8 Weeks Pregnant. How can something so tiny cause so much trouble?

8 Weeks PregnantAh, let the belly photos begin! I wasn’t diligent about documenting belly growth with Cub, I think I wound up with a monthly photo. I’m aiming for weekly this time, and today I finally felt well enough to at least take a selfie. (Because I had felt well enough to have a shower, thus making myself somewhat camera ready.)

My husband thinks I’m sticking my gut out in this shot, but I had just eaten my requisite bland lunch of white pasta with white cheese and white perogies and white sour cream. (My plates are very monochrome right now, and carb-loaded.)

I’ve honestly had a miserable week, but I’m working on the power of positive thinking. It is really hard to think positive through nausea and vomiting. They’re like the worst symptoms, ever. I don’t know a single person who’s like, “Oh yeah, I can totally handle nausea.” I can overcome pain (ie: childbirth) with the power of my mind, but nausea and vomiting is just the WORST. Blah, blah, blah, whine, whine, whine. I know. My husband, who is in Montreal while Cub and I are with my parents in Vancouver, requested that I start telling him positive things about my day instead of how many times I puked. He was right: it helps to focus on the good bits.

The good-est bit of all is that we are currently staying with my parents. Sometimes even a Mom needs her Mommy. My parents are taking awesome care of me and Cub, and I honestly don’t know how I’d be managing if I weren’t staying with them right now!

I’ve started on Diclectin, 4 pills over 24 hours, just trying to find the perfect distribution of the doses to minimize discomfort. I’m less drowsy from them than I was even at the start of this week, so that’s a good sign. I’m eagerly awaiting my order of Preggie Pops from Well.ca, too!

As for the fact that there’s a little human growing inside me, I’m still a bit ambivalent. I keep trying to imagine what it will be like to divide my parenting amongst TWO beings. I know there are parents with four, five, six kids and more and they are ROCKING it. I just can’t quite wrap my head around a pair rather than a singleton!

If you’re pregnant, how are things going for you?


9 responses to “8 Weeks Pregnant. How can something so tiny cause so much trouble?”

  1. Adrienne

    Awwww, cute little belly! Morning sickness is seriously the pits. If carbs are the only thing you can stomach, then carb away! But it might help to know that simple carbohydrates and sugars actually aggravate pregnancy nausea. Protein will help keep the pukes at bay, and you’ll feel fuller for longer, which will keep the nausea from creeping back in.

    1. Lindsay

      I’m trying to find some proteins that I can stomach. Cheese and eggs are okay and I’ve eaten a bit of chicken!

      1. Kara

        almonds and peanut butter saved me!

  2. Katrina

    Peppermints and lemonade were a huge help for me! Hope you can find a balance soon. You a 3wks ahead of me (round 4) ahhhh lol

  3. Annie

    Oh no. Big ehugs. I’m 12+1 with my second and I’m constantly worried something is wrong. No morning sickness, nothing. You almost wouldn’t know I’m preg. I didn’t believe it for the longest time.

  4. hayley s

    Ugh, I totally hear you… I’m just about 8 weeks too, and this week has been awful… Pair the terrible nausea with being totally constipated and a 20 month old feeling sick, and I’m ready for second trimester! Good luck getting through these next couple weeks!

  5. Rachel

    Did I miss when you told the den that you were pregnant again? I feel like i missed it hah Congratulations!!!

  6. You’ll do awesome with two! The second one is always easier anyways 🙂

  7. Melanie

    Congratulations!!! Hope you are feeling better soon!

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My name is Lindsay and I am a 40-year-old mama of four trying to live an eco-friendly, budget-friendly life! I am a substitute teacher and Child Passenger Safety technician in Calgary, Alberta. Join me on my adventures!

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