
11 weeks pregnant: Ch-ch-changes!

11 Weeks Pregnant

Do you know what being 11 weeks pregnant means? It means my first trimester is almost over, which ideally means so is my nausea and vomiting! When shall I dare to skip a dose of Diclectin to find out? Just you wait and see! You can all place your bets on whether or not I vomit, and if I pee at the same time or not.

At the end of week 10 I had my first ObGyn appointment. I know I mentioned earlier that I would really like to deliver at a birthing centre with a midwife, and I had already added my name to as many waiting lists as possible. Well, after seeing my OBGyn, the same I had with Cub, I realized that maybe I didn’t want a midwife after all! I had an extremely positive hospital experience with Cub, and I can’t know if I’ll love my potential midwife as much as I adore Dr. B! As far as I know, she is one of, if not THE only ObGyn on the island of Montreal who attends every single one of her patient’s births. Most doctors work on rotations, so if it’s your night off and one of your patients is in labour, your colleague delivers for you.

I didn’t expect to get a call from a birthing centre so soon: I figured I’d be a lot further along than 11 weeks… but the call came today! So I have to make up my mind, and fast.

Drumroll please… I’m going to call the birthing centre tomorrow to confirm my first midwife appointment! I am so excited for this totally new (and I’m sure totally positive) prenatal care experience.

So that’s one of the changes that’s come about during my eleventh week of pregnancy (baby is a brussel sprout right now, which explains the gas). The second is that I’ve decided I need to go back to working outside of the home once per week for the duration of the pregnancy. Don’t get me wrong: working exclusively from home is awesome. I’ve been doing it since September, 2014…. but my husband and I both started to realize that despite all of the benefits, the con is that I don’t get out of the house. Ever. And I am way too comfortable with that. I am not agoraphobic, but one of my generalized anxiety and OCD symptoms is to avoid social situations. And while I’m doing fine in terms of my mental health, I need to keep practicing being around people. (Not just virtual people, though I do love you all!) I am not the most socially graceful person, to be honest, and I suspect that if I continue a life working 100% from home, my social graces will shrink to the point of ogre-like.

I will be going back to private tutoring at the school where I was once a teacher, just once a week. I am really looking forward to seeing all my colleagues again, and getting to go downtown!

And, just for posterity, let the record show that week 11 was the week I battled the stomach flu. It was gross.

Did you deliver with an ObGyn or a midwife?


6 responses to “11 weeks pregnant: Ch-ch-changes!”

  1. Two midwife hospital births for me! I hope so much to deliver at our new birth centre this year!

  2. Meaghan

    Last time, I was in the care of midwives (AMAZING!!!) but since babe was breech, I ended up delivering at St-Justine … as much as I did not want to birth in a hospital, given the circumstances, this hospital was amazing and allowed me a beautiful vaginal breech birth. And my midwife was with me for most of that experience, too. This time I’m with a midwife again, and hoping to give birth at the birth centre!

  3. Stephanie

    We are seeing a midwife at a free-standing birth center. Just 7 weeks along right now. So exciting!

  4. LillySong7

    #1 I was followed by a midwife but ended up at the hospital with a lovely OB & a fantastic nurse. #2 was followed by a different midwife & delivered at the Maison de Naissance. Which birthing centre did you get into? One close to your house I hope for your sake. One of the great things about the midwife visits the 2nd time around was that they had toys & space to play, so my older son could be happy & we both looked forward to our visits. Plus my midwife didn’t mind when he opened drawers in her office, used her stethoscope & measuring tape or emptied her Kleenex box while we were discussing things 🙂

  5. Steph MacDonald

    We had an OB for #1, and while he wasn’t bad, he was just there to catch the baby, really, and I felt like I could have used more support during the actual labour. I feel like I was talked into an epidural bc the anesthetist was leaving for the night after he’d prepped a woman for a section. So I got on a waiting list for a midwife with #2 and my OB’s feelings were actually hurt…I would have handled that part differently! There have been downsides to midwife care (I feel like things like my depression got dropped because of team care), but the birth and post-natal care were worth it! I am thankful for registered midwives in Ontario! And I hope they are the future of birth care here. Much more cost-effective than the current system. Why don’t we have midwives working on our L&D wards?

  6. Claudia Joyal

    Super happy for you! I delivered at the hospital with a doctor for my daughter but i wanted to go to a birthing center with a midwife. They just didn’t have space for me. The hospital i went to was awesome though, letting me deliver without any intervention and being totally on board with my birth plan. Hopefully i’ll get a place with the midwives for bb2!

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