
16 Weeks Pregnant: My Favourite Things About the 2nd Trimester

16 weeks pregnantWeek 16 has been pleasantly uneventful. Uneventful enough for me to simply appreciate being pregnant for the last time (at least, as far as we’re planning).

 My Favourite Things About the 2nd Trimester

1 – My belly is cute but neither obtrusive, nor easily mistakable for having overeaten. 

2- I can make a satisfying grunting noise whenever I get up or bend over.

3- Every time I have gas, I get to wonder if it’s the baby kicking me.

4- I can still lie on my back comfortably without suffocating.

5- Baby isn’t taking up so much room that I can’t enjoy the enormous meals I’m entitled to. 

What are you favourite things about the second trimester?

9 responses to “16 Weeks Pregnant: My Favourite Things About the 2nd Trimester”

  1. Cheri

    I remember those days of wanting to have more of a tummy and obvious kicks, etc. Now I’m 36 weeks pregnant and can’t remember all the symptoms to get to this point. It’s funny how women always want the pregnancy “look” and it’s inevitable it will come but then it’s tiring to be here day in and day out.

  2. Stephanie

    I’m 4 weeks behind you (12 weeks today) so I’m still in the 1st trimester where I’m dealing with nausea most of the day! I’ll let you know what I like about the 2nd trimester soon! When did your belly start to pop?

    1. Lindsay Gallimore

      Actually at about 12 weeks- BUT this is my second pregnancy. It was definitely later with my first!

      1. Stephanie

        Thanks – good to know. I’m excited for that to happen to me!

  3. Hailey

    All of the above! Described perfectly…. Im 18 weeks with my first! 🙂

  4. Beth R

    Oh you look so cute! So glad that you are having a good week!

  5. Ha – those are awesome perks!

  6. Anne Sweden

    Has the sickness lessened? I sure hope so!

    1. Lindsay Gallimore

      It totally has! I puked this morning… but I think because I took my coffee on an empty tummy.

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