best of luck!!! Nice that you’ll be closer to your family. xo

    1. Rebecca Sandberg

      I agree those are great neighbourhoods. (A little biased as I live in bridgeland and I love love love it. Its one train stop to downtown. They are also building condo’s a block from the park that are decent. Bridgeland has community gardens and a weekly farmers market. The zoo within walking distance and there are two grocery stores within 2 km.

    2. Stefanie Skinner

      The Calgary Farmers’ Market has moved. 🙁 It’s now way over east of Fairview off Blackfoot and Heritage in the SE.

      1. Mary Chaisson

        Yes, I read that. 🙁 Also just realized that Casablanca had moved, and has now closed. 🙁 Is Original Joe’s still in Marda Loop? Best nachos ever.

  5. Mylène Bélanger

    Félicitation! Je sais maintenant que le «problème» d’avoir juste 2 chambres est donc réglé 😉

  6. Maegan K

    Welcome to this great city! We love it! There are a never ending amount of adventures to be had in and around Calgary especially if you love the outdoors! The mountains are a short drive away and there are many great parks throughout the city and along the river valley. Bridgeland is a great area for families but there are truly many great neighbourhoods for the kind of living you are hoping for. My daughter is 16 months old so we are just beginning to explore toddler activities but I love the Zoo, Riley Park especially in the summer is amazing, the Glenmore reservoir is a beautiful place to walk and have picnics. We live really close to Nose Hill and have taken countless hikes throughout the year and enjoy the amazing views of the mountains and downtown from the top. There are so many great places to be explored here and we have only just begin really making the most of our beautiful home. Best of luck with your move! Can’t wait to hear all about your new adventure!

  7. Maegan K

    Babes in Arms and the Calgary cloth diaper depot are two local businesses I proudly support and I am thrilled to be plugging here as a repeat happy customer of both! Also I have been blessed with maternity care through Birth Partnership Midwives for both of my births and I am so blessed to have them supporting me in this very special time. It never hurts to fill out a form as sometimes unexpected openings become available 🙂

  8. How exciting! (And thanks for the map, because I had no idea how far a move you would be making!). We moved when I was 6 months pregnant with my first child, and that was ROUGH (but mostly because we had to do all the physical labor ourselves. We had friends to help move furniture, but I still had to help scrub the old place and unpack at the new one!) Having someone else take care of your move sounds GLORIOUS! Can’t wait to hear about all your new adventures 🙂

  9. Mélanie Beetz

    Une belle et nouvelle aventure pour votre famille…!

  10. Emily Smejkal

    We are in Calgary and are very excited to have you!
    Calgary Cloth Diaper Depot and Babes in Arms are our two favorite local baby shops.
    There is an amazing community of moms here and tons to do with littles.

  11. Stefanie Skinner

    White Spot here we come! I cannot wait for your arrival!

  12. Krista Tataryn

    Look in Bridgeland 🙂 We love it. It’s very walkable and bonus is from my house to downtown on transit is maybe 15 minutes once I’m on the bus. We have an awesome cloth diaper store in the neighbourhood. Babes in Arms is an awesome brick and mortar store. It’s dangerous having them so close especially with needing more fluff for number 3 due in July 🙂 I second the Calgary zoo we love it and have season passes. My daughter loves watching the meerkats.

  13. Cowgirl America

    1. Driving through the Rockies is A-MAZ-ING my mom and I went through Banff on our way from Saskatchewan to Oregon.
    2. I have family in and around Calgary that have used midwives. I can put you in contact with them if you like!
    3. Congrats to your hubby on the new job!

  14. Brynn

    I love love love Rocky Mountain Soap Co, which has all kinds of toxin free products, including baby stuff, which we use for our little one. I also love love love Baby and Me Maternity in the NW, as well as Babes in Arms, both great stores for moms and babes.

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My name is Lindsay and I am a 40-year-old mama of four trying to live an eco-friendly, budget-friendly life! I am a substitute teacher and Child Passenger Safety technician in Calgary, Alberta. Join me on my adventures!

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