
6 Weeks Pregnant. Blech. and Yay!

2014-11-23 15.02.04

So I’m writing this post at 6 weeks pregnant, but by the time I publish I’ll be a little further along. I can’t have my blog readers find out the happy news before my extended family!

As you might already know, we’ve been trying to conceive since May. Obviously, I’m pleased to finally be pregnant… every single time I would read a Facebook post about someone being pregnant, I got a kick in the ovaries. Jealous! (I hate jealousy, it’s probably my least favourite emotion… right up there with guilt.)

And yet, I find myself a bit ambivalent. Intellectually, I’m happy to be pregnant. Physically, I feel disgusting. Emotionally I feel like a bit of a wreck!

I remember when I was pregnant with Cub, and I would come home from work and lie on the couch until it was time to go to bed. I remember thinking how much this would suck if I already had a kid. Well, I guess at least I had no illusions about being pregnant with a toddler being easy!

I am sad to have had to wean Cub. I had hoped to nurse him during my pregnancy, but the absolute exhaustion and nausea I’ve been experiencing has shown me that my body is just not equipped to nurse a two-year-old (even if it’s just once a day) and grow his sibling. I am already super slim and have not been able to put on any weight while nursing: I just don’t think I have the reserves!

I had been looking forward to getting pregnant because I felt like once I had conceived, I would feel comfortable letting myself relax a bit, do a little bit less. Turns out I have a hard time with that! My husband works 12 hour days and is pursuing his EMBA, so while he is (of course) willing to chip in as much as he can, in many practical ways, he cannot. He’s not home from work early enough to pick up Cub at Day Care, for example. (And while I definitely have morning sickness, my supper-time sickness is worse!)

I’m also experiencing the impending guilt of how Cub will feel about a sibling this summer. I am already talking to him about the baby in my tummy, but I don’t think this means anything to him. I’m sure every single mother experiences these emotions:

  • How can I love another baby as much as I love this one?
  • What if he thinks I don’t love him, and that’s why I had another baby?
  • Will he reject me after the baby is born?
  • Will he be overcome with jealousy?
  • What happens when there’s no room for him in my lap?

On a professional level, I’m wondering to what extent I will be able to maintain my career as a Social Media Manager and as a blogger. I’m confident that the blog will thrive with the new subject matter that is pregnancy and a newborn, but I don’t know whether I will be able to, or want to, continue working for other companies. I don’t think I’m entitled to a true “Maternity Leave” as I was with Cub when I had previously been teaching. In fact, I really have to get on figuring out what I am entitled to as a small business owner!

And since ambivalence is all about a bunch of contradictory emotions (I had to check the dictionary, just to make sure), I’m also excited. My second and most of my third trimesters were awesome with Cub: I felt radiant, fairly energetic and very happy. I know there’s light at the end of the first trimester toilet-bowl-hugging tunnel. Cub’s birth was also a very positive experience. This time, I’ve put myself on the waiting lists of every Birthing Centre in my area, as I’d like to give birth in a centre with a midwife. I might be well into my third trimester before they call me, so I will be followed by my lovely (but extremely busy) ObGyn until then. Not to mention that my BFF, Adrienne, has agreed to be my Doula!

I think like for a lot of Moms, this pregnancy still doesn’t feel real yet. Well yes, I really feel the symptoms, but the idea that there’s a baby in there is still super abstract. I’m looking forward to sharing this pregnancy with the online community I have built since Cub’s birth: the awesome bits and the terrible bits.

Are you pregnant or trying to conceive?

14 responses to “6 Weeks Pregnant. Blech. and Yay!”

  1. Karine

    Tu exprimes exactement ce que je vis actuellement (10 semaines de grossesse), toutes les émotions par lesquelles je suis passée. Je n’ai pas eu à sevrer ma fille pour l’instant, mais ma production diminue et elle le sent. Mon conjoint est aussi absent 3 jours/semaine pour ses études, et il travaille quand il est chez-nous, alors je comprend très bien ce que tu vis! Pas facile, mais on a entendu le coeur jeudi passé, et subitement ce deuxième petit bout de vie est devenue vraiment plus réel 🙂

  2. Mylène Bélanger

    Félicitation!!!! <3

  3. Psychsarah

    Congrats! Hope you feel better soon!

  4. Congratulations!! Hoping you are feeling better soon!

  5. Mylène Bélanger

    Mon deuxième est un bébé d’aout et j’ai trouvé que ça facilitait à ce que ma grande ne se sente pas mis de côté que le deuxième arrive en été puisque l’on pouvait aller au parc tous les jour pareil puisque bébé était dans l’écharpe et que je l’allaitait à la demande peu importe le lieu. Ma première est né en février et avoir vécu la situation inverse, j’aurais trouvé ça dure. L’année qu’elle est née, il y a eu tellement de tempête et de grand froid que l’on sortait seulement si nécessaire comme l’épicerie, donc avoir été confiné à la maison avec un nouveau-né et ma fille de 2,5 ans aurait certainement créé plus de tension et de jalousie.

  6. Susanne C.M.T.

    One encouraging thing a friend told me was that after baby #2 is born, it will only take Cub a couple weeks before he feels like baby was always here. He won’t remember the big change after a while.
    Pregnancy #2 is definitely harder than #1 wrt napping. I enjoyed my long evening naps with #1 too. Hang in there! It will be better during trimester 2 & 3. As for midwives… is there no mason de nuisance in your area? You have to be on a waiting list? I hope you get in! Surely you will.

  7. Yay, congrats on the exciting news (though of course, BOO for feeling awful!) 🙁 For what it’s worth, though – there will ALWAYS be plenty of room on your lap for both kids 🙂 You’ll find a new way to snuggle up and it’ll be different but it will still be lovely 😉 (I have a picture of my post-C section self with a pillow on my lap, Emily on top of it nursing, and Nathan laying across it for a snuggle. And we weren’t even on the COUCH, we were in a chair! It was a big comfy chair, not a kitchen chair, but still! It was cozy and sweet and it worked) 🙂 So I hope you start to feel better soon, and you’ll find a new normal before you know it!

  8. First off – CONGRATULATIONS!! What amazing news!

    All of those questions that you have are SO normal! I am going to share this beautiful blog post on our MommiesFirst Facebook Page because I truly believe that other women who are newly pregnant should read this to know that they are not alone. Thank you for sharing!

  9. Wahoo! I am so, so excited for you!
    Hopefully you’re already starting to feel a bit better now – make sure to self-five (or belly high-five?) periodically. You are growing a person while being an awesome mama to Cub, keeping a house mostly in order, and busting your butt online. That’s a lot to be awesome at while being exhausted and/or pukey <3

  10. Monica Miller

    We’re trying to conceive, since September. Apparently it takes about 2-3 months of being off the pill for everything to be working normally and on schedule again – so hopefully everything falls into place soon! Patience is not one of my virtues, ha ha.

    1. Monica Miller

      Also, I already said this on Facebook – but CONGRATS!

  11. This is thrilling news! its a whirlwind of feelings and they never go away. With more than one child I believe your brain never ever stops working. Its an amazing ride and I am so thrilled for you Lindsay.

  12. Janna Law

    Congratulations! I had all of those questions too and now I am so happy and in love with both of my boys.

  13. Kylah Sorenson

    Yup, TTC this month! PS. Congratulations!!

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My name is Lindsay and I am a 40-year-old mama of four trying to live an eco-friendly, budget-friendly life! I am a substitute teacher and Child Passenger Safety technician in Calgary, Alberta. Join me on my adventures!

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