Ah, let the belly photos begin! I wasn’t diligent about documenting belly growth with Cub, I think I wound up with a monthly photo. I’m aiming for weekly this time, and today I finally felt well enough to at least take a selfie. (Because I had felt well enough to have a shower, thus making myself somewhat camera ready.)
My husband thinks I’m sticking my gut out in this shot, but I had just eaten my requisite bland lunch of white pasta with white cheese and white perogies and white sour cream. (My plates are very monochrome right now, and carb-loaded.)
I’ve honestly had a miserable week, but I’m working on the power of positive thinking. It is really hard to think positive through nausea and vomiting. They’re like the worst symptoms, ever. I don’t know a single person who’s like, “Oh yeah, I can totally handle nausea.” I can overcome pain (ie: childbirth) with the power of my mind, but nausea and vomiting is just the WORST. Blah, blah, blah, whine, whine, whine. I know. My husband, who is in Montreal while Cub and I are with my parents in Vancouver, requested that I start telling him positive things about my day instead of how many times I puked. He was right: it helps to focus on the good bits.
The good-est bit of all is that we are currently staying with my parents. Sometimes even a Mom needs her Mommy. My parents are taking awesome care of me and Cub, and I honestly don’t know how I’d be managing if I weren’t staying with them right now!
I’ve started on Diclectin, 4 pills over 24 hours, just trying to find the perfect distribution of the doses to minimize discomfort. I’m less drowsy from them than I was even at the start of this week, so that’s a good sign. I’m eagerly awaiting my order of Preggie Pops from Well.ca, too!
As for the fact that there’s a little human growing inside me, I’m still a bit ambivalent. I keep trying to imagine what it will be like to divide my parenting amongst TWO beings. I know there are parents with four, five, six kids and more and they are ROCKING it. I just can’t quite wrap my head around a pair rather than a singleton!
If you’re pregnant, how are things going for you?

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